Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1004: Newly added 5-story building

"Very well, let's start upgrading. I will also see what I have gained this time." There was too much in this battle, and Du You never opened the ball or opened the treasure chest.

The level of the hidden mission to clean up the Griffon Valley this time was very high. Although it took advantage of its own territory, the quality of this mission did not decline. It can be said that it has reached five levels.

Opening the treasure chest, it turned out to be a blue treasure chest, with another income of 30,000 Kyanite coins. These aquamarine coins are all exclusive crystal coins, Du You put them away, and later they will be useful when he reaches the fifth rank, plus the last one, this amount is quite a lot.

After that, Du You continued to look at the treasure chest, and a blueprint appeared in the treasure chest.

Griffon King's Lair Blueprint (Tier 5): You can build Griffon King's Lair in your territory.

"It's actually a word short of the Griffin Lair, but it doesn't matter. It's better to build in this territory. It always feels that there are many powerful existences hidden behind this world, and it is necessary to be stronger."

Du You didn't have the idea of ​​sending this fifth-order building to other worlds, and it was still built in this world. Faintly, Du You felt that the location for the construction of this nest is best in Griffon Canyon, and it is better to be in the original location of the Griffin King's nest. As for the question that the lair was on the top of the mountain, Du You didn't care about it.

Although the location is very special, it takes only a few days at most to build a building here. The wealthy Du You directly used some ordinary griffins and griffin riders as porters to help the craftsmen in their construction.

At the end is a scroll, the king summons.

Call of the King: Summon a team of Griffins, including 10 Griffin Kings at level 48, 100 Wind King Griffins at level 39, and 1000 High Griffins at level 30. The duration is 24 hours. (1/1)

"A Tier 5 summoning scroll. I haven't seen such a high-level one-time item for a long time. Unfortunately, I can't use it." Du You put the scroll away. This scroll is Tier 5, and he is Tier 4 now, so of course he can't use it anymore.

If you can meet something suitable and exchange it with others, it may be more cost-effective.

In Du You's view, the value of this thing is really not very good. When he reaches Tier 5, the combat power summoned by such a scroll will hardly be his opponent. With a slight improvement, this kind of combat power won't help him.

Then, Du You began to open the **** that burst out. As a large number of **** came out, the topaz in Du You's hand once again exploded, finally giving Du You the feeling of a nouveau riche again.

Shadow Ring: A shadow attack is attached when the arrow attacks, and the attack power is 20% of the original attack. (Dark yellow)

"It just so happens, Yu Shi you still lack a ring, this is for you." Du You threw it to Lin Yushi casually.

Lin Yushi waved her hand quickly: "No, no, no, my sister's attack power is stronger than mine, and this additional attack has a better effect."

Lin Yucha said indifferently: "When I attack the enemy, either the target will die, or I can block or hide it. It doesn't make much sense to increase this. But you are different. Shadow attacks can directly increase your attack density."

After Lin Yucha's persuasion, Lin Yushi put on the ring. Of course she knew that it was her sister who was letting herself.

That's the harvest from the destruction of Griffon Canyon. Although the other things are good, few people look down upon them. After all, the explosion rate of good equipment is not that high, so Du You was sent to the company to deal with it.

Anyway, the company is its own, and its own things are indispensable. The griffon nest began to advance, and the griffon king's nest began to be built, and everything was thriving.

But what Du You didn't expect was that during the rest of the next time, he suddenly found an advanced material from the company's collection. Du You, who had no hope at all, was really lucky this time.

This is something the company bought back. It looks like a black circle on the surface, and I don't know what it was made of. Even the origin is not clear. It was originally bought for research, and it happened to be seen by Du You.

Now that he saw it, Du You couldn't let it go. Just taking advantage of the next few days, Du You sent this black circle and his disintegration spell into his skill hall and began to evolve.

In the next two days, the evolution of the Griffin Lair was finally completed, and the second Tier 5 unit building appeared in his territory. Of course, this is a subsidiary unit building, which is considered a biological building.

Griffin Lair (Fifth Tier):

Battle Griffin Level 10: 3000 pieces/month, full price of 100 white crystal coins/piece

Battle Griffin Level 20: 2000 pieces/month, full price of 100 Hongjing Coins/piece

Advanced Griffin Level 20: 1500 pieces/month, full price of 100 Hongjing Coins/piece

Advanced Griffin Level 30: 500 pieces/month, full price of 150 green crystal coins/piece

Griffon Mount Level 18: 2000 pcs/month, full price 250 crystal coins/pc

Advanced Griffon Mount Level 26: 500 pieces/month, full price of 300 green crystal coins/piece

Wind King Griffon Level 39: 400 per month, full price of 300 topaz per month

Griffin King Level 48: 50 per month, full price of 2000 Kyanite Coins per month

"This is really a comprehensive improvement. The number of Griffins at each level has increased a lot. High-level Griffin mounts can train 500 Griffin riders every month, as long as the knights can keep up. It's a pity that the knights can keep up. Somewhat less."

There is no way can train the new unit of Griffon King through the eggs of Griffon King, and thanks to taking the entire Griffon Valley, otherwise they will not have this ability at all.

After recruiting the Griffin King, Du You found out that this Griffin King was far from being an opponent of the Salamander Cavalry when he fought alone. But the flight speed is faster, more flexible, and more maneuverable.

"In the next battle, if it is not necessary, we can hide the Griffin King so that no one will find it. Then we will establish the kingdom, and someone will definitely come to test us. If we are in danger, there will be a hidden force. People turn the crisis into peace." Salia heard the words and nodded gently.

The strength shown now is enough to destroy the Hanhai Kingdom, and it is also enough to threaten many people, and even bring huge pressure to the empire. Can't continue to provoke the nerves of the empire.

If Tier 5 arms reach thousands, then it is possible to threaten Tier 6 masters. This kind of strength, how could the empire let it go. "Lord Lord, let's hide more. If there are no accidents this time, let us release a few less." Salia is even more worried that too many Tier 5 troops will be released, which will have an impact on the territory in the future.

Even though revenge is hopeful, Saria still keeps a clear head, which makes Du You very satisfied.

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