Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1006: The shock of the empire

"So, Du You is about to establish a nation? No, this is absolutely not possible. This is not in line with the process. He is just a marquis now." An old nobleman yelled and resolutely expressed his opposition.

"You are an idiot. Tier 5 is qualified to establish a kingdom, not to mention that there are so many Tier 5. Although they are all alchemy products, a thousand Tier 5 flame giants, even if they are Tier 6 masters in the past. , It may not be able to win. If it weren't for those flame giants who couldn't control it, what level of territory do you think they are now."

Hearing this, the old nobleman closed his mouth. Yes, strength is the most important thing.

Although he has been a nobleman for so many years, his thinking has been very rigid, but he is not an idiot, he naturally knows what is going on. Just thinking of an aristocrat from a commoner background, a person they looked down upon suddenly wanted to build a nation.

Not only is the elderly aristocrat alone, but other people are also very uncomfortable. Why, I haven't reached that level yet. These nobles do not feel that they are not in line with the process, they are more jealous.

"Then Lord City Lord, what do you mean?" Someone looked at Anlut.

Anlut is also very troublesome. The city of mountains is developing very fast, yes, but everything is still under his control. As a Tier 5 master, he doesn't care much about the development of the city of mountains.

But who would have thought that the city of mountains suddenly erupted into this way, let alone oneself, in this piece of land, even the empire could not suppress it.

"We have reported this matter to the empire, and we can only leave it to your Majesty to decide. As for our side, we will not move for the time being. After all, the city of mountains originally belonged to the nobles of our empire and would not attack us randomly.

The biggest problem now is the city of mountains. As for the affairs of the vast sea kingdom, they have no intention to think about it. Even if it is destroyed, it doesn't matter, it's just some islands anyway.

Now an area of ​​the coastline has long been occupied by the city of mountains. Those island empires don't look good at all, it doesn't matter if they are more, it doesn't matter if they are less, let them fight for themselves.

After discussing it for a long time, these people didn't discuss any results, and in the end everyone had no choice but to stop. In the face of powerful strength, it would be strange if the results can be negotiated.

Although there was no conclusion in the meeting, privately these nobles began to act.

Most of the nobles began to transfer their own industries to the country. At the same time, the nobles also sent their family members to the outer cities of the city of the mountains, preparing to establish diplomatic relations with the city of the mountains.

If Du You checked in the past, he would definitely find that there are many more aristocratic people in the outer city, and beautiful women occupy a large part of it. Because of Saria's relationship, the rumors about Du You from the outside world are very lustful.

On the surface, they have always been on the same front with the Empire. But it would be great if it could have something to do with such a powerful new rising power. It may even come to a new kingdom to develop, which may benefit the family even more. As for the empire, these are all customary things, everyone knows.

Only the next day, all the officials and great nobles gathered in the imperial palace that received the news.

King Trull, the King of the Shenyan Empire, sitting at the forefront, looked at the report in his hand with a distressed expression. This is the first time he has encountered such a headache since he took the throne more than 20 years ago.

The appearance of a middle-aged man from the great Truu the Great, he seems to be in his forties. Of course, this is only the surface. In fact, the age of Emperor Trullo is far more than the surface, only because of the effects of cultivation and some drugs. Every emperor, as long as there are no accidents, has a very long life. After all, this is a world with a very high ceiling.

But as an emperor, his own fighting ability is definitely not enough. Although the Great Emperor Trullo himself has reached the level of Tier 5, in fact, his combat effectiveness may even be inferior to some Tier 4 powerhouses.

"Tell me, how should this matter be resolved." The Great Emperor Trullo said.

The president of the Imperial Noble Association first said: “According to the regulations of the mainland aristocracy, if a territory has a Tier 5 powerhouse, then this Tier 5 can be crowned king. If Tier 5 exists, you can also grant a king to the lord. If you have The complete fifth-order inheritance can be passed on forever, so you have the qualifications to form a kingdom."

"Now the city of mountains has at least 1,000 Tier 5 combat power. Although they are all alchemy products, depending on the current situation, they should be passed on forever. Therefore, I think the kingdom can be divided."

As an aristocrat, the first thing to be concerned about is the interests of the aristocracy. If Du You's interests are harmed this time, what should be done with the interests of others in the future. Therefore, this benefit must be contested by oneself.

"Absolutely not, the division of kingdoms is not a trivial matter. Moreover, as a nobleman of our empire, if Du You wants to divide the territory peacefully with him, then we must divide a certain area from our empire. Loss."

"This statement is not good ~ The southern border of the empire is not a good place, even if it is assigned to him, it does not matter. On the contrary, we can use our relationship to free the empire from the burden and achieve better development. Judging from the performance of Marquis Du You in the past, his personality is still very suitable for cooperation, and he has no ambitions."

Soon, there was a quarrel below. Someone agreed, thinking that this was originally the rule. Some people objected because Du You was born as a civilian, and they simply didn't like Du You at all. Moreover, Du You himself was only a Tier 4 strength.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Du You himself has not reached the fifth rank. That power may be supported by the people behind him. If he is rashly allowed to form a kingdom, there may be some bad consequences."

"Huh, let me say that it's just a civilian, and our own strength is not strong, so it's better for us to look for opportunities." A guy like a general made an obliterate action, which immediately caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

This is already breaking the rules. As the beneficiaries of the rules, no one wants such people to exist. If he really does this kind of thing, then he won't get mixed up in this circle. Finally this person realized that what he said seemed to be wrong, but if he went back now, wouldn't it appear that he was incompetent.

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