Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1007: The king wants to see me?

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Seeing that the atmosphere became strange, Emperor Trullo finally spoke: "Be quiet, don't mention this kind of thing if you obliterate it. This is not in line with the rules." Emperor Trullo first gave everyone a step.

Then Trull continued: "Marquis Du You was probably introduced by someone behind him, but as a leader on the table, he is definitely not an ordinary status. Even if he is given the status of a king, there is nothing wrong with it. With such a powerful force, it may be possible to form an empire if they wish. We need to maintain good relations."

Now, all the voices of opposition were basically suppressed. Yes, no one knows how strong the forces behind Du You are. If a war really breaks out, the loss of the empire will be very large.

Maybe some people are fine, but when there is a little threat to them, these nobles are unwilling.

"As Marquis Du You, once someone secretly attacked and killed him, then the forces behind him would definitely not give up. At that time, our Shenyan Empire was the first to bear the brunt."

Although they don't know if a war will really break out, they absolutely can't take risks. Just imagine, if the king of one's own country is annihilated, the empire must be investigated to the end even if it is for the sake of face.

Du You, who was able to be pushed out by that force as a leader, and seemed to be very prestigious, was definitely not an ordinary identity.

Thinking of this, those who originally opposed Du You seemed to feel a sense of balance. A true civilian background would look down upon them, but it would be completely different if it was from a high-level power.

There are many powerful forces in this world who have not established their own countries, but these forces are not weak in strength. On the contrary, even a powerful empire must be careful in the face of these existences.

Du You still didn't know that he had been made up by the human brain. Of course, people in this world didn't know that if Du You died, then the territory he left behind would be directly plunged into chaos.

Because Du You did not leave any heirs, once the leader dies, the territory will be in a state of no one to manage. And the territory itself will not develop, and in the end, the force will die one by one, and it will only gradually be exhausted.

If they knew, the strategy to face Du You would definitely be a different situation.

"Then your majesty, what should we do now?" the president of the noble association stood up and said.

Truu frowned and thought for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Then give him new territories. The southern territories are really not very good, and there are not many powerful nobles. Those nobles who are willing to come back in the future will recruit. When you come back, you can stay in the new kingdom if you don't want to."

After a pause, Emperor Trull continued: “To show my sincerity, I will personally meet Marquis Du You this time. No, it should be King Du You.” The name of Emperor Trull changed, proving Du You’s status. Has changed.

"I object, how can your majesty go to meet a dangerous person in person, and what to do if something goes wrong."

"I believe that my guards can protect me and there will be no trouble. Moreover, a force that can come up with so many Tier 5 existences is enough for me to meet in person. Only by showing sincerity can we get what we want. Cooperation."

This is true, but a bit too risky. Once the king had a problem, the trouble was not small.

"Don't worry, King Du You doesn't have the courage and motivation." The Great Emperor Truu was very confident.

This is true. After all, the empire has Tier VI. Once Du You really does this kind of thing, the Tier VI masters may not be able to beat those Tier 5 giants in the face-to-face battle, but the assassination is different.

Especially the assassin was a Tier 4 person, even if Du You's strength was strong, it would be difficult to stop it.

But everything that should be there is still needed, and when the king moves, it is not a trivial matter. With the determination of Emperor Truu, the major organizations within the entire empire began to move.

On the other side, Du You was fortunate that after reaching Tier 5, Du You found that his giant's range of motion could interfere a little bit. Although the giant's actions cannot be fully mobilized, it can be slightly restricted.

This is why the giants have been promoted to Tier 5, but they have not moved within the entire territory. The scope of their activities is only a little larger than before. If it weren't for a little control, these giants would now have to go to other people's territories. At that time, I really couldn't explain it.

Nowadays, at least on the surface, he still maintains a good relationship without directly tearing his face.

Just the next day, someone took a fast bird that Du You didn't know, and quickly came to the outer city of his territory. That outer city was actually the central city of the territory, although everyone knew that Du You could not live in the outer city.

"What? His Majesty the King wants to see me? What's the reason." Du You asked strangely when he saw the messenger.

This messenger is very thin, and it may have been specially selected to speed up the air and reduce weight. But although the person is thin, but he has reached the fourth-order strength.

The messenger said respectfully: "Your Majesty, my king is ready to rule by the river. Your strength is enough to establish a kingdom, now is the time to separate. In order to show my King will be in Anya Meet with you."

"Your Majesty? What's this name? Who said I'm going to establish a kingdom."

"My king has determined your new status, a new king of the kingdom. Although you have not been unified yet, you have your own territory and power, and you also have a lot of Tier 5 fighting capabilities, so this is the general trend."

The implication is that continuing to stay in the empire as a marquis is no longer in line with your status, and it is not good for anyone to continue like this. Of course Du You could hear this meaning, but he didn't know the so-called feeling.

Suddenly, Du You thought of something. If he sets up a kingdom by himself, his territory experience will be greatly improved. The reputation and influence of a kingdom surpassed that of a territory.

In this way, the territory can lay a good foundation in order to advance to the sixth rank.

It is not that one's own territory will not continue to improve after reaching the fifth rank. The higher the territory, the greater the benefit to oneself. Think about it now whether it is hunting or harvesting all kinds of items, the territory is helping yourself more and more. If there is no territory, it is very difficult for oneself to add so many coins.

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