Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1008: Rule by river

The establishment of a new kingdom is a big event for anyone. Even the Great Emperor Truu is very busy, there are many things to prepare, and the only one who is not very busy is Du You.

No way, the control of the territory is too high, Du You only needs one order to go on. It is not Du You herself who is really busy, but Saria and the others. Du You was just learning some kingdom etiquette.

Saria took the time to teach Du You some etiquette for meeting at the national level. Saria, who was born as a princess, can be said to be familiar with these things. And Du You's learning ability is very strong now, it only took two days to learn it completely.

The only thing that made Du You depressed was that the original actions against the Hanhai Kingdom came to an abrupt end because of this time the founding of the nation. It is necessary to deal with the immediate matter before proceeding to attack the vast sea kingdom.

During this period of time, I didn't know what else Hanhai Kingdom could prepare, which made Du You a little depressed.

But it won't work if you don't, because the face of the empire is to be given. If this face is not given, if the empire thinks that it wants to go to war against them, the consequences will be really unimaginable. The current territory has not yet reached the strength to go to war with the empire.

Although the Tier 6 master of the empire, he may not be the opponent of these flame giants. But the problem is that there are not only Tier 6 people in the Empire, their Tier 5 masters are definitely not a few, far from their own.

At this moment, Anya City has been under total martial law. Soldiers on patrol can be seen everywhere, and some soldiers are conducting surveys and statistics from house to house. From this day on, except for some special personnel, no one was allowed to enter or leave Anya City. It can be said that the entire city is closed, and the civilians have no idea what happened.

Only a few big nobles in Anya City knew about this, but this kind of thing must not be leaked.

After several days of preparations, the new month had already begun, and Du You's new batch of troops had already been created. With the birth of this batch of troops, the power of the entire territory has become stronger.

But now is not the time to attack the Hanhai Kingdom, and we have to wait. Because of the big event, the Space Array Mage has been transferred. From the empire, a space array map and various materials were sent.

Now the Space Array Mage is building the teleportation array overnight. When the empire knew that he was capable of building a teleportation array, Du You felt that the empire's attitude towards him had changed in an instant. The Space Array Mage who built the teleportation array could not be cultivated by ordinary forces, and it is no wonder that the empire would have such a transformation.

When the Space Teleportation Array was built and connected to the Anya City Teleportation Array, the meeting finally began.

Du You took four salamander cavalry, and the rest were some troops that could not reach Tier 5. However, the military is strong, and she has done perfect ceremonies. These are all made by Saria behind her back.

Saria did not follow, but controlled it in the territory. Du You only came to Anya City with a few deputies.

After arriving in Anya City, various diplomats and intelligence investigators began their activities. For three full days, Du You and Emperor Truu never met at all, and various underground activities emerged endlessly.

"It really feels like a blockbuster spy war." Du You felt a little headache in his forehead as he watched the information that was constantly being sent back. This so-called thrill and wit and courage, Du You had no interest at all.

What he likes most is to find where the enemy is, and then just hit it.

Fortunately, you don't need to do these things yourself, and there are loyal personnel who don't have to worry about betrayal to complete them for yourself. As long as one's own minds and no suspicion, it will be much easier to deal with all kinds of things.

"True Forty-two, the 42nd king of the Shenyan Empire, oh, is it just a king on the face? There are still some undetectable, which is a blank in history. Forget it, no matter what you do, anyway tomorrow We are about to meet officially."

Another day passed, and the next day, Du You finally met the Great Truth in accordance with the etiquette he had learned before. This does not seem to be too old, but in fact he may be older than his grandfather. Different from the majesty in Du You's impression, on the contrary, he looked very kind, and Du You didn't know if it was an illusion.

In the end, the two people didn't talk about anything that was too sensitive, just as if they were a commonplace. It was only at the end that the two most important things were determined. One is the site and the other is the alliance.

"This is the land I want. It's a bit bigger, but it's not an important area." Du You divided a piece of land on the map. The land occupied in the south is not small.

This site alone is as big as a kingdom, not to mention the vast area in the south.

Du You divided this according to his territory. With this division, after his territory reached Tier 6, he still did not exceed this area. This was to plan for the future territory.

But when King Truu saw Du You's division, he didn't care at all, instead he divided one more piece. "Add this piece, so that it will be more complete." From the empire's point of view, the southern land is very barren ~ ~ doesn't care much at all, so it doesn't matter if you give it a little more. The empire wants land, which can be retrieved from other places.

At the same time, Du You also discovered that this piece of land was divided more. The land on the west was even more barren. He also divided the borders of Baishicheng into his own territory. In other words, I will fight the Quicksand Empire in the future.

"Okay, let's add it." Du You agreed, making King Truu even more happy. He knew that Du You must have seen what he meant, and if he wanted to divide the kingdom, he would have to bear some responsibilities if he wanted to get benefits.

The Empire’s greatest enemy, the Quicksand Empire, will also become Du You’s enemy. With Du You's control here, the pressure on the empire will be much less in the future. As for the Quicksand Empire, there is a desert, which the empire looks down on.

After that, everyone was very happy, the two sides re-divided the border according to the new map, and then signed the contract and signed the documents. This first meeting was completely over. Of course, there are many more things behind.

Although this main document has been signed, there are still many details on the back, which will not be completed in a short while. Otherwise, what the two sides brought so many officials and assistants to do, then it is time for them to perform.

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