Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1009: Shenghai Kingdom

"The city of mountains is not easy, and Du You is not easy either."

When everyone had left, Emperor Trullo sat alone in his seat, and a figure suddenly appeared in a seat next to him. This is what this figure said.

It seems that Emperor Trulla was not accidental at all, but he said with some doubts: "Why, did you find something, Second Uncle?"

This man is the younger brother of the previous king. Although he did not choose to inherit the throne, he has cultivated the secret method of family inheritance to a high level through his own efforts. He is now a Tier 6 powerhouse of the empire and the cornerstone of the empire.

Of course, few people inside or outside the emperor knew about the existence of this strong man. This was the foundation of an empire.

The man in black seems to be nodding: "Yes, there is a discovery. The information we have said that only those alchemy products of the city of mountains have reached Tier 5, but it seems that it is not at all. Among the guards he brought, that The four people riding the red salamanders, and the salamanders under them, are all Tier 5, and they are close to the top of Tier 5."

"What? So, isn't it possible for them to have a Tier 6 powerhouse."

At this time, even the Great Emperor Trull was worried. People who are close to the top of Tier 5 are not alchemy products, and can be achieved by technology. All of this needs to be passed on, and it takes years of practice.

People in this world don't know that there is such a magical thing as territory, which can directly create the strong.

Although the man in black can't see his face, his tone is solemn: "There is indeed such a possibility. We must have a good relationship with them in the future, and we must not conflict with them. Our Shenyan Empire is only a force in the east of the mainland, and they want to expand in the future. Just let them go to the west, just as they can be our shield."

They didn't worry about Du You becoming bigger and stronger, the world was not as simple as it seemed.

"And Du You himself is not simple. Although he is only Tier 4, he has a very solid foundation and a strong aura. I feel that there is a special power in him. It should be that his bloodline is different from ordinary people."

Tru nodded, this is not surprising to him, in fact, their royal blood is not simple, not just human blood. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cultivate a sixth-order existence. The secret method of the family is not something ordinary people can practice.

With the end of the talks, Du You announced the establishment of the Shenghai Kingdom for the first time. That's right, Shenghai Kingdom is no longer the name of mountains. Because after the establishment of the new kingdom, the main territory is either the desert or the sea.

Although there is land on the other side, it needs to be overstepped little by little. In the future, the focus will be on the sea, so it is not surprising to call it this name. This name is also misleading, making others think that they are interested in the ocean and will not compete with them on land.

As the name of Shenghai Kingdom was decided, Du You saw another change on the panel.

"This panel is really humane. Although this area is not my territory, the population inside is still divided into my own." The name of the territory changed and it became the Kingdom of Shenghai, and the population column also changed. Up.

Foreign population: 39548345

The foreign population has reached nearly 40 million, which is less than Du You imagined. Originally, Du You thought that such a large area should be divided into his own hands, and the population would reach at least one hundred million, but he obviously thought about it too much.

Also, a large area of ​​his territory is in the desert, and another is in the sea. Although the remaining empire was divided into itself, the South was already barren, and it was pretty good to have so many people.

In the next few days, various agreements were continuously signed and various details were constantly adjusted.

However, the nobles who belonged to the empire began to withdraw one after another, and few chose to stay in the newly established Shenghai Kingdom. Because the rules of the Shenghai Kingdom are completely different from those of the Shenyan Empire.

In the eyes of the nobles, this kind of rule can be said to be cruel. Du You chose a system similar to the constitutional monarchy for a variant, after all, he did not have so much time to manage. Besides, he absolutely controls the territory. On the surface, it seems that power has been dispersed, but in fact, no one dares to object to his own words.

Saria is responsible for the formation of the parliament. Du You usually does not care about things, but all the troops are under Du You's name. The kingdom implements a system of separation of military and government, and this system is nothing, but it treats the nobles differently.

Because in the Shenghai Kingdom, the land is privately owned by Du You and will not be allocated to any nobles. The nobles in the kingdom only enjoy names and various privileges, but they do not have their own territories.

Even if the land is bought, it only has the right to use it, and the land itself does not belong to the nobles themselves. The nobles had no way to build their own private armies, no way to build their own cities.

Although Saria compensated in many other ways, she still scared the nobles away.

But Du You wouldn't pay attention to this. If it weren't for Saria's insistence, even Du You would not allow the noble class in his territory. Later, Du You also understood that the abolition of the aristocratic class was really against the aristocratic class as a whole. At that time, even if he had a territory and a building, he couldn't do anything in this world.

A large number of nobles evacuated but the civilians had no way to evacuate, and Du You didn't care.

Because Du You plans to promote various cultivation methods on a large scale, as long as there is no negative impact on the entire country, basic cultivation methods will be popularized, as well as basic education, etc., all of which will take time.

At that time, new managers and new aristocratic classes will be born from these people. Because these people didn't have their own territory, Du You didn't have the hidden danger of insufficient land distribution like the Shenyan Empire.

The whole process lasted for half a month, and this meeting finally ended. After the final meeting with the Great Emperor Truu, the two parties said goodbye and left Anya City one after another, and Anya City finally lifted the martial law.

But the next thing has no meaning at all. Because the establishment of a kingdom will have various things, these things will not be completely resolved for at least the next one or two years, and can only be dealt with bit by bit.

But now, Du You didn't think about it anymore, and Du You didn't want to delay any longer since the vast sea kingdom had been spared for such a long time. Saria was solving the troublesome matter of the kingdom establishment at this time, and Du You was taking Luo Jia, and went on the road again. A large number of ships are ready, and the soldiers are ready to go. With an order from Du You, the whole army drove into the sea.

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