Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1016: Offshore layout

One day later, the construction of the Frogman Wharf was completed. Du You personally went to the coastal area to check. The style of this pier can be said to be very special. There are many mushroom-like houses around it.

   "Human subspecies type of architecture, using humans to carry out directed mutation, according to the above introduction, the frogman is an evolved species of humans. Okay, make it and see." Du You let the civilians who dare to come into it.

   These civilians are all recruited, very obedient, and there is no hesitation at all.

   Frogman Wharf (Fourth Level):

   Frogman Warrior Level 23: 1000 people/month, full price of 100 green crystal coins/person

   Frogman Warrior Level 34: 500 people/month, full price of 120 topaz/person

   Unlike what Du You thought, it didn't take too long this time. It took almost half the time of the same level of troops to produce it. The Frogman Wharf only has two types of units attached, one Tier 3 and Tier 4, and the strength is not bad.

   But after Du You experimented, he felt depressed. "The strength of this thing is too bad."

"It's very bad, but according to their appearance, they should be a species that is suitable for fighting in the sea. Below the same level, they should be stronger than those murlocs. Just to adapt to the environment in the water, you can't use too much equipment. I'm afraid the strength is really nothing." Lin Yucha looked at the two arms being tested, and felt helpless about it.

   But also, the output of frogmen in this Frogman Wharf is a bit too high. The output of Tier 4 arms buildings is almost comparable to the output of Tier 5 arms buildings, and the price is also low.

   So, this thing's poor strength is justified. But with these, plus the murlocs controlled by them, at least in the sea, I am afraid I don't have to worry about too many things.

   After creating the first batch of troops, Du You directly sent them out and handed them to Salia. Saria is now sorting out the things on the island side. Whether it is capturing diehards or sorting out the island, a force is needed to use it.

   With the end of the war, the murlocs controlled by the Hanhai Kingdom have basically been cleaned up. The remaining part was directly annexed by the murloc and became his own. This is the form of the murloc.

   But now, Saria is sending frogmen to control the murlocs and let the murlocs move their places of residence.

   There is no way, as they fight, there are too many murloc corpses in the sea, and as a result, a large number of sea beasts are attracted. Even among these sea beasts, there are Tier 5, which is not something that murlocs can contend with.

   It was not Saria's willingness to rush into conflict with these sea beasts. She simply waited for the sea beasts to eat and they would leave.

   Next, is the layout of the coast. Saria has cleared out an external area and chose to stay within the territory. A sandy beach and two small reef islands on the opposite side.

   Civilian craftsmen have begun to transform these two reef islands, transporting a large amount of soil and rock here, and expanding the scope of the island. After that, Du You built the Sea Snake Tower in his own inland lake area nearby.

   On the other side of the island, craftsmen gathered, together with the domain craftsmen, began to absorb and arrange shipbuilding technology, and various ships also began to build. The next step is to form a fleet and open ocean routes along the coastline towards both sides.

   Those who go east will eventually turn to the north along the coastline and communicate with the coastal areas of the Shenyan Empire.

   To go west, it is necessary to cross the quicksand empire controlled by the sandmen, and then communicate with the human empire on the opposite side. Fortunately, those sand people hate the sea, so there is no need to worry about encountering enemy resistance in coastal areas. When the route opens, I believe the development of the territory will enter a new level.

   What Du You must consider now is how to obtain a Tier 6 building. With his current strength, it is almost impossible. If there is no building blueprint of Tier 6, even if the territory is upgraded, it is of no use.

  On this day, Du You suddenly got a new drawing. This drawing is not a burst, but a design. It was designed by my own craftsmen after absorbing a lot of shipbuilding technology, but I didn't expect it to be recognized by the panel.

   Du You spent 20,000 green crystal coins to transform this drawing, and the drawing finally had a new source.

   "Although it's a bit expensive, it still looks pretty good." Du You put the drawings in the machinery manufacturing plant. After the large-scale crossbow and the gangblade gun, there was finally another multifunctional warship.

   Multifunctional warship: It is suitable for underwater and surface warfare, can travel on land, can transport troops, and load war weapons. The upper limit of weapons installed is Tier 4.

   This is a special vessel for underwater, surface and terrestrial terrestrial warfare. Although the weapons of war installed are limited to Tier 4, it can still be installed with its own guns. The installation on this kind of ship is completely different from ordinary ships.

  General ship installation, because it is not approved by the rules, it is the same as using it on flat ground. The strong recoil will also make the ship unstable. But it is completely different when installed on a multi-functional warship. The recoil seems to disappear The accuracy is higher, and the range is improved a bit, only the power is not improved.

   Ten sword cannons can be installed on a warship, and the combined combat power that can be launched is completely different from that of the previous ships. Moreover, this multifunctional warship is very sturdy and not so easily destroyed by murlocs.

   Even after entering the water, the gangblade gun can still exert its effect, but its power and range will be weakened. This is a super submarine, and there is no problem in destroying murlocs directly underwater.

  When it arrives on land, the warship will appear with tracks to help it move forward, and that is a moving fortress. Apart from the slightly higher cost and the need for some soldiers to train before it can be used, there are no shortcomings at all.

   "Master, this fully-armed multifunctional warship has more combat power than land armor, and it is not much weaker than Tier 4 warships. It's a pity that it can't fly, otherwise it would be really powerful."

   "This is already very good. It is basically used to defend and patrol territories without worrying about anything."

   Du You also discovered that technological weapons do have their own advantages. Multifunctional warships are simple to manufacture and not weak in power, but they can't fly, and their defenses are a bit worse. It can be regarded as a bit of a regret.

   After all, the accumulation of technologies in different worlds is different. If it is really a large-scale war against each other, it is not certain who wins and loses in the end. Forget it, think so much for what you do, the truly powerful will never be these weapons, but the individuals.

   "Okay, now we start to produce more, and we need some on the other side of the earth. With these, maritime defense can also be easier."

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