Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1017: The Eye of Death and the Sea Serpent Tower

Just as the sea route was fully opened up on the sea, Du You's Eye of Death finally completed its evolution. Du You stood in front of the skill hall, took out the skill of Eye of Death, and integrated his power into him.

   But this time the advancement is different from the past, and it is not completed in an instant. After Du You discovered that a new power had been incorporated into his body, his body began to shine. A ray of red light wrapped around his body, constantly changing. Above the head, a huge black eyeball also appeared, and his pupils were extremely cold.

   At this moment, his eyes suddenly turned, looking in Du You's direction. The next moment, the red aura on Du You suddenly flew up and was absorbed by the eyeballs.

   This eyeball is still dark, but the red light in the pupil is a little deeper, and you can see a little bit of it when you look closely. At this moment, Du You felt his body relaxed a lot.

   "Is it because the curse of the **** of death has been removed, that's really great." Du You breathed a sigh of relief, summoning the **** of death scorpion to sand around, and sure enough he no longer showed signs of poisoning.

   "Master, how are you now." The two sisters looked at Du You nervously.

   Du You laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, it's finally solved, I don't have to worry about the desert environment in the future. That **** guy, I will make him look good one day." Du You was talking about the **** of desert death.

   Even if this guy is the **** of this world, in Du You's opinion, he is only a seventh-order. Sooner or later, oneself can reach the strength of the seventh rank, and then it is time for Du You to take revenge. Du You didn't worry at all that he wouldn't be able to reach the seventh rank. If he couldn't reach the seventh rank, the others would not even think about it.

   "The curse is lifted, let me see how this skill changes." Du You opened the panel. Although you can figure out the ability of this skill without looking at the panel, it takes time and luck, and everyone is like this.

  The Eye of Death: The eyes of the Death God are watching you, and the eyes of the Death God are condensed to stare at the enemy. Under the eyes of the Death God, if the enemy cannot be judged by will, it will cause death. After passing the judgment, he suffers specific damage, with soul damage. Passive effect. When encountering a curse attack, the Eye of Death will automatically break the curse, and there is a great chance that the curse will be eaten back. Active use consumes 20% of mana every time, the cooling time is 12 hours, and the passive effect does not need to be consumed. (Level 36, 10 stars)

   "It used to be judged to have no harm, now it is different, with regular damage. Even if the opponent's mental power is strong, it will still be damaged, and it will also bring soul damage." Du You said while looking at the introduction.

   This skill is a special instant-death type skill, a rule skill. Normally, rule skills are either effective or ineffective. This time it seems that there is something different.

   "And there is a chance that the curse backlash becomes a great chance. If someone releases a curse towards me in the future, I will definitely let people know what politeness is." Du You said happily when he saw the change in skills.

Lin Yucha also said, "The skill limit is also much smaller. It used to be 25% of the mana consumption, but now it only consumes 20%, although it is still a lot. The cooling time has also been reduced by half to 12 hours. "

   Du You nodded slightly. Although the cooling time is short, this skill is still not a skill that can be used routinely. The time is too long, just like the death raid of the Death Scorpion, it needs to be used at a critical time.

   It's just that Du You thought that with his current strength, there seemed to be nothing that could use this skill. Facing a Tier 5 master, this skill is completely useless. But facing a Tier 4 person, this skill is not needed at all.

   Du You feels that his current strength is almost the same even if he is not invincible in Tier 4, he can't think of a time when he can use this high skill. But this skill is a single skill and can only kill one person. If you are surrounded by a large number of masters, this skill is still useless, should it be used to scare people?

   Forget it, although a bit tasteless, at least it is also a powerful killer. Besides, what Du You values ​​most is not the ability to directly attack, but the effect of passive defense against curses.

   Then, Du You put the scale and Lin Yucha's swirl arrow into it. It takes seven days to evolve. Sure enough, because of the price of the seventh-order powerhouse, the evolving time will become very long.

   But I believe that the skills evolved are better than the evolution of ordinary materials.

  The new skill was put into the next day, Du You suddenly received the news that the Sea Serpent Tower built by himself was finally completed.

   "Let's go and have a look together." Du You took the two sisters and walked near the inland lake. Although there are some built on the other side of the sea, it's too far, so just look at what's in front of you. It's a pity that these things are all Tier 5, and Du You needs a lot of materials and resources to build a building. To build these, Du You feels very distressed.

   For these one hundred sea snake towers, nearly half of the resources accumulated in Du You's territory have been consumed ~ Now, it is time to test the true power of this sea snake tower.

   "Is that this? It seems to be a circle." Lin Yushi said. The Sea Snake Tower is just a circle floating on the water.

   "Yes, it's this, it's okay, let's try it." Du You said.

   Sea Snake Tower (fifth order):

   requires water environment construction, the sea snake tower will form a sea snake head composed of three water streams, and the sea snake head will shoot out a high-speed water elemental cannon with impact and explosion effects. The range is 5 kilometers, and the interval between each head attack is 0.3 seconds.

   Du You gave an order, and the water flow within the ring suddenly expanded and condensed, and the three huge snake heads rose up, so lifelike, if it weren't a transparent color, I really thought it was a real sea snake.

   Suddenly, the three sea snakes opened their mouths one after another, spitting out three water **** in layers. The water polo looks very inconspicuous, but after hitting the distant rocks, it suddenly exploded, blasting the surrounding rocks directly into fine stones.

   "Although the scope is not large, this power is definitely comparable to Tier 5 combat spells."

Lin Yucha also nodded and said: "Yes, maybe the power is a bit weaker, but the rate of fire is too fast and too dense. If there are more sea snake towers, I am afraid that a formation of Tier 5 battleships will be difficult to approach. It is a pity. Water environment, otherwise many places can be built." Lin Yucha is a pity for this.

  Du You feels even more pity that such a good thing cannot be built on the other side of the earth. There is no water environment near the central city, and it is impossible to build such a thing.

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