Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1018: New skills

After testing, the Sea Serpent Tower can shoot continuous high-speed water cannons, and it also has a strong locking function. Face-to-face confrontation, if there is no special ability, a Tier 5 powerhouse may not be an opponent of Sea Serpent Tower.

   With so many sea snake towers built along the coast, I should be very safe in the east of the Arran Continent.

   Until this time, Du You finally had a high sense of security in his own territory.

   Two days later, the intelligence personnel found him and handed him a box. "Finally found it, unfortunately there are only two." Lin Yushi said, looking at the skill stone in the box.

"Two are already very good. After all, my requirements are too high. You also need to think about what skills are still needed. There is such a big company in it, isn't it a waste?" Du Yousi said indifferently. .

   That's right, what Du You had always wanted this time was the skill that Du You had always wanted, but he was too demanding. He is not a pure summoning type occupation, and it is impossible to be a nanny for the summoned beasts.

   Du You needs to fight and attack by himself, so it is better to strengthen the skills of the summoned beast, the passive type, the one that you don't need to use actively by yourself. This type of skill is very precious, and few people will sell it.

   Even if someone doesn’t use it, it’s usually digested internally, or it’s simply put in the home as a family heirloom, and used for future generations when there is a summoning type in the family.

   Otherwise, it's impossible for me to collect two of them for this burgeoning new pioneering company in such a long time. Du You is not bad at crystal coins now, and without even thinking about it, he has directly learned both skills.

   Moon God Blessing: Increase the basic attributes of all summoned beasts by 2% for each level, and an additional 10% in the moonlight. (Level 30, 10 stars)

   Dark Spirit War Armor: Dark attribute summoned object table will form a layer of dark attribute armor, armor defense power is (level + level), speed up the recovery of dark magic power, armor with corrosion ability. (Level 30, 10 stars)

After the    skill was upgraded to 10 stars, Du You saw the effect of the new skill. "This skill is really good, I don't know where they got it from, so I have to reward it well when I look back."

   Du You is very satisfied with the new skills, although it is of no use to him now, because he is only level 30. Without advanced skills, the current improvement of his summoned beast is better than nothing.

   But Du You still saw the introduction of the skills, think about his wild spirit, only increase the speed and attack, after the advancement, each level only increases by 1%. The blessing of the Moon God is very powerful. It hasn't been advanced yet. All the basic attributes are increased by 2% for each level. After the advancement, even if this attribute is improved, it is a great help.

   And under the moonlight, it can also increase the basic attributes by 10%. Under certain circumstances, it will be of great benefit to oneself.

   Dark Spirit Battle Armor is a skill that directly increases defense power, and it also comes with its own dark magic power recovery speed. Except for a purple electric golden eagle, other pets can be blessed by the Dark Spirit War Armor.

   And that dark spirit armor with corrosion ability is more effective, this is a skill to clean up mobs. This ability is useless against powerful creatures, but for a large number of mobs, it is a magical skill.

   From now on, almost all of his summoned beasts have become a type that is not afraid of large-scale wars.

   Of course, this corrosive ability is only effective for melee and long-range physical attacks. If it is a long-range spell, I am afraid that the effect of this corrosive ability is very limited.

  The new skill composition, Du You is very happy, and can't wait to find advanced materials to improve now. It took a long time for Du You to calm down. Next, continue to wait.

   A few days later, Lin Yucha's Vortex Arrow skill was finally completed.

   Vortex Arrow: When it hits, a divine Feng Shui vortex is formed at the point where the arrow falls, which **** in the surrounding targets. The vortex is highly corrosive. When used in the ocean environment, the skill is increased by the ocean power, and its power is doubled. (Level 36, 9 stars)

"It seems that there is not much change in the introduction, but the word divinity is probably not simple. Under the ocean environment, the power is doubled, which is a good improvement, but we rarely fight in this environment. "

   Du You was talking while analyzing. Before the advanced skills, Lin Yucha also appeared a little mutation. A stream of water entangled his body, which seemed to have something to do with the power of the sea god.

   But later, that power gradually turned into a golden stream and disappeared on Lin Yucha's body. No matter how he searched afterwards, Lin Yucha didn't find the slightest clue in him.

   "Try it, and attack over there." Du You said, pointing in one direction.

   Lin Yu tea nodded, drew an arrow, and shot it at the opposite side, using ordinary arrows, which is easier to test. The arrow quickly landed on the ground, and then a whirlpool appeared in the void The wind roared, and a golden whirlpool of more than three meters was spinning at high speed. At the same time, everything around was attracted towards the middle. Whether it is a big tree or a stone, a large area around it will eventually be drawn into it by the whirlpool. The vortex is getting smaller and smaller, and the cohesive strength is getting stronger, and it seems that it is about to explode.

   At this moment, there was a "bang", the whirlpool made a muffled noise, and there was no explosion. Then the vortex collapsed, and the things that had been absorbed into it had disappeared and could no longer be found.

   "Inward explosion, terrible attack effect, this is the power of divine attack."

   Du You's eyes widened. Although it looked inconspicuous, Du You knew what it was. The direct explosion seems to be very gorgeous, but the muffled noise before is equivalent to an explosion in a small space, and the power is even more terrifying.

   I couldn't see the things that were sucked into it before. Instead of disappearing or disappearing, they were shattered into particles and scattered with the wind along with the light spots. This offensive power is stronger than the spiral sniper in a sense.

   Of course, due to the problem of the arrow speed of the skill itself, this skill is still not as easy to use as a spiral sniper. It's just that regardless of attacking the enemy on a large scale, or used to attack tough and sunder armor, Vortex Arrow is a powerful skill.

   "The consumption is a little bit big, and it can't be used multiple times in a row, but it's not a problem to use it once in a while." Suddenly, Lin Yucha said, after the skill is strong, the consumption has also increased? My luck is really good, but the consumption of the Eye of Death has been reduced.


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