Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1032: Encountered trial

Before long, several people returned to their captain's side. "How about it, are all resolved."

   "Don't worry, Captain, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing. It was done very cleanly." In the entire camp, there were only six of them left in a blink of an eye, one captain and five players.

   "Very well, last time this kid made our team leader very faceless, this time we must fight back for the team leader."

   "If you help the group leader, we will have a good life in the future."

   "Of course, the team leader is not a stingy person, and the benefits will certainly not be lost on us."

   If Du You were here, you would definitely find that this person was the Gan Mu who had chased him down, and later apologized to Qiu Yu, the head of the Capital Region of the Dark Night Mercenary Corps.

   Du You hadn't thought about letting him go, but he didn't expect to meet him this time.

   Gan Mu had already set up a magic circle on the ground, and then others stood at the corner of the circle. "Next, you will infuse your own magic with all your strength, and I will guide you. Together with so many of us, it is definitely a one-time success."

   "But Captain, what about the two people next to you."

   "Hmph, just two women, don't look at the clamor, but what is the strength of the two slaves. At that time, catch them and give you a good time. Just remember to deal with them cleanly."

   "Great captain, don't worry." The magic circle opened, and the group of people poured their magic power into it.

   Under the guidance of Gan Mu, the light of the magic circle gradually became brighter and brighter, and a thick light slowly spread out. Du You, who didn't notice anything at first, didn't know why he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

   Suddenly, Du You looked up and saw a light in the dense forest in the distance. The position of this light had already exceeded the limit of his mental perception, but Du You didn't know why something was wrong.

   "What happened over there? No, let's go and take a look." Du You became more and more disturbed.

   But when Du You just decided, a light suddenly fell in the sky.

   "Haha, Holy Light Judgment, evil creatures, go to hell." Gan Mu suddenly shouted loudly, and a bright light fell from the sky, as if extending from the void, and instantly fell on top of Du You.

   At this moment, Du You's two major defense skills did not mean to be activated at all, and the active defense seemed to have no effect at all.

   But the defensive skills were ineffective, but Du You's Eye of Death appeared. Huge black eyeballs appeared on Du You's head as if flashing out of thin air, completely resisting this ray of light.

  In an instant, Du You felt a burning sensation coming from his body, spreading towards the limbs. After the death eye blocked the light, it exploded in an instant and dissipated completely. Du You immediately found that his Death Eye had disappeared, and I'm afraid it would have to wait until tomorrow to recover.

   It's just that Du You didn't think about it anymore. The power was not completely resisted. The remaining power broke out in Du You's body. Du You instantly felt a violent pain rushing through his body, and then a stream of blood flowed from his mouth.

   "Master, what's wrong with you." Faced with the sudden change, the two sisters panicked.

  Du You didn't look very good at this time. Not only did his mouth bleed, he had already begun to bleed from his seven orifices. He looked like an evil spirit, his face became abnormally distorted, and a wave of power kept clashing in his body.

   It took three full seconds before Du You felt the strength in his body slowly calmed down.

   "Damn, someone is attacking me in that direction, you two hurry over and take a look."

   Du You's hoarse voice sounded, but the two sisters looked at Du You very worried and did not leave.

Du You spoke smoothly: "You can't let people run away, this time there will definitely be a second time, I have a summoned beast to protect me." At this time, Du You felt that the magic power on his body was finally calmed down and could be mobilized. .

   For the first time, Du You summoned his summoned beasts one by one. The reason why it was not summoned all at once was because the magic power in Du You was still boiling, and there was no way to completely control it.

   When the two sisters saw Du You summoned all the summoned beasts, they were relieved. "Yu Shi, let's go over quickly, and we must eliminate all the people who attacked the master." The two sisters looked in the direction of the light, and their eyes became cold.

   At the same time, Gan Mu and others are not in a good state. The Judgment of Light was obtained this time from a light and dark demon. It was a very powerful skill, specially used to judge evil. Especially for enemies with dark attributes, the effect is really great. Use the magic circle together, and even the higher the level can severely injure the enemy.

  In Gan Mu's eyes, this skill is a super-level skill, which can definitely kill Du You.

   But what he didn't expect was that Du You actually had a powerful Death Eye that was immune to various curses. Although this Judgment of Light is not a curse, but the principle of action is very similar to the curse so it is also within the range of resistance.

   In addition, this skill used **** materials at the beginning, and Du You's own magic power was very powerful, even stronger than a few of them combined. As a result, facing this skill, although the Eye of Death was blown out, there was no complete resistance. However, there is still a part of the power that directly backfired back, acting on their own body.

   Gan Mu screamed for the first time, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then another mouthful. The next thing is not blood, but all kinds of internal organs, and Gan Mu's face is green.

   He could feel his state, and if he changed to an ordinary person, he would be dead, and he was completely rotten inside. With his strong strength, although he can guarantee his life, he will definitely not be able to run away from a serious injury.

   Although the others are better, their faces are pale at this time, the skin on their bodies is cracked, and all of them have become blood people. Perhaps they were the least injured, but they looked more miserable than Du You.

   "Hurry up, I can't stay here." Gan Mu said with difficulty, he did not expect his goal to be so difficult.

   The others finally recovered. Their strength is not as strong as Gan Mu, but they have just reached Tier 4. The injury was the lightest, but the speed of recovery was not much faster than Gan Mu.

   They were already attacking this time, and they couldn't do it for a while if they wanted to return to Earth. The other party can't react so slowly, so they must leave quickly. They also knew that the only person they attacked was Du You, but Du You was not alone, but three people.

  :. :

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