Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1033: Finally relieved

At first I thought it was a fuss. With such a powerful skill as the Judgment of Light, would it be necessary for them to use the magic circle together to deal with one person? But now they find that this is not a fuss, but not enough.

   Knowing that Du You is so good a long time ago, they should find a few more people. If ten or twenty people came together, Du You would definitely be dead. But now there is no chance, and I have already started to startle the snake.

   A group of people carried their captain and ran, but the two sisters had already caught up before they could run a hundred meters.

   Lin Yushi flying over from the sky is the fastest, and it is directly a scattering of evil spirits. A large swath of blood red thunder fell from the sky, like a waterfall of thunder and lightning, and the people below were attacked without waiting for dodge.

   A large number of blood-red lightning fell around, and then exploded, turning into countless tiny lightning bolts, bombarding them in all directions. None of the people shrouded in the middle can escape.

   But the light attribute is very good at defense. When the red light dissipated, Lin Yushi found that everyone had released the light defense barrier, blocking his own attack. But it doesn't matter, because Lin Yushi is not going to kill them, but to keep them.

   "Damn it, let them catch up." Several people looked in the sky angrily.

   But their hearts are also a little uneasy, because they found that the two women who were not good at first seemed to be not as bad as they thought. With just the hand, this strength is probably stronger than their own.

   Under the range attack, they are the one who can feel this kind of pressure most.

   And what a shooter is best at can't be a range attack. The most powerful shooter is always a long-range point kill.

   The group of people didn't even think about it, and released various light arrows into the air. Although it seemed simple, the speed was extremely fast and the power was not weak. It's just that Lin Yushi quickly flew an arc in the air while unfolding the flying feathers. A large number of light **** and arrows were blocked by feathers, without hurting Lin Yushi.

   Before they changed their tactics, two arrows flew out of the dark corner on the ground, and the two hapless guys were shot to the thigh in the first time. Then another arrow fell on the clearing, and the poison erupted.

   "Thunder Split Arrow." Seeing Lin Yushi's sister shot in the air, he attacked again.

   The blood red lightning fell directly above the crowd, and then shook the air. A large amount of lightning power was quantified as a special attribute and spread. Countless cracks appeared on all of them in an instant, and they looked even more miserable.

   Gan Mu, who was already seriously injured, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face had turned into the color of gold paper.

   The two sisters attacked continuously, and these people found that they had no chance to resist. "Damn it, are their skills advanced? How did they do it? That person is kind to his slave too."

   "No more, I can't hold on, ah..." A scream sounded, and another person fell down.

   It didn't take long for five people to fall to the ground one after another. They looked very bad when they were poisoned. In this state, he might die in a while. But the two sisters have no sympathy for these people at this time.

   Lin Yucha waved his hand to release the bloodthirsty demon wolf. The golden demon wolf ran over quickly, biting these people's legs one by one, and dragging them toward Du You's direction.

   It didn't take much time before and after. At this time, Du You's magic power had just calmed down, and the power that attacked him no longer continued to corrode him, but was suppressed and dispelled by himself. Du You, who wiped his face, looked pale and weak, but the biggest problem was over and he would soon recover.

   The physique of the shadow dragon is not comparable to the physique of ordinary people. Although the injury was not light before, his physique can be easily carried down and then quickly recovered.

   If the attribute was not light attribute before, with the physique of the shadow dragon, Du You might not even be injured.

   "Master, these people have been caught." Lin Yushi was in the air and came back to report the letter first.

   Du You walked out and looked at these people who had just been dragged back. Although these people were disgraced, Du You still recognized his enemy. "It turned out to be you, Gan Mu, this time you took the initiative to provoke."

   "This is a different world. It is not within our agreement. Even if you take me back, it will not be useful."

"It’s still stubborn, it’s okay, I don’t care. I didn’t believe the promise of your dark night mercenary group. I want to kill you now, it’s very simple. This time you take the initiative, and I will leave the panel information and video Even if someone finds me in the future, I will be just as reasonable."

   Du You didn't want to trouble the college because of this kind of thing, so it would be easier to have evidence.

   And Gan Mu didn't say anything at all, because he knew that after this kind of thing happened, if he failed, he would hit the tank by himself. Don't want the mercenary group to help yourself. The dark night mercenary group has always followed this rule.

   "Don't kill us, we have coins, treasures, we have many things, and these can be given to you."

   Hearing these begging for Du You was even more disdainful: "I dare not ask for your things."

   Yes, the people of the Dark Night Mercenary Group, who knows what they left behind for their things, he dare not take it lightly. Besides, these people didn't mix well, Du You really didn't like them.

   Several people were bitten by the demon wolf in their legs, and they have been in a state of fighting, it is impossible to return to the earth. Now what can be done besides begging for mercy, they have no background and dare not even threaten.

   After watching for a while, Du You felt a little bored. So with a wave of his hand, Lin Yucha immediately understood Du You's meaning.

   The bloodthirsty devil wolf released his mouth. Before these people could breathe a sigh of relief, the devil wolf stretched out his mouth again, this time biting their head. After a bite, his head exploded like a rotten watermelon.

   Seeing Gan Mu, who had always wanted to kill but never dared to do it, now fell in front of him, and Du You felt relieved in one breath. What is the emptiness after revenge? Du You didn't feel it at all. Is there anything more pleasant to kill an enemy?

   "Clean up here, let's change a place, we can't live here anymore."

   So many people died, it was bloody, even if I was not afraid, I felt sick. So Lin Yucha began to deal with the scene, and Lin Yushi and Du You moved their tent to another place.

   This night was really lively. After this incident, Du You firmly believed that stacking up defenses to a terrible level was indeed the most life-saving way.


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