Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1034: The world is falling apart

After solving these people, Du You began to rest. The injury on his body has recovered, but Du You will still feel uncomfortable all over for a while. Du You was resting for the whole day.

   One day later, at the far front, some battle fluctuations came. Although it was far away, Du You could still feel it. "The fifth-tier people are on the court, and it's not a place where we can intervene."

   "Yes, fortunately, we evacuated quickly, otherwise it would be troublesome to get involved."

   Lin Yucha also nodded and said, on this day, they saw many teams passing by them, but after confirming their identities, Du You and others were no longer completely relieved. He had been attacked once before, and Du You still remembered him fresh.

   It would be unlucky if it was attacked again by someone unknown. Although there is no way to kill a professional to explode anything, but who knows if some people will attack themselves for some inexplicable reason.

  Before he was willing to attack himself, Du You didn't want to ask the reason, because there were just a few. Anyway, this matter is right for the dark night mercenary group. He was not qualified to deal with the Dark Night Mercenary Group now, and didn't know if they were instructing them behind, Du You could only pretend not to know because he was not strong enough.

   When the strength is enough in the future, how can this hatred be repaid.

  The group of people did not leave here, as if living in seclusion here, waiting slowly. What Du You didn't expect was that the battle on the front line not only didn't stop, but the movement was getting bigger and bigger.

   From those who passed by this place, Du You learned that the front line seemed to have collapsed, so the scale of the battle continued to expand. Now a large part of Tier 5 masters are involved.

  On this day, a huge noise suddenly awakened Du You. "What's the matter, it's not because someone hit us." Du You suddenly rushed out, and the two sisters also ran out of their tent.

   looked into the air, no one was attacking at all nearby, but in the distance, there was a huge black crack in the void.

   At this moment, a ray of light suddenly occupied all the sights, and a huge explosion sounded. Even if the horrible fluctuation was so far away, even if there were so many mountains, there was no way to completely block it.

   The shock wave generated by the terrifying air current pushed Du You back two steps without preparation.

   "Sixth-tier, this is the sixth-tier powerhouse." Du You felt a groan in his heart, but he didn't expect that things would still get to this point. If a master at this level makes a shot, there is absolutely no room for him to intervene.

   Let alone intervene, a person of his own strength now, even if he does not participate in the battle at the front line, he will not necessarily be able to save his life. Du You didn't think he was qualified to be able to stop the aftermath once it hit him.

   The rays of light flickered, and for a while, Du You couldn't see what was happening in the air, let alone see the battle in the front line. This fighting fluctuation lasted for half an hour before it stopped. At this time, the elemental power in the air was in chaos. In this environment, even Du You would spend more magic power to release spells.

   If you are an ordinary fourth-order mage and want to release spells in this environment, let alone at least double the magic power, even if the failure rate of releasing spells is very high, fortunately, you don't need to guide the surrounding elements.

   "Look, master, that direction, I remember there is a mountain over there." Suddenly, Lin Yushi said.

   Du You looked back, and sure enough, a mountain not far from the battlefield was no longer visible at this time, or it was almost flat. I don't know what kind of power it is to directly blast the mountain to pieces.

   But I don't know what's going on in the battle ahead, Du You didn't dare to look closer at this time. Even the people in many other teams around, let alone move forward, they all turned around and fled.

   "No, it's still too close to the battlefield here. We also retreat, and we retreat some distance back."

   For the first time, Du You felt that the place he stayed in was not safe anymore. The two sisters did not refute, and the three of them did not fly in the air, worrying about being shot down as targets. There are no people of Tier 5 now, and they dare not fly into the sky at all. They ran underground like this, quickly moving away from this place.

   After this time, the sixth-order master never conducted a second battle. It wasn't until the next day that Du You got the result of this battle from other people.

   "Is it a tie? In other words, when each other couldn't help each other, everyone stopped. Is it now in the negotiation stage? Yucha, you go to find out what the specific situation is."

   After a long time, Lin Yucha returned here with the collected information. Although the information was incomplete, Du You could still see something. Looking through the information, Du You was thoughtful.

   "Keeping for quick success, too quick for quick success." Du You said.

   "Yeah, if it weren't for the saboteurs to be too things wouldn't go to this point."

   Destroyer is the name of a Tier 5 professional, which means that it can cause huge damage to a world, hence the name. According to the analysis in the data, this battle was provoked by professionals, and the main force was these Tier 5 saboteurs.

   Perhaps because the relationship was too smooth before, these saboteurs didn't know the convergence, but instead expanded more and more. After the start of the war, they were still provoking everywhere, constantly doing various small actions. But those natives were not idiots, and gradually saw something.

   The reason why the Dark Demon was defeated and split in the first place, but it was caused by human beings running like this, and of course they were vigilant.

   When this great war broke out, although Tier 6 masters took part in the battle one after another, they simply didn't work hard, as if they were coming for a cutscene. And those Tier 6 professionals, really didn't make much effort.

   In the end, I don't know what happened. The three big dark demons reached an agreement with the local natives, and this battle is basically over. Then came to the negotiating table to negotiate.

   As for professionals, although there are also Tier 6 people here, their power is too weak to affect these natives at all. And if it arouses the vigilance of these natives, how can they find tasks in this world in the future?

   So at this time of the war, it is basically nothing. "It seems that there will be no chance for a war next. Now that we have achieved our goals in this world, let's go."

  :. :

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