Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1038: Your major is back

After thinking about it for a long time, Du You suddenly said: "Tell me the method of obtaining the qualifications of the lord. Since you let me pass, it must be because I can do it." Du You is not stupid, of course he can figure it out.

   Li Mengyao smiled slightly: "Hey, it's already ready, you take a look." The other party was not in a hurry.

   Du You and the two sisters looked at the information, thoughtfully. It's no wonder that no one else has completed it, it is too difficult.

   First of all, you must choose a location for a war zone in the Starring World, and then go to occupy it. The reason for this condition is that the battle between the Starlink Alliance and the Scarlet Empire has progressed to a fierce degree.

   The Starlink Alliance directly issued an order to allow private armed forces and armed forces of various strengths to go to the front line to participate in the battle. As long as the asteroid can be captured, it belongs to the individual.

   If the normal planet of life is occupied, the ownership of the planet of life must be turned over to the Starlink Alliance, but individuals can own 30% of the planet. This rule is also obtained because of this order.

   Just for professionals like them, if you want to become a lord, you need to add some rules on this.

   First of all, I cannot get help from local forces, and I cannot get too much help from others. It can be said that the more people who help oneself, the stronger the strength, the less likely it is that they will eventually be qualified.

   What Du You is better than others is that he never teamed up with other people. The two sisters belonged to absolute followers. The evaluation of three people is the same as one person, which is very advantageous.

   And the second principle is that you need to choose the asteroid with the highest evaluation that cannot be higher than yourself to attack.

   As long as it is completely knocked down and can be held for a period of time, then it will be eligible to build a territory here. The rules are simple, but too little can be done.

   There is no way. It is comparable to his own evaluation. For example, if Du You wants to attack such asteroids, he must find the highest combat power to reach Tier 4.

   The combat effectiveness of science and technology cannot be evaluated by the highest level. They are able to create Tier 4 combat effectiveness, so it's definitely not one or two, but a whole lot. In this case, personal strength is not enough. With the help of others, this opportunity is basically not available. This is simply an endless loop of unsolvable.

   This has caused other people to only rely on luck to obtain the qualifications of a lord, such as a lord order.

   And Du You, a guy with unparalleled personal strength, is completely different from those people. Du You has the ability to take down a battle zone alone and obtain this place as his own territory.

   Others may not know, but Li Mengyao still has a certain understanding of Du You's strength. The real strength of this guy burst out, definitely stronger than a normal hundred people team of the same level. As long as there is no such super professional to contain Du You, the power Du You can exert is terrible. But Du You was more comfortable with this kind of war scene.

   After Du You read the rules, he and the two sisters looked at each other. The two did not have any thoughts. Du You alone should decide on such an important matter. In front of outsiders, the two sisters will not be arrogant at all.

   After thinking about it, Du You finally said: "Well, I agree, I will go there. A technology territory is very useful for us, but I need you to find some technical drawings."

   "It's great, let us do this. I remember that many people have this kind of things for sale. But you have to prepare the same drawings. These things are difficult to buy with crystal coins."

   Among the conventional products, the equipment is the easiest to buy, and the skills are much more valuable than the equipment, and the most precious is the blueprint. If it weren't for the number of territories that were far less than professionals, the price of this drawing would have been even more exaggerated.

"Yes, you can take all the unused drawings in my hand. Especially the civil drawings." Du You has a civil architecture research room. There are a lot of civil drawings accumulated, and there are even a lot of permanent drawings. Not distressed.

   After reaching an agreement, Du You shut down the communication, checked what he was carrying, and took the two sisters toward the academy. "Let's go, just take advantage of this opportunity to adapt to our own strength. After this time, we will find the opportunity to advance to Tier 5." Du You's eyes flashed brightly.

   Before I knew it, I had grown to this point. This is a big action, which can definitely accumulate their strength. When the power precipitation is completed, Du You will definitely not just delay time like this.

   There are all Tier 5 territories. Although I have been elevated to Tier 5, although it is conspicuous, it is not too obtrusive.

   Tier 4 is already a figure, and Tier 5 is definitely a big figure. A master who has reached Tier 5, even in the capital, will be given a high look. There are only a few sixth-orders of that can be on them.

   Du You originally said that he would never want to come to the Starlink Great World again, but he didn't expect to go back soon after that. Think about it, things in the world are really wonderful, and they are never shifted by personal will.

   After arriving at the academy, Du You went to the branch of science and technology specially, because the Star Ring World has specially designated a large area and placed it in this place. Tech professionals are generally here. Along the way, the students of the branch are happily thinking that the development of the Starring World will be of great benefit to the promotion of their branch.

   Because of Du You's birth last year, the spell major has gained a lot of prestige, and other branches are taking a breath. Even if they are also branches of Capital University, everyone is in a competitive relationship.

   Du You did not reveal his identity, just like everyone else, silently walked into a world ship. With the emergence of the spatial passage, Du You and the two sisters came to a familiar place through the passage.

   This is where they left last time, the secret room of the professional association. Opening the door, three people walked out.

   "Wow, it turned out to be classmate Du You. I didn't expect you to come to this world." The visitor recognized Du You at a glance, because this place has been taken over by the academy, and everyone here is a student of the academy.

   Du You smiled slightly, in this world, he is not an ordinary person. Before leaving, he had reached the rank of major. The major is not a small person on the battlefield outside the star ring.

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