Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1039: Harry asteroid

"What, Du You is here too, really, it's really him." Many people heard the voice of the reception staff and turned their heads. Now this place is not as deserted as it was when Du You came, and it has become very lively.

   At the location of the association's resident, Du You saw dozens of people.

   Du You didn't want to be surrounded by people asking all kinds of questions, and quickly said: "I want to activate my identity, there are our people on the Star Ring company, I need to investigate the frontline intelligence."

   "What, do you still have an identity? You haven't been here, right?" The people around were surprised.

   The staff immediately called out Du You's identity, which was taken aback. "Oh my God, Du You, you are actually a combat hero here, or the rank of major, you actually came here, how did you do it."

   Many of them have been mixed here for a long time without getting a rank. Du You is a major, how can this not surprise them. Especially the people in the Science and Technology Branch are even more jealous.

   Originally, they thought that their opponents were only people from other science and technology colleges or other science and technology branches. They didn't expect Du You in their academy to be a monster, and they all came here.

   Du You did not conceal: "Hehe, I completed the advanced task here when I was in the third advanced fourth level last time, and the task was completed well." The advanced task requires a lot of completion.

   Today, Du You doesn't need to hide this kind of information. Others will only envy and be surprised if they know it, but there will never be any thoughts against Du You. But what is going on in the advanced world of technology?

   "Is it easier to advance in the technological world? It is more difficult in the technological world, and perhaps even more complete with high-star missions." Someone began to guess.

   "I think it should be. I will try it when I advance to the third level."

   "Are you crazy? When you complete advanced tasks in this kind of place, you don't want to die or what do you think, do you think you are Du You?"

   "What's wrong with the try? If I fail, I will give up, and I will continue next time." Someone didn't care.

   Du You also ignored these discussions, and did not respond to those who were close to each other. Soon, after confirming his identity, a special car came to greet Du You. Du You got in the car, isolating all the noise from the outside world.

   "These people are so enthusiastic." Lin Yushi finally said.

   "Yes, I hope these people won't be interrupted by the next mission. If they pass by in a swarm, our plan will not be completed." Du You did not expect that he would be so popular.

   But Du You doesn't like this kind of celebrity treatment. Especially at this kind of time, it is necessary to complete the task by oneself. If these people rush over in a swarm, I will be miserable. Moreover, I can't behave like them. After all, the law doesn't blame the public. Most of these are my classmates.

  When he came to the branch of Star Ring, the surrounding area finally calmed down, although there were more people.

   Although the people from this local college have entered deeply, not many. The main body is still a professional alliance deeply rooted in this world. The people and influence of the college are far from being able to influence their will.

   Soon, Du You found the information he wanted among the information provided by a service staff.

"The enemy on the front line of the battlefield is occupying the asteroid. That's it. This place is remote enough to not be attacked by large forces. The enemy's strength is not weak. It is not an important area. It is very inconspicuous. But in the Starlink Alliance. It doesn't matter if this kind of place is inconspicuous, it will be safer."

   Du You whispered, drawing out asteroids one by one. In the end, among the three most suitable asteroids, Du You chose the Harry asteroid because this place was remote enough.

   But remoteness does not mean that it is really not suitable for development, because this place is still relatively close to the Starring Major League side. Security is guaranteed, as long as you can stand firm here, you can continue to develop.

   With the advantage of the territory, there is no problem with the later development. As for the type of technology, the technology here can't be brought out casually. If you want to take high-tech materials out, you need to convert them into coins. Unless it is burst out, then it is unnecessary. The most important thing is that many materials are difficult to access.

   "Mr. Major, is this going to open up territory? I am afraid that this place is not very good. The surrounding is very desolate, not close to the planet of life, and the population problem is also a big hidden danger. If you rely on robots, the cost is probably not small."

   During the recent period, there have been a lot of people going to open up the territory. Du You is neither the highest official nor the lowest, and he is not very noticeable. Du You is a star in the academy, but in other places, his reputation is not too great.

   Du You said with a smile: "This is the place, I have a way, as long as you let us pass by, don't get close."

"Well, if you insist. I have to remind we are prosperous in many cases, we have the ability to save lives, but this kind of technological world is not that easy to mix." Obviously, he had seen too many losers. In his eyes, the major in front of him was probably someone who didn't know the situation.

   Du You is bent on going his own way and doesn't care at all. Such people have also seen a lot of other people. Since they can't persuade them, let him go. On the second day, Du You boarded a small spacecraft.

   This spacecraft is good at speed and hiding, and does not have too strong combat effectiveness. It took half a month to reach the designated location. "Then it's up to your own. Good luck for you."

   Du You and the two sisters sat in an airborne cabin. After the last person said a word, they closed the space cabin from the outside.

The    parachute chamber was launched like a meteorite, sailed around the orbit of the asteroid, and finally entered the inside of the orbit and began to forcibly land from the air. The whole process was like a real meteorite, which hit the ground fiercely. Of course, it looks like this on the surface. In fact, the airborne warehouse has been decelerated and there is not much internal vibration.

After    landed, the airborne cabin opened, and Du You and the two sisters walked out. "It's really a thrilling trip. The gravity of Harry's asteroid is not large, and the air is very thin. It seems that we need to build planetary transformation equipment here as soon as possible."

   This is not a world that is completely controlled by the earth. Even if a territory is built, it is impossible for the territory to transform this place too large. To survive here well, planetary modification equipment is indispensable.

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