Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1042: All concentrated

"It's this kind of warship again, no, it seems that the model is different. Forget it, they are all the same, anyway, they will be killed." Du You just teleported over and saw two warships in the air.

   I have to say that, compared to ordinary creatures, this type of technological weapon has a higher attack intensity and a longer range. This is normal. If it were not for the more troublesome logistics and the weaker body, the technological professions would definitely be the strongest at the bottom.

   When Du You spoke, his movements did not slow down, his fingers pointed towards the air, and the three energy-gathering magic rings took shape in an instant. Energy-gathering magic cannon, this is a spell that Du You can attack at super long distances. If the attack distance is concerned, the attack distance of the shaped energy magic cannon will definitely not be worse than that of the real battleship energy cannon, and it may even be farther away.

   After only a second of condensation, Du You was released. The black beam of light shot out instantly, hitting a battleship in the air. The defensive barrier of the battleship did not even have the defensive power, and was directly shattered.

   Then the black beam of light sank into the energy compartment of the battleship, Du You didn't attack randomly.

   The next moment, with the energy capsule and the entire spaceship behind, it was completely penetrated in an instant. The energy of the energy cabin exploded and exploded in an instant, and the entire battleship turned into a big fireball in the air.

   "It seems that you don't need to condense for a second, you can attack directly. I look at these things too highly."

   The reason why Du You condensed for a second was because the opponent was a technological weapon. Du You has always been very wary of technological weapons, and no one knows how far these things can reach.

   But in this attack, Du You suddenly discovered that the technological weapons seemed to be like that. They looked very sci-fi and powerful, but the level 4 technological weapon attacks were completely inferior to him.

   Seeing that his companion was destroyed, a battleship next to it quickly turned its muzzle to aim at Du You, and stopped attacking its original target.

   The red energy cannon fired instantly, Du You didn't condense this time, and facing the muzzle was a shaped energy cannon. The black and red beams of light collided in the air, and suddenly both exploded.

   It's just that the red energy cannon is not an opponent of the shaped cannon at all. After being smashed, the shaped cannon still has a force of impact towards the battleship, hitting around the battleship, and constantly trembling the defensive barrier.

   The sirens kept ringing, and the people on the battleship couldn't help but want to flee.

   But at this time, Du You suddenly launched another energy-charging magic cannon. Without waiting for the warship to turn around or make other actions, the shaped energy magic cannon hit the barrier, pierced it, and hit the energy chamber again.

   Another fireball rose up in the air, and Du You smiled and said to himself: "It doesn't seem to work if you don't condense. The attack power is not enough. After all, it is a technological weapon. If you condense for half a second, you can just kill this guy in seconds."

   Du You is relaxed here, but the people on the opposite side of the Bloody Empire are in a bad mood.

   "Damn it, what level of superpower is this, isn't it a Tier 5, it's a foul."

   "Your Excellency Commander, the headquarters ordered us to retreat with all the active forces. We must prepare for the battle at the main base to block this superpower. The request for help has been issued."

   "Damn request for help, what's the use of this thing. People are going to call our house soon, asking for help, this thing will take at least three to five days to arrive."

   Yes, let alone three to five days, if they are eliminated, then support will not come.

   This is a customary rule established by both parties, otherwise, a full-scale war would have begun long ago. Regardless of the fierce fighting between the two sides, in fact, if a full-scale war is to be started, it is simply impossible.

   "Your Excellency Commander, what shall we do." The Herald's anxious voice came.

   The commander said coldly: "What else can I do, the order has already been given, withdraw."

   I gave up the base that I had built so hard to build, which is really heartbreaking. But there is no way. If you don't give up the base now, then you will have to bury the entire base at that time. Everyone can see Du You's strength, it is not something they can deal with at all, but what kind of power is this?

   Du You laughed as soon as the other party made a move. "Haha, started to retreat, slow down and let them retreat."

   The two sisters nodded one after another. For a long time, Lin Yucha has been assisting, only attacking those targets that are more difficult to deal with. However, Lin Yushi was fully involved in the war, and Thunderstorm Arrow once again played a huge role.

   Every lightning explosion will have a huge impact and damage to these electronic items.

   It's a pity that even if these things were killed, the spirit of exterminating the demon did not appear. And without the Demon Slayer, one's own magic power would not be able to recover quickly. Had it not been for later found some **** war dogs and created a batch of demon-killing spirits, perhaps Lin Yushi would have been unable to hold on any longer now. The problem with his own magic recovery ability is really too big.

   Look not far away, the two-headed Blood Demon Dog, that's called relaxation. Specially selected biological bases, opened two mouths, and swallowed double life. This auxiliary ability suddenly became a mass killing A large amount of vitality was absorbed, and as a result, the biological weapons died on a large scale, and a large area fell down, more than cutting wheat. To be spectacular. Without biological weapons, many bases basically lose their combat effectiveness.

   Farther away, the Grim Reaper's fighting style is more violent, walking along the road, directly sanding the ground. Then he used the sand to form a huge figure, and every attack carried a terrifying force.

   Encountered the enemy's attack, the Death Scorpion didn't care at all. Let the attack hit yourself, the attack is weak, and you can't hurt yourself at all, the attack is strong, it will directly crush the sand and recover again in the next moment.

   This sand monster that seems unkillable has become a nightmare for major bases. A large amount of sand flew up in the air, causing serious trouble to the enemy. Some weapons that are not very strong against sandstorms by themselves have problems frequently in sandstorms. With the evacuation order issued, people here can be said to be the fastest to evacuate.

   A large number of people gathered from the entire asteroid area towards the central base. This central base can even be regarded as a city. At this time, the central base has more and more troops, and the atmosphere of the decisive battle has gradually become richer.

   The transportation capacity of scientific and technological forces is enough to transfer all the surrounding bases within two hours. It’s just that they left too hurriedly, so things were not very clean. There are many things left in every base. Gradually, Du You realized that he couldn't even slow down.


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