Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1043: The photon elves come on

Because there is no one in the opponent's base, if Du You has to delay time, it will obviously not work. It just doesn't work if you don't give the other party enough time.

   So although Du You continued to walk forward without slowing down, he would carefully check it whenever he passed a base. After checking it carefully, he would destroy the base afterwards.

   These bases will not leave these things at all when they rebuild the Harry asteroid. Through this method, Du You finally delayed a few hours, giving the other party enough time to fully gather.

   However, the defensive circle in the air has no such good luck. Those space weapons have no way to slow down or change their orbits, they can only move forward at speed. Xiao Zi took the Black Jade Griffon King and the Dark Dragon, and had always waited and waited, and didn't have to worry that the other party could not come, saving energy.

   In these few hours, all the weapons on the defensive circle flew over, and were smashed and destroyed piece by piece by three flying creatures. In the end, there was not even one capable of fighting.

  If it wasn't for the air command staff who had already evacuated and flew to the ground, I am afraid that they would not even want to run.

   However, the three flying creatures did not land, but watched in the air, ready to support them all the time. With their strength, fighting alone against a Tier 4 warship, it is easy to win.

   At this moment, no warships or flying weapons dared to leave the group casually, all gathered within the scope of the main base. Through Xiao Zi's eyes, Du You looked directly in the direction of the base in outer space.

   "It's not bad, it's all gathered together, it's just convenient for us to catch it all at once."

   "Master, how do they fight?" Lin Yucha asked next to her.

Du You did not conceal: "On the surface, there are at least fifty warships that have reached Tier 4, and this strength exceeds the conventional configuration. If you add defensive artillery and other weapons, I am afraid that we have no chance of winning in frontal combat. ."

   Du You can now see the difficulty of this task. Although relying on his current degree of completion, it is already possible to establish a territory and become a lord, but Du You still dare not submit it now.

   If it is established rashly now, then in the face of a counterattack, his territory will definitely be destroyed. I am afraid that other people are like this. If there is such a power on every asteroid, it is not something they can deal with.

   No, because the Harry asteroid is close to the Starlink Alliance, there is not much fighting power on it. In other words, if you want to develop in other better places, I am afraid that the combat power on the planet is at least several times stronger than this.

   This is the reason why no one has completed this task and successfully established a territory.

   Speaking of it, there are not many territories established by the earth in the starring world, but there are actually many. It's just that it hasn't been too long for the college to enter the Starring World on a large scale, and there is no territory belonging to Capital University.

   After another period of time, Du You and his party finally came to the periphery of the main base. At this time, the base was armed like a hedgehog. Du You looked at it from a distance, not daring to approach it because of his lack of strength. If it weren't for his own assassin, Du You would never provoke a base of this kind of strength.

   "Photon Elf, it's up to you." Beside Du You, a group of black soft creatures appeared.

   The photon elves nodded slightly, then split into countless clones, and then disappeared. Is this optical invisibility, or is it disappeared as a streamer, in short, it has nothing to do with Du You.

   In less than five seconds, Du You received a message from the Photon Elf, and at this time he had successfully invaded.

   Since becoming his own summoned object, the Photon Elf’s ability to control enemies has been limited. At most, it can only control technological items that are comparable to its own level, but among the items that can be controlled, it is easier to control.

   At this moment, there are no electronic products on the Harry asteroid that can be evaluated to reach the fifth order.

   The result is that the photon elves and their own clones easily invaded these warships and mechas.

   "I found that person, haven't you determined his identity yet." In the headquarters, many people gathered in this place. The entire headquarters was smoky at this time. In order to vent the pressure in their hearts, these guys smoked endlessly.

   "It hasn't been determined yet, the information is too scarce. Commander, do we want to take the initiative."

   "No, maybe they have set a trap. Damn, what are you doing, stop."

   Suddenly, everyone in the command center looked at the air in an incredible way, because at this time the warships that had been waiting in the air moved one after another. The battleships did not attack Du You's direction, but attacked each other.

  A series of energy cannons hit other warships around him. Some warships attacked the ground, and some attacked the surrounding mechas. And some of those mechas started to go mad, and suddenly attacked other targets around because they didn't react for a while, or they didn't expect people around them to attack themselves, and the air was completely messed up. Suddenly, countless fragments and mechas fell from the sky and were scrapped.

   "No, we can't control it, the battleship is out of control." The people on the battleship were also in a hurry. But no matter what they do, those control systems seem to be completely silent and useless.

   Suddenly, on the ground, some hidden laser towers began to condense energy. "No, the laser tower is out of control."

   Just after a manipulator said, the laser above the laser tower suddenly shot straight into the air. The beam of light instantly pierced the three battleships. The three battleships had been damaged in the bombing of each other, and they fell directly. The fallen battleship suddenly exploded like a large bomb, turning the area below it into a sea of ​​fire.

   "The control system is cut off, and each unit adopts manual control."

The commander just finished speaking, he heard a horrified shout: "It's not good, all electronic items are destroyed, we can't control anything now." It turned out that the photon elves that had been monitoring broke out while he was speaking. .

   Stop playing, just destroy their control system. All the warships no longer attack each other, but the lights above are also extinguished. Including the base, all energy power systems have completely lost their functions.

   The battleship began to land, and no matter what was below it, the entire base seemed dead, with no vitality.

  :. :

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