Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1046: Miners' counterattack

The construction speed in the early stage was very fast, and Du You also exploded a lot of good things from those evaluations of destruction to the powerful enemies of Tier 4. Du You browsed quickly, but hadn't made anything yet.

   Perhaps the most valuable is the Science and Technology College, because this building is actually an annex of the Lord’s Mansion. Du You knew the value of these important buildings' annexes.

   Next, there are some special drawings, for example, shaped energy paper, which is a Tier 4 defensive weapon. Du You can't see the specific attributes, and you can only see this after you build it. In addition, there are military training camps and air force headquarters, both of which are Tier 4 drawings. Before it was built, Du You couldn't see it.

   "I heard that in the world of technology, the energy issue is very important. It seems that we need to purchase some blueprints. There are also low-level defensive weapons, such as Tier 3 weapons."

   There are some blueprints that Du You can't explode, so he can only purchase them through the Professional Association.

   Du You did not study the special architecture of military architecture, so there is no way to design and use the drawings of the world itself.

   And because of the different rules, the drawings and technology on the earth side cannot be used directly. The things manufactured here can be used normally on the earth side, but the technology can not be directly produced on the earth.

   Du You didn't know what was going on, but it was actually like this.

   "Master, the application has already been sent. I am afraid it will take a few days before Planet Harry will become our territory. But then, we have one more question." Lin Yucha said after contacting the Star Huan Company.

   This review takes a certain amount of time, and it is impossible to become your own as soon as you hit it. In terms of the rules, this is the past, but it doesn't work in terms of law. This is why Du You didn't immediately start the construction of the territory.

   "What's the problem? Let's just carry out infrastructure construction here." Lin Yushi said indifferently.

"The problem is that the Harry asteroid was originally a mineral-gathering secondary planet. Although there are no minerals on the Harry asteroid, there are a lot of minerals in the meteorite belt on the verge of it. There are many mineral robots from the blood empire mining. We are there. After knocking down the asteroid Harry, the mining robots on the shore will definitely come and attack us."

   "Mining robots? I'm afraid the strength is not very strong." Du You didn't care much about it. After all, those things weren't for fighting anymore, Du You didn't care.

   "In spite of this, we don't know how many of them there are, so we still have to be prepared."

   Du You nodded: "How long will they be able to come over."

   "According to the normal time, you can fly back up to three days." Lin Yucha said quickly.

   So it turned out that Du You didn't have any layout, because the asteroid was so big, he couldn't determine where they would attack, and there was no need to arrange it. When the opponent arrives, just attack directly.

   Three days passed in a flash, the application has not been passed, I don’t know why.

   But three days later, a spot of light suddenly appeared in space. These spots of light were getting bigger and bigger, getting closer and closer to the asteroid Harry. Du You looked at the sky and then smiled. This is the miners.

   "We have been so close and haven't attacked yet. It seems that these miners are not very suitable for long-range operations." Du You said calmly. Because they were worried that they would be attacked, Du You and others had always been hidden.

   A large number of miner robots, with many claws and tentacles, are very flexible, and there is a large cabin in the middle. The tips of the tentacles are shining, I don't know the principle. As for the means of attack, except for melee combat, there is only a small laser gun. Although the distance is quite far, but the power is not enough, and there is no remote precise positioning ability.

   Du You and others hid in a cave, but they didn't find it.

   "Why did they come to attack us? It doesn't seem to be very strong. It's definitely not as strong as Harry's asteroid." Lin Yushi said strangely.

"I think there should be no retreat. After all, there is no Harry asteroid as a transit point, and the commanders of these miners have no way to leave this star field. They have to attack. If no one controls them, these will not return. Instead of wasting the miner robots, they should be used to attack us. There may be two reasons."

   "It's also possible that they have a fluke mentality, maybe they don't know what happened here, thinking that the battle will end and they may lose both. At this time, with their numbers, they may turn defeat into victory." This is Lin Yucha said.

   If this is the case, it would be a great achievement after winning, but they have no chance.

   "Look, it's already on the ground, do we want to do it." There are too many miner robots in front of me. At a glance, there are at least a few hundred thousand in number, although the level may not be high ~ There are also some large equipment, which seems to be a mobile mine. The functions including smelting and processing are now all transported from the nearby meteorite belt. Speaking of it, the meteorite belt is not suitable for living and transformation because of the large number of meteorites. In the meteorite belt, there are actually many meteorites larger than the Harry asteroid.

   "Well, let's do it." Du You looked into the air, there was no more light, so he nodded.

   Du You didn't take any action by himself, because there were too many of them, and the metal objects were difficult to destroy when attacked. Du You directly chose to release his photon elves, and the photon elves instantly invaded the opponent's network.

   Then, one device began to malfunction, either attacking each other, or suddenly sparking and losing the ability to move. This situation spreads very fast. Without waiting for the other side to make a plan, it has spread to all the miner robots.

   "Strange, how come there are still some activities." Lin Yushi said while looking at some of them who wanted to escape.

   "I don't know, maybe there is a biohazard in it. If it is not a manual control structure, it will not be able to move now. Also, the miner robot has a simple structure, and some are immune to the destruction of the photon elves."

   Du You knows that the control of these miner robots must be biochemical humans, because the robots have been damaged a long time ago. As for natural people, there is no need to think about them. No natural person will be sent to do this kind of thing.

   Du You didn't even think about it, and directly released the four flying creatures, and pursued them in the air.


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