Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1047: New territory

The photon elves are worthy of the nemesis of technology products. This special creature that appeared by accident that shouldn't exist in the first place, is really lucky that I can meet it, and I feel lucky when I think of it.

   If it weren't for the Photon Elf, these two battles would never have been so easy. It would be very difficult to defeat Du You even with Du You's strength, and he might even fail by accident.

   Looking at the miner robots that were finally annihilated in the air, and the large amount of wreckage remaining on the ground. Du You touched his head, and then decided: "These wrecks should be used as raw materials, and they can be used to build other buildings."

   With the end of this time, the revenge of the temporary mission miner is finally over.

   This mission, because of the large number, was evaluated as a Tier 4 mission, and the topaz has gained part of the income. But the following drawings made Du You very happy. "Mobile mining machine, this will not be those things, right."

   Du You looked at the wreckage of some large-scale mobile mines on the ground in the distance, and felt that it was probably the case.

   "In this case, wouldn't it be better for us to directly use these things to make mines and miner robots? Just repair them. The construction speed must be faster and it must be cheaper." Lin Yushi said.

   Du You nodded: "That's correct, but speaking of it, haven't the application been completed yet."

At this moment, Lin Yucha suddenly said: "The application has just been issued, agreeing to Harry Asteroids becoming the master's territory. And because the master has recovered the Harry Asteroids with his own power, after the decision of the Starlink Alliance, the master is your current rank. He has become a colonel." Colonel, this is already a considerable rank in the periphery of the star ring.

   As for the rank of general, Du You doesn't need to think about it. Without huge credit and qualifications, this is simply impossible. Even those who command battles outside all year round are generally not young enough to become major generals.

   Looking at Lin Yucha's strange look, Du You was also very surprised: "These guys, won't they be staring at us all the time."

"It is very likely that they may be trying to figure out the master's means, or they may want to wait until we withstand the last wave of attacks before passing the application. After all, all the communication equipment before was completely destroyed, and it is impossible for them to know this. Anything that happened." Actually, I don't know it now, but I can analyze it somehow.

   For example, the speed at which Du You can solve these things can analyze Du You's strength.

   But this time it was too fast, and a group of analysts were thinking about it. In the end, they came to the conclusion that Du You was carrying a super-large electromagnetic attack weapon, so that it could cause massive damage to the technological weapons.

   This weapon must be very powerful, otherwise with the defensive capabilities of current technology products, it is impossible to have this effect. The reason why the Starlink Alliance does not use it is because this thing is too cumbersome to manufacture and consumes a lot of energy. It is not small in size, and it is difficult to transport it to the battlefield to play its role.

   Many people are still speculating about who helped Du You transport this thing.

   Du You doesn't care about those now, he has already begun to build his own territory. A large number of civilians worked together, and the construction of the territory was very fast. In the first place, the lord's mansion and annex buildings plus the mage tower were built.

   And after this battle, Du You found that his new realm experience value was directly full. Du You didn't even want to directly raise the level of the realm. The new realm had just been successfully constructed, and it became a Tier 4 state.

   "What is the name of our new territory?" Lin Yushi's focus is different from Du You.

   "No need to name it, just call Harry Asteroid."

   "It's so simple! It's too perfunctory." The two sisters glanced at each other, and they knew that Du You was a nameless person. If you change to someone else, so many summoned beasts must have their own names. But look at Du You's summoned beast. Only Xiao Zi had a name that didn't know whether it was a name or a code name, and the other summoned beasts had no names.

   Even the pet bubble is named by the two of them.

   But Du You has already said it, so I don't refute it. On the panel, the name of the new territory is so confirmed.

  Du You, no matter how good the name sounds, there are already three territories, and Du You is not too eager for new territories. But this territory is different. It is a technological territory, which plays a big role in supporting the development of the earth. The most important thing is that this territory is located at a very high level in the world and has great potential for development.

   Opening the panel, Du You looked at the situation in the new territory.

   Territory: Harry asteroid (fourth order, star ring world)

   area: 1000 square kilometers

  Lord: Du You/Vice-Lord: None

   Territory income: 2000 green crystal coins per day. Consumption: 500 green crystal coins per day.

  Population: 0000 (non-combat creatures shall not exceed one-half of the population)

  Strength: 0/1000000 (combat creatures must not exceed one-half of their troops)

   Foreign population: 0

   Affiliated World: None

   Channel: None

   Lord’s Mansion: Leader morale +3, soldier combat power +5%. Within the territory, morale is extra +3, and soldiers' combat effectiveness is +15%. The production speed of production buildings has increased The training time of arms construction has been reduced by 50%.

  Characteristics and high yield: The speed of territory construction and production is doubled, and the quality of all production materials is forced to be above the passing line.

  Lord’s Mansion Annex:

   Institute of Science and Technology: To train civilians to become humans in the interstellar age.

  Black Dragon Tower: Resistance to world pressure, the talents of civilians in the territory are improved.

  With dark element pool: the dark attribute element pool is condensed under the high tower to increase the speed of dark attribute cultivation. During territorial wars, the element pool will automatically provide shadow attacks.

   Comes with elemental dragon guard: the territory has 1000 dark elemental dragons, which is equal to the rank of the territory and cannot leave the territory.

  Mage Tower Annex: None

   The new territory is directly Tier 4, and the population has already reached 500,000. Of course, it is far from the upper limit of 10 million. As for the military strength, there is no functional building yet, so there is no military strength.

   The foreign population is also zero, because now there is only the population created by Du You himself, and the foreign animals have not yet been delivered. If the territory itself had a suppressive effect on the rules of this world, it would be difficult for so many people to survive now.

   Others are not currently constructing military buildings, but are constantly building various life and production buildings. With so many people here, without the support of living buildings, it will not be long before they themselves will starve to death here. With the construction of a large number of living buildings, the entire territory also presents a thriving scene.

  :. :

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