Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1048: Improve the basic building

With the construction of farms, orchards, medicine gardens and other buildings, as the water circulation system takes shape, plus the construction of large-scale fishing grounds. The entire Harry asteroid finally entered a formal, high-tech world with too strong technological capabilities.

   The transformation of a planet actually took less than half a month. In the past two months, Du You continued to increase the population, and then continued to build production buildings, almost filling up the planned land.

   If you want to continue to increase the population, you can only wait until the territory is upgraded. No one would have thought that within a short period of time, an asteroid was almost transformed into a planet of life. Of course, Du You didn't worry that his actions were too big to cause suspicion, because the professionals knew that this was caused by the special ability of the territory.

   There are professional associations to help themselves cover up, and they will never cause panic in the upper class.

   The function of the Lord’s Mansion, every basic function is the same, but the characteristics are different. The characteristic of his new lord mansion is to be productive, which can speed up construction and production, otherwise his territory cannot temporarily support so many people. You know, in a short period of time, Du You's number of people has increased by one zero, becoming 5 million people.

   As for speeding up production, Du You hasn't seen it for the time being, but he will know when the time comes.

   Du You can only see that the pass rate, forcing all the products produced to be qualified and quality first. This shows that there are no substandard products in the things that I will produce in the future.

   It's just that my own buildings are all functional buildings. Are there any substandard products for functional buildings? Du You wondered. Forget it, you will always know these in the future, the Lord's Mansion will not have useless functions.

   Looking at the annex building below, the Institute of Science and Technology, Du You knew that this was the real essence. Because this academy is used to train civilians. The civilians enter it, and after a period of time, they will no longer be civilians who don't know anything.

   Those civilians will learn all kinds of knowledge and basic skills in this world. If they are taken out, they will definitely be of higher quality than the civilians in the most developed areas. Otherwise, ordinary civilians who are produced will not understand these things at all, and then life will be a problem. As a result, some civilians now have begun to try to transform their houses.

  The surface size will not change because the place is too narrow, but some internal functions are beginning to increase.

   It seems that it won’t take long for them to live a normal life as an interstellar people with some items purchased from other places. And the speed of this popularization depends on the completion speed of the infrastructure on your own asteroid.

  This infrastructure construction is not about its own functional buildings, but the real industrial infrastructure of this world, just like on other planets. These things, in a short period of time, you don't even want to perfect them.

   Du You sent the civilians into the academy in batches, and it was not a short time to study them all. Perhaps in the future, ordinary colleges will be built to allow some civilian children to study in them.

   Du You looked at the third building, which was the Tower of the Black Dragon. This is a functional building that he got after killing the shadow dragon at the beginning, and it is also a mage tower.

   Above the towering tower, there is a black dragon statue, lifelike and powerful. Around the tower, there are countless black dragon patterns, just like art paintings. And right in front of the tower, a black waterhole also appeared. Du You knew that it was not water, but a dark element that was highly condensed.

   This dark element liquid is actually a good material when taken out directly, but it's a pity that it can't be used now.

   At the same time, the surrounding elemental dragons began to condense. It looks like a shadow dragon, but it's completely different. Du You knew that just like those giants, this thing was uncontrollable and used to protect the territory.

   With these thousand elemental dragons, Du You didn't think he would lose even if he faced thousands of Tier 4 battleships. Of course, the prerequisite is that the opponent will not use other arms to cooperate, otherwise it is hard to say.

   But there is such a strong defensive force on an asteroid, which in itself is very high.

   When the basic construction was completed, Du You finally set his sights on the normal development of the territory. First of all, Du You started to build but it was a mobile mining machine. Although the name of the miner is very common, it is a mine. The most important thing is that this mine can move.

   Du You directly passed the law of the territory and asked the engineers who had just studied to repair and reform. That's right, it is the mine wreckage that remains to be transformed, so that it is faster and more cost-effective.

After    was completed, these mobile miners began to automatically repair the surrounding robots. Mobile miners can make their own miner robots, but this way maintenance is faster and more economical.

  Du You finally saw that the names of those miner robots were mining robots.

  Mobile Miner (Tier 3):

   can search for mineral planets or meteorites in space to collect.

  With 20 levels of mining Each mining machine can carry up to 10,000 robots for mining.

   From the beginning, Du You concentrated resources and made all-out efforts. It can be said that he made five hundred mobile mining machines without hesitation. The maximum robot carrying capacity reached five million, but there were not so many on the asteroid.

   Du You directly dispatched all these mobile mining tools and flew in the direction of the meteorite belt.

   "They mine a little on the side of the meteorite belt and make them by themselves, and they will soon be able to complete it, but our mining power is a bit more powerful." Lin Yushi said with some worry.

"Don't worry, I have already started contacting the rear star ring company. When the time comes, we will continue to collect how many minerals we can't use by ourselves. The star ring company will buy it. Don't forget that our identities are different." Lin Yucha directly explained .

Du You said indifferently, “It’s okay. Anyway, building these robots just costs a little bit of their own energy. The mine can recover by itself, and there is no need for coins, so we are not afraid of wasting. Besides, without ore, there is no way for our buildings. Construction. At that time, all weapons will be produced with coins, and the waste will be too great."

  Developing territory, this is what Du You is considering. As for the mining planet, that is not what I have to think about.

   After waiting, get a manager over to make the manager headache. Moreover, Du You already had a candidate for the manager in his heart. After returning this time, he would try it out.

   Looking at the last mobile mining machine that flew away, Lin Yushi nodded thoughtfully, seeming to understand something.

  :. :

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