Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1049: The big construction begins

With the completion of the mining industry, Du You began to look at his various other buildings. The first military training camp has been built, but Du You frowned.

  Military Training Camp (Level 4):

   All-round maintenance worker level 5: 2000 people/month, full price 2 white crystal coins/person

  Medicine Level 5: 1000 people/month, full price 3 white crystal coins/person

  Mecha division person/month, full price 20 red crystal coins/person

   spaceship control group/month, full price 50 red crystal coins/person

   ground weapon controller person/month, full price 10 red crystal coins/person

   "What's the matter? How is the level still changing, and people up to level 40 can be trained only with red crystal coins, and what kind of occupation is this?"

   Du You is a little strange, but Lin Yucha is thoughtful: "Master, it's better to train and see how it works."

   There are a lot of trainings, and the price is cheap, Du You thought about it, and let the leading people enter it. What Du You didn't expect was that the price of the leaders who had studied in the Institute of Science and Technology was more economical than those who had not. Du You didn't care about so many things, so he just put a little bit into it.

   After training, Du You and the two sisters realized what was going on. "So that's it, the lowest level 5 refers to their own level, and all people are only level 5."

   Du You understands that the genetic technology engineering in this world can only strengthen human beings, and the regular strengthening can only be strengthened to level 5 without causing abnormal changes or other effects. Because the level is not high, the training is basically knowledge and technology, which leads to the low price of training for these people. As for the upper limit, they are talking about the upper limit of their weapons.

   is like the mecha division, who can only control the mecha, the upper limit is level 40, which means that they can control Tier 4 mechas. As long as the mechas have no problems, they can exert the full combat effectiveness of the mecha, that is, the combat effectiveness of level 40.

   This is definitely the trump card in the same level. This is the power of functional buildings.

   As for the spaceship control group, it is not for one person alone, but to control the spaceship in a posture. There are 100 people in each group. These 50 groups each month, in fact, the total number is 5,000 people, and the number of training is the largest of all arms. Of course, most of them are actually just assistants, and there are not many core personnel.

  The main responsibility of the ground manipulator is the various technological items on the ground, including weapons and other products.

   Those all-round maintenance workers are specialized in repairing all kinds of things. Unlike the craftsmen trained by the Institute of Technology, they are more capable. Even if the spacecraft is damaged in the future, they can easily repair it.

   And the role of medical staff is not great, because in the interstellar war, once an accident occurs, it is basically a death, and there is no need to save it. In Du You's view, the real role of medical staff is just to stabilize soldiers' morale.

   I don’t need the civilian soldiers like this, and the medical staff are also a bit tasteless. Of course, Du You will not give up and will still be equipped. Even if the soldiers don't need it, their own leaders need it, don't they?

   "It seems that they need to be given various weapons that can display their abilities."

   "Master, the shaped cannon has been built, it's just..."

   "What's wrong? Let me see, I can't use it." Du You's eyes widened and his expression was incredible. The construction of the shaped cannon is not only a fort, but also various pipelines attached to it, which is a whole set of ground structures.

   It can be said that the more construction, the lower the individual cost, but what Du You did not expect is that this thing is different from the defensive buildings in other territories. This thing actually consumes energy. Most buildings in other territories absorb the energy in the air and recover automatically, but this is not the case at all.

   This is the case for technological weapons. Perhaps the unit price is relatively low, but the requirements for logistics are too high.

   Shaped Cannon (fourth order):

   The condensed energy is compressed into an energy cannon, which has a strong penetrating power. The attack range is 10 kilometers, the interval time is 5 seconds, and it occupies 2000 energy units.

   "This power is good, but where can I find these 2000 units of energy." Du You was depressed. He found that he might still need to find a building that can provide energy, but he didn't have it.

   After a day of headache, Du You looked at the building created by the last drawing in his hand.

   Air Force Command (fourth order):

   Flesh Bee Level 15: 500 pieces/month, full price 80 red crystal coins/piece

   air combat rack/month, full price of 100 green crystal coins/ rack

  Blu-ray mecha frame/month, full price of 100 topaz/frame

   "The Flesh Bee, it won't be the cannon fodder combat power of the Scarlet Empire, right? It's easy to use, but if this thing is really used, it won't be thought that I have anything to do with the Scarlet Empire."

   Du You rubbed his eyebrows and thought with a gloomy look, why are there so many problems.

   "Why don't I ask the professional association, they should have a similar solution."

Actually Flesh Bee This is an attached drawing that Du You typed before. During construction, I found that this attached drawing could be put in it, so I put it in. I didn’t expect it to be. A product has been added.

  Although the territory of this world is special, the number of pets and combat creatures is no longer one-tenth of the population and force, but one-half. It is logically very suitable for the development of biological weapons.

   The problem is that biological weapons are the means of the Scarlet Empire, and they are easily criticized.

   As for the latter two, they are not bad. The fighters that can display the highest level of second-order combat effectiveness can be controlled by artificial intelligence systems or controlled by soldiers trained by themselves. They are good cannon fodder units on the battlefield.

   And the Blu-ray mech is a very mature mech of the Starlink Alliance, and its combat effectiveness is quite powerful. There is no tendency, it is a comprehensive type of mecha, adapted to various combat environments. If you have an armoured division, you can build an ace army in one fell swoop. At least for defense, there is no problem.

   What made Du You a headache was that he had no ore anymore, so he didn't want to buy it at full price.

   "I knew this a long time ago, I should order a few transport spacecraft." Thinking of flying a mobile mining machine back and forth every six days, and not carrying much each time, Du You found that he hadn't prepared enough.

   "The host does not need to worry, just come little by little. Now that the foundation has been laid, it will be better in the future. Hey, the information from the academy, the academy is ready to cooperate with us."

  :. :

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