Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1050: Capital University also joined

The problems of the new territory spread out and soon attracted the coveting of countless people. No way, every territory represents huge development potential and benefits, especially a new territory in a blank area.

It's just that some of the people before them were too demanding, and Du You directly excluded them.

Many people even want to use a method similar to a joint-stock company to slowly take control of their territory. Du You is not an idiot. He has already understood the various rules of the territory. Of course, Du You will not agree to it.

At that time, I didn't have the title of lord, but I'm afraid I didn't count anything if I said it.

Maybe I can force the order, because the territory is my own, but on the other side of the earth, I don't have that great strength. When the time comes, people will have to deal with themselves, and they will be completely unable to resist, and there will still be rules on the other side of the earth.

In the end, it was the people from the academy who first let Du You accept it. After all, everyone is a classmate, or the same school, plus the previous cooperation, the cooperation on the giant world is still very pleasant.

In the end, a legion leader of the academy came to his territory as a representative and negotiated with him on behalf of the academy.

It's not that Du You has never seen the world before. After two days of negotiations, he finally got a result that was satisfactory to both parties. First of all, the income of the territory must be given to the academy by 20%, which is regarded as a kind of cooperation, and it is also regarded as a kind of protection fee.

The academy is responsible for protecting the interests of the territory, whether it is in this world or on the other side of the earth.

Next, the college purchases some technological items in the territory, and the highest share can reach 50% of the entire territory. But Du You didn't care. If he really wanted to sell something, he wouldn't sell it to whom.

It's just that Du You gave in to the price. The price sold to the academy could only be slightly higher than the cost price, without so much added value. In other words, in the future, the income of the territory will shrink by a large amount, and some of the income will be distributed to the college.

Even after careful calculations, the academy will probably earn more in this territory than it can earn.

Of course, the academy is not completely unpaid, the academy will take out some drawings and resources that it needs for its own use. At the same time, I will do my best to help the territory develop and grow, and I will think of myself first if I have new drawings or something. Both parties paid a little, and it can be said that everyone is happy in the end.

"By the way, the college will have some students from the science and technology branch in the future. When they come here to study, you have to help arrange them."

Du You said indifferently: "I know, it's the same as the giant world. But I don't have a skill hall here, and there is no way to transfer to a special profession in this world."

"I know that it is easier to find jobs in science and technology careers, but the flaws are too great. They want to find jobs in this kind of career, and some of them need to go to your territory." For Du You's upper road, the person in charge is very pleased.

Most students are always self-righteous and think they are great. Du You was able to correct his mentality in this way, but he was not too flattering and not too arrogant. There were really not many young people who knew what he was going to do.

In fact, it was also the result of the two sisters who had been helping Du You analyze and secretly spreading a message to Du You. Really relying on Du You's own words, this negotiation will definitely not go so smoothly, Du You and the two sisters know it.

Next, people from the academy began to gather here. Many people who have just entered the world and haven't got a firm foothold have come to Du You's territory, wanting to develop themselves with the help of Du You's territory. Almost at the same time, the academy also sorted out the drawings Du You needed, and then sent them to Du You. The cooperation between the two parties was very pleasant.

As for the other forces in the Professional League, I would like to thank you for being insensitive. With the support of Capital University here, those people dare not even make small moves. In the end, you can only choose some transaction cooperation.

For example, some special products produced by Du You, minerals produced near the asteroid Harry, and some redundant technological weapons that I want to sell. After all, in an earth territory, the production speed is very fast.

As soon as Du You got the drawings, he built the energy building.

Plasma power plant (fourth order):

Plasma is used as an energy source for power generation, and then converted into energy. The power plant produces 30,000 units of energy.

This is a special power plant that confines the plasma with an electric arc, and then uses the plasma as an energy source. These 30,000 units are not the overall power generation, but an average value, which has been maintained.

A power plant can support fifteen shaped cannons. If the shaped cannons are gathered into a large area, the combat effectiveness is definitely not simple. Du You thought for a while, and began to plan around, at least one hundred and fifty to be built on the edge of the territory.

It's not that Du You didn't want to build more, but because there was not so much space. Building power plants also requires space.

The academy also gave itself a new defensive building, an air machine gun tower.

Air machine gun tower (third order):

Compressed air bullets attack the target, 100 attacks per second, can be scattered, and have special effects on biological weapons. Occupies 100 units of energy.

Although this thing is only Tier 3, it does not need to consume physical bullets. The range may not be very far, but the rate of fire is very fast, and it is the best to deal with small soldiers and biological units. It is said that this is the latest technology product of the Starlink Alliance.

Moreover, this requires fewer energy units, and a power plant can maintain the operation of three hundred machine gun towers. Without even thinking about it, Du You planned to build three thousand machine gun towers around. In this case, only 20 power plants should be built by themselves.

Then Du You got news that the big flesh bee can be used on his own side, and the technology content is not high. It's just that under normal circumstances, few people will use this kind of thing.

Of course, if you want to use it, you must apply in advance to let them know that it is your own unit, so as not to attack it as an enemy. Similarly, using the combat power of the Flesh Bee, the Alliance will not help propaganda. But in any case, it was enough to be able to produce normally, and soon, the big bee formed a strong force in Du You's territory.

As the production progressed, Du You discovered that the characteristics of the Lord's Mansion could actually double the production of his weapons. In other words, the number of weapons manufactured is twice as much as the data on the surface. What is missing now is the driver.

In this way, it seems that one's own technological weapons are really going to be sold a lot.

In the end, the academy left two drawings for itself, the automated weapon production factory (tier 4) and the space port (tier 5).

As the space port cannot be built temporarily, Du You decided to build an automated weapon production factory first.


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