Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1051: Automated weapon production plant

Speaking of it, technological functional buildings are not exactly the same as other functional buildings. For example, many things that can be produced in buildings require other attached drawings.

Without the attached drawings to increase the number of products, many things cannot be produced, which is a waste of production capacity.

The production capacity of high-tech factories is very high. In fact, you can see the area of ​​those factories.

After Du You built the automated weapon production plant this time, he found that the plant was actually empty, and there was no product in it. In other words, the plant was completely useless if there were no drawings.

"No wonder they had to give me this before. It turns out that they knew it a long time ago." Du You took out some drawings.

These drawings were given to me by the academy before, and they were used in this factory. There are no workers in the factory, but the completed technical materials are needed to produce what is needed.

"Then use it quickly." Lin Yushi is very interested in the new product.

Lin Yucha shook his head: "Although the technology-type territories are developing rapidly and have great effects, they should not be too dependent on them." This is Lin Yucha's opinion, and Du You deeply agrees.

But what Du You is thinking now is how to increase the number of soldiers trained in the military training camp. If this amount cannot be increased, then no matter how much combat power you can produce, you will not be able to fully utilize it.

In the technology-type territory, the production method of separating soldiers and weapons is really uncomfortable.

But regardless of this, let's put those drawings in the factory first. Du You put the drawing in, and finally some new products appeared on the panel list.

Automated weapon production plant (fourth order):

Satellite Orbital Gun Level 36: 100/month, full price 120 citrine coins/unit

Engineering robot level 10: 1000/month, full price of 50 white crystal coins/unit

Flying Soldier Suit Level 11-20: 2000 sets/month, full price 50 Hongjing Coins/set

"There are three in total, let's try it out first." Du You looked at the product and immediately ordered to start production.

Unlike ordinary items, high-tech production factories are factories one by one. This quota is not something that can be produced all at once, but it takes time. In the end, the factory is also produced piece by piece.

It's like a real factory producing goods, but the speed is much faster, and there is no way to enter it to watch.

It didn't take long for engineering robots to appear first. This engineering robot looks very small, with only half a meter of head. There are many robotic arms on the body, which look much more complicated than the miner robot, but the level is not high.

"According to the drawing, this is for use with engineers, and it can be used by itself. It is mainly used to do some construction-type tasks, as well as maintenance. Wait, isn't this just in line with our craftsmen. "

"Try it, but one or two seems to be of no use." Lin Yucha suggested.

Du You thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and then asked his craftsmen to leave with the engineering robots to see if they could cooperate.

It didn't take long for the pilot suit to appear. Du You picked up a set, and then smiled, this thing is too familiar to him.

"Interestingly, isn't this the kind of flying equipment we used before? I didn't expect it to be manufactured, but the level is a bit low." Last time he visited the Starring World, Du You used this kind of thing.

Able to help oneself fly, but also able to play a good combat effectiveness. It's just that I used Tier 3 at the time, but this drawing can only produce Tier 2 unless I find a new drawing to upgrade it.

As for the level between 11 and 20, it is because this thing can be controlled by personnel, and it can also be controlled by smart programs. If it is controlled by an intelligent program, it is generally around 15 levels, which is very stable.

But if people control it, then the level of power that can be exerted is not certain. The upper limit is level 20, which represents the speed and attack that can be achieved with this set of equipment, which can definitely reach the level of 20.

Du You put things away, it was difficult for the civilians under him to use it. So these things can only be driven by programs, or they can only be sold. But think about it, selling to the earth is a good income. There are not many flying devices on the earth, and they sell very well, and they will never lose money.

After waiting for a while, the satellite orbital gun finally left the factory. This is a ball-shaped thing that can be separated from the middle to expose a barrel. The barrel can release energy cannon to attack, the distance is very far.

"It's no wonder that the level is constant at level 36. There is no way for this thing to be controlled by humans. The instructions say that this thing can only be launched into outer space, which can be used to build our defense line around asteroids."

Du You felt that this thing was very similar to those space-based weapons that were used to attack him in the air. Du You also tried it, and the attack effect of this thing reached the level of 38 or higher with conventional spells, and his own unconventional was not counted. The rating is low because it can be said to have no ability other than attack.

Even if the defensive ability is not very strong, it is easy to be shot down when encountering a powerful attack. This thing can only form a very powerful combat effectiveness when there are a large number of them.

In addition, this thing also has the role that normal satellites can play, which can be used to observe and transmit signals and so on.

Du You directly summoned some professionals to discuss the release of the satellite orbital gun. This is the asteroid and the level of technology is high, so there is no need to use rocket launching such wasteful means.

"We can use transport spacecraft to assist, but we have to launch a lot at one time, otherwise it would be a waste of energy."

This is a proposal from a science and technology professional from the academy to Du You. Now, some people from the branch of science and technology in the college have joined their territory, and the two sisters are currently managing it.

"Okay, let's proceed like this. I am afraid it will take three days for all these satellite orbital guns to be produced, so let's launch in three days." Du You thought for a while and finally made a decision.

With the continuous construction of the territory and the improvement in all aspects, Du You felt that his mission in this world had been completed. Just when Du You was about to go back, suddenly the above order was issued.

I don't know when, the Scarlet Empire occupied several asteroids nearby, and now it has formed a fleet and is preparing to fly in the direction of the Harry asteroid. The order of the Star Ring Company is to let oneself resist it with all its strength. Of course, this is one's own territory, and it's impossible to resist it.


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