Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1178: This time it’s a drought

Opening the panel is not for anything else, but for temporary tasks. Exterminating the six-legged fish group has also become a temporary task. Because there were a lot of Tier 5 enemies, Du You didn't even think about continuing to accumulate rewards, but instead opened it directly.

   "It's really possible for everything in this treasure chest to come out." Du You smiled bitterly.

   "What is it this time, isn't it something we can use." Lin Yushi was still so curious.

   Du You retracted his hand, holding a strange sign in his hand, which was still shining bright white light. "This time it's pet equipment, holy light attributes, just for the unicorn bubble."

   I didn't expect to hunt down the water attribute and get the light attribute items, which is really unexpected.

   Light trail: Increase magic power by 50%, and increase the power of light attribute skills by 20%. Attached skill, light sacred flame, can control the light sacred flame to form a sea of ​​fire attack, increasing the lethality against dark creatures. (Dark blue)

   Speaking of it, since he was promoted to Tier 4 and his summoned beasts can't use pet equipment, Du You has never looked for pet equipment, and no similar things have been revealed.

   Although Bubble has always been able to use pet equipment, Du You really hasn't looked for it specifically because this guy is too afraid of death. Usually spell blessing, as long as it is behind, there is no use equipped with equipment.

   But now that you have encountered it, let's equip it.

   Bubble rubbed against Du You with a flattering face, and Du You slapped the bubble on the body without angrily. The brand disappeared instantly, and a special pattern appeared on the bubble's neck. It's like a weird symbol dyed with white paint, you can't see it unless you look closely. Perhaps this is the original appearance of the equipment.

   I don't care, I keep going. I don't know how long it has passed before the group finally saw a huge cloud layer again.

   "Red, hey, it is similar to a natural disaster giant dog, and it is also a drought type natural disaster." From a distance, Du You saw this natural disaster cloud, and after experiencing it, he found that he was very familiar with it.

   If it weren't so familiar, Du You wouldn't feel it, but now it's completely different. This power was in Du You's perception, exactly the same as when the natural disaster giant dog was by his side.

   "It won't be the same kind of natural disaster giant dog." Lin Yushi seems to have seen something interesting.

   "Who knows, but we can go over and take a look." Anyway, it doesn't make sense to think so much, just enter it and watch it. Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi looked at each other and controlled the clouds to fly over there.

   Du You's consistent style is the hard steel past. As long as he doesn't encounter too powerful enemies, there is no problem.

   When he got closer, Du You smiled, because he discovered that the enemy this time was actually a lot of Tier 5, there were more than 300, but he didn't know how effective he was. When they saw these enemies clearly, they were a little speechless.

   "What kind of evolution is this? Is it uncomfortable for yourself to find it."

   There is no way, because Du You discovered that the giant beasts here are actually a large group of conch. Very huge, like a red conch the size of a castle, the spiral shell stands tall, very conspicuous.

The creatures in    are also soft creatures, as well as crawling on the ground. The pale red body feels very slow to get up. This land is arid, it has become a desert environment, and there is almost nothing that can survive. I don't know what these giant beasts grew up eating, and they didn't starve them to death in this place.

   "It looks like it's not of the same kind anymore. That's okay, should I go for the experiment." Although Lin Yushi was talking about questions, the actions were already synchronized. Spread its wings and flew out directly.

   This experiment is more relaxed, because these large snails move very slowly. The method of attack is basically a legal system attack that controls the flame. Another trick is that after getting closer, its own soft organization grows quickly.

   This trick is very fast, it seems to be a means used by animals to hunt prey. Had it not been for Lin Yushi's attention all the time, I am afraid he would have been caught.

   "The defense is a bit too strong, but fortunately, these guys are slow, so let's kill them slowly."

   Lin Yucha also nodded to express his understanding, while Lin Yushi was a little depressed, because he did not have a powerful single attack method, and to deal with this kind of thing, it would take many attacks to kill one.

   And Du You directly used Soul Piercing, ignoring the defense of this conch shell. Lin Yucha's Spiral Sniper and Vortex Arrow both have powerful lethality and can kill conch shell creatures of the same level in seconds.

   To deal with this kind of enemy, Du You's own summoned beasts can't help, because they don't have a powerful attacking skill. For the upper shell, it will take a long time to break through. But in this process, it is possible to be countered by these conch shells, and in the end, only Du You and Lin Yucha are the only main attackers.

And his own natural disaster giant dog was set aside to devour the natural disaster cloud essence left by those dead Although I don’t know the use of swallowing these things, Du You believes This is definitely useful.

   And the same type of natural disaster cloud swallowed, making the natural disaster cloud of the natural disaster giant dog grow faster.

   This battle took a long time. Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way, and no professionals came to bother. Although there are a certain amount of professionals near this natural disaster wasteland, the number is still not many.

   The most important thing is that the world of natural disaster behemoths is really too big, and the natural disaster wasteland is not small. There are many such large ethnic groups. It is not easy to meet other professionals here.

   I don't know how long it has passed. In short, it was almost evening when the last Tier 5 enemy was finally killed. Those Tier 4 conch were smashed one by one by the giant natural disaster dogs following. Du You looked down on these things, but the natural disaster giant dog instinctively killed them and swallowed all the essence.

   Not only did the clouds in the sky not weaken, but in the process of continuous strengthening, faintly, Du You felt that something contained in it was about to come out, but it shouldn't be a bad thing.

   Forget it, I don't care what I do, I have swallowed so many natural disaster clouds, and I haven't noticed any special changes in my natural disaster giant dog. It's just that the world often likes to make jokes.

   Just after Du You thought about it, the natural disaster giant dog suddenly changed. The clouds in the sky suddenly shrank towards the middle and continued to fall. The red clouds actually wrapped the natural disaster giant dog into a super cocoon. The latest chapter of the Earth Crossing Era is here:

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