Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1179: Phantom Lock and Disaster Conch


   "Is this evolving? Or is it mutating?" Du You looked at his natural disaster giant dog strangely. This was the first time he encountered this kind of thing. Generally, changes only occur with the improvement of skills.

   I didn't expect that this time, there would be such a weird change. But Du You knew that the star and level of this natural disaster giant dog could not be improved, so it was basically impossible to evolve, but it mutated, what can this thing mutate into. This is a dark creature, specially constructed from a corpse.

   "Looking like this, I'm afraid it will take several days." Lin Yucha said.

   There is no way, among the various materials that introduce monsters that can be found in this world, there is no such situation at all. Think about it, too, the natural disaster giant dog followed him and did not know how many natural disaster beasts had been killed, and how many natural disaster clouds had been swallowed.

   This time, I encountered a large number of natural disaster clouds of the same kind. If they can swallow it like this, ordinary natural disaster behemoths don't have this kind of treatment. After thinking for a while, Du You simply greeted the two sisters and stopped.

   This is an arid desert area, yes, but as the behemoths of natural disasters are eliminated, it is not so uncomfortable here.

   "Wait, let me see what good things I got this time."

   Du You said while driving the ball, and the two sisters were watching. In Du You's opinion, kicking the ball is a very pleasant activity. It is a boring battle, and there are few programs that can play a role in adjusting.

   It's just a pity that they didn't get any special equipment that they could use this time. They were all some materials and a lot of coins. It's just that the number of coins is a little too much. If this continues, perhaps one's own crystal coins can reach the level where special skills can be constructed. Of course, as the level increases, it costs more and more to construct skills that are different from one's own.

   If you used to construct skills that did not belong to your own profession, it would only be enough to construct tens of thousands of coins by force. Now you have to construct them yourself. For the same skills, the number of aquamarine coins will probably be enough.

   Du You would consider constructing this type of skill only if he had so many crystal coins that he could not use it.

   After tidying up these things, Du You opened the treasure chest and received another piece of crystal coin income. Then, Du You saw a special skill. "Haha, great, finally got it, just what we need."

   "What skill?" Lin Yushi leaned over, still very curious.

   "It's a lock-in skill, which happens to be a shooter type."

   Phantom Lock: Passive skills of the shooter, lock a target point, greatly increase the accuracy of the shooter's hit, and greatly adjust the flight trajectory of the arrow. Weaken air and energy resistance, enhance obstacle avoidance, and increase range. (Level 31, 8 stars)

   Lin Yushi shook his head: "Unfortunately, this skill is not very suitable for me. Give it to my sister. Whether it is assassination or targeted sniper, this skill is very useful."

   Lin Yucha has no objection, this skill is obviously more suitable for him. After receiving the skill, Lin Yucha immediately completed the skill under the protection of others, and was directly promoted to level 46 by Du You, and his star rating was also raised to 9 stars.

   With new skills, Lin Yucha experimented and found that her various skills could accurately hit the target. This precision is not the previous aiming, but an automatic adjustment. After locking the target, even if your attack is not accurate, even if the target moves, your attack will still automatically turn to lock.

   And this range is not small, almost reaching a change of sixty degrees. The locked target is only the size of a needle tip, and the accuracy is extremely high. After weakening the air and energy resistance, the arrows shot out are also silent.

   If there is no sound and light effect, the arrows are almost silent, which is a good method of assassination.

   Next, the disaster conch appeared in the box. It was a palm-sized conch, which looked exactly the same as the conch they had hunted before, but was much smaller.

   Disaster Conch: Summon a level 45 Disaster Conch to help yourself fight. (1/1, blue)

   A total of three conch shells were given to Du You, all of which were one-time summoning items, but this time it was obviously different.

   "This thing has no duration. Although there is no way to re-summon it after death, it has no time to dissipate. It is equivalent to one more pet with a fixed level." Lin Yucha said suddenly.

   "Really, I really didn't see it just now." Lin Yushi also looked surprised.

Du You thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's of no use to us. The combat effectiveness of this disaster conch is okay, but its mobility is too poor. We can't drag it away by ourselves. Besides, the combat effectiveness of this thing is against us. It doesn't help much, any spell has a stronger effect than this."

This is true. Lin Yucha tilted his head and thought: "Then you can only take it back, but it's better not to sell it. To us, this thing is not of much value, but it's better for general Tier 5 masters. In other words, the value is very huge."

   Du You also knows After all, this is a Tier 5 natural disaster behemoth, and most professionals of the same level are not opponents of this thing at all. Even though this thing is very slow, it can be killed by Du You and Lin Yucha in seconds.

But in fact, the defense of this thing is extremely strong. Generally, it is impossible for a master of the same level to injure the disaster conch, and the fire power released by this conch is still very strong, and it can also enhance the power of the flame attribute spell, and its own recovery ability is also very good. fast. As long as the problem of movement is solved, it is a very powerful auxiliary creature.

   As for the mobile problem, this is really not a problem for professionals, and many methods can help solve it.

   After receiving the good things, Du You and the two sisters waited by the side. The floating clouds on the platform have been lowered to almost parallel to the ground. A tent is placed on it, and some daily necessities are taken out. It is a perfect place to live.

   For the next three full days, the natural disaster giant dogs are in the process of transformation. The light red clouds on his body deepened little by little, and the color became deeper and deeper. Although the aura he exuded was not enhanced, it became more and more condensed.

   Du You could feel that it should have been enhanced, but was suppressed by his own level and skills. And the natural disaster giant dog that can't be strengthened, this part of the power is used to continuously compress, making its own foundation more and more powerful.

   This is a good thing for Du You. The level can continue to increase in the future, but the height of each level can be improved, it can't be changed casually. I believe that after this evolution, his natural disaster giant dog will be more prominent.


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