Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1180: Evolutionary Scourge

In the first two days, the cocoon continued to squirm, increasing the color depth, and at the same time shrinking in size. But on the third day, Da Yu's size began to increase continuously, getting bigger and bigger, and it started to beat.

   is like a heart, beating constantly. This scene reminded Du You that before, it seemed that the natural disaster giant dog had not been made into a summoned beast by itself, and it was also the same when it evolved into a natural disaster giant.

   What Du You didn't expect was that on the last day, a behemoth of natural disasters was attracted to him.

   didn't pay attention at first, a big bird suddenly swooped down in the air, trying to attack the cocoon. Fortunately, Lin Yucha reacted quickly, raising his hand is a series of arrows, a few whirlpool arrows will kill the swooping behemoths of natural disasters. Otherwise, if the attack is successful, God knows what the final result will look like.

   Du You had no choice but to summon all the summoned beasts and protect them around to ensure safety.

   On the last day, more than a dozen natural disaster monsters came to attack the natural disaster giant dog. Du You could feel that although the natural disaster giant dog can launch an instinctive counterattack, the counterattack strength is very weak.

   And once this kind of counterattack is launched, it is not good for oneself. Du You comforted his pets and prevented the natural disaster giant dogs from counterattacking themselves. All defenses were the responsibility of himself and the summoned beasts.

   At noon on the third day, the change finally appeared. The originally huge cocoon suddenly shrivelled. The rich luster on the cocoon became dim, and was finally absorbed by the natural disaster giant dog.

   The natural disaster giant dog appeared, and it seemed that it was a mummy type at this time, although it was still in the introduction. The natural disaster giant dog is extremely strong, at this time the height has reached more than 30 meters. It was originally the largest among all the summoned beasts, but now it has a bigger head. This head is no smaller than most natural disaster behemoths of the same level.

  The other summoned beasts, in front of the new natural disaster giant dog, are like little bugs, so inconspicuous.

   The original black hair was slightly red, and the wind blew by, as if a flame was burning.

   Then, the natural disaster cloud that dissipated in the sky appeared again, but this time it was no longer light red, but dark red, like dried blood, and like a black flame.

   When Du You saw this, he quickly opened the panel. Lin Yucha also asked: "Are there any changes on the panel?"

Du You shook his head: "Nothing has changed. It's still the same as before. No, the skill of Natural Disaster Cloud has changed." Du You found that the only change was such a skill, but this change in appearance was not a joke. .

  Natural disaster cloud: Flowing fire, centering on itself, takes the initiative to enter the arid flow fire environment within a radius of 5,000 kilometers, and the degree of drought slowly increases as time goes by. As the distance approaches, the fire damage received gradually increases.

   "Look, the type of natural disaster has changed, it has become a stream fire, and its radius has increased to 5,000 kilometers."

   This range is exaggerated. If this fire attack is powerful, then his natural disaster giant dog can really become a mobile natural disaster. This range, directly spreading out the natural disaster cloud, can cover a country.

   "It can still cause arid environment. It is enough to open for a long time and destroy a small continent." Lin Yucha said, but none of them would do it. It would be no good.

   "Let’s experiment with the attack effect of Flowing Fire. I didn’t expect that the Scourge Cloud would also have the ability to attack."

   Du You has always thought that natural disaster clouds are only used to create natural disasters. Such natural disasters rarely have a direct attack effect and usually change the environment. But this time, the natural disasters after evolution have changed.

   Scourge Giant Dogs can control the scope of their natural disaster clouds, and will not rashly expand them. And the smaller the range, the stronger the attack power within the range, but the increase is not very large.

   Du You controlled the natural disaster giant dog to reduce the natural disaster cloud to a range of 100 meters. Above, a hundred meters in the sky turned into a dark red cloud, and the surrounding temperature continued to rise, as if it were in a large oven.

   Suddenly, there was a little more in the air. A little dark red light suddenly appeared, as if it were firelight, no, this was firelight. Du You could feel that this was made up of highly condensed fire elements, which were also mixed with some dark elements.

   Liuhuo touched Du You and the others, it just made people feel a burst of warmth, and it had no effect. However, the large conch shell that was used as a target was just touched, and suddenly sparks broke out and turned into a fireball, sticking to the conch shell and starting to burn.

   "The attack power is not very strong, but it is very troublesome and difficult to remove. Now this natural disaster is not so much a drought as a fire." Indeed, this guy turns on the natural disaster cloud, wherever he goes, he will burn a big fire.

   Anything that can burn will be ignited by these sparks. Although this attack is indeed not very strong but the scope is very large, and the attack has the essence of Tier 5 strength, and it is not completely unaffected for Tier 5 masters.

   "It's a domain-type skill, but its attack power is a little weaker. But if it is used to clean up mobs, it is a good thing." Du You calculated in his heart, after the large-scale expansion, Tier 3 masters can still resist. If it is a second-tier master without special abilities, it will be seriously injured after a long time, and may even die under this flame.

   If it weren't for his own demon flame skeleton full of fire kang, this move would definitely be the nemesis of his own demon flame skeleton. The rank does not exceed the force before the third rank, no matter how many come, it is also a food gift.

   The giant dog of natural disasters at this time can be called a natural disaster in the true sense. But unfortunately, this trick is not very useful most of the time, and it is not very helpful for their battle.

"Master, the natural disaster giant dog can improve this time, maybe it can improve the second time, we continue to hunt a large number of giant beasts to swallow it, I believe that the next evolution will definitely make the natural disaster cloud appear stronger changes." Lin Yu Cha seemed to feel Du You's disappointment, and suddenly said.

   Du You nodded: "I know, it is incidental anyway. The Behemoth World is a very good world for obtaining coins. We will still be in this world for a long time. The next evolution is not without a chance."

   Of course, Du You didn't have much expectation that I was lucky and lost my life. His abilities were already very strong, and Du You himself basically couldn't find any shortcomings, and there was nothing that Du You desperately wanted to acquire.


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