Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1181: Why are you so miserable

In any case, it is always a gratifying thing that the natural disaster cloud has a direct attack capability. Du You didn't care about that much, and after letting the natural disaster giant dog collect the natural disaster cloud, he took it back.

   This kind of large-scale attack method is not very strong, so it is better to use it sparingly. In general battles, it would be more convenient and more powerful to start the realm of the wronged souls by yourself.

   Then, Du You led people to continue searching for those large ethnic groups around. Along the way, I have encountered at least one ethnic group almost every day. Although Tier 5 may be less, the benefits are great. Gradually, Du You had more and more crystal coins, and seeing that the number of coins was about to reach the point where he could create unsuitable skills.

   It's a pity that so many exclusive coins are wasted so much. Perhaps, I really have to think about what special skills can be used to make them. If it doesn't work, isn't there someone else.

   Du You glanced at the two sisters. They seemed to feel something, and smiled at Du You.

   I don't know how many ethnic groups have been eliminated, Du You felt that his newly improved strength became more and more adaptable. Although there is no improvement in the data, his actual combat effectiveness has slightly improved.

   And with the continuous use and experimentation, Du You has become stronger and stronger over his various skills, and even with his advanced skills, it seems that there are signs of continuing to upgrade.

   The two sisters are the same as themselves, their skills are becoming more and more flexible.

   But on this day, Du You once again saw a cloud of natural disasters. This cloud of natural disasters was faintly black, as if something had been burned, and black smoke appeared in the air, not very obvious.

   "The scope of this natural disaster cloud is so large." Lin Yushi said while looking at the clouds in the sky.

   "The scope is so large, if it is not in large numbers, it would be a Tier 6 natural disaster behemoth. Master, we'd better avoid this kind of place." Lin Yucha's face also became solemn.

   Although their actions have been smooth in the past few days, even if they encounter the natural disaster behemoths at the fifth-order peak, they are not their opponents, and it is not too troublesome to kill them. But they still haven't forgotten where it is. Above the natural disaster wasteland, there are definitely Tier 6 behemoths, and there are not too many.

   "Let’s check it out first, maybe not, but let’s not get too close."

   Du You frowned because he didn't know what it was. It would be great if there were no sixth orders, but a large number of fifth orders. This wave can definitely collect enough coins.

   Maybe, you can still get very high-value equipment, this is not what Du You wants to give up.

   Although many natural disaster beasts have been hunted in the past few days, they have not got a piece of equipment that they can use. Relying on opening the treasure chest did not get anything useful to me, so I had to send it back to the company for use.

   Now that this situation is encountered, it is absolutely uncomfortable for Du You to give up.

   "Well, then, wait, there seems to be someone over there." Suddenly, Lin Yucha's face condensed and she looked in one direction.

   "Is anyone hiding here preparing to attack the giant beast, or are they resting here?" Those who dare to go deep into this place definitely did not appear by accident, and the targets are all giant beasts.

   If the opponent wants to attack, then who knows if the opponent is Tier 6, then be careful. Although professionals don't have to worry about killing people and winning treasures, there are always some lunatics who like to abuse and kill others.

   The three people walked over cautiously. The first to approach was the bloodthirsty demon wolf. A bloodthirsty demon wolf moved the figure gently, but the other party did not respond. If it hadn't felt the breath of life in this person, Du You would have suspected that this guy had died. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's not very good.

When the bloodthirsty demon wolf turned the person over, Lin Yushi suddenly said, "Hey? Isn't this the person we met when we just came to the wasteland." Lin Yushi has a good memory, and he is one of those people. One.

   Although this guy is not Tier 6, his level is definitely not low, and may even be higher than them. But looking at his current appearance, it was obvious that he was about to die, and the vitality of his body was still declining.

   When will a destroyer with strong vitality actually become like this, Du You became vigilant in his heart.

After the man was turned over, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Du You and the others' complexions condensed. Then he raised his hand tremblingly and placed his hand in his arms. .

   "Yes, please take it back, hand it over, and give it to the Shadow Council. Then, there will be a great thank you."

   This person is holding a thin sheet of crystal texture, which should be used to record information.

   "Why are you so miserable." When Du You heard the name of the Shadow Council, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. This organization is not a good thing, and Du You didn't want to get involved with these people.

   As for bringing things back to 80% is to let the council know the news of their deaths. There may be some secrets in this thing, or a record of credit, which is good for their family. But it was his own business, Du You didn't have the slightest impression of the organization of the Shadow Council.

   There was a flash of pain and fear on the man's face: "They are all dead, the devil's natural disaster, it's too scary."

   It seems that because of the excitement, the person passed out into a coma, and the vitality of his body was quickly dissipating.

   After checking, Lin Yucha said: "It can't be saved, it is poisoning, and it is very toxic." This kind of toxicity is not the kind of instant death, but it is very difficult to remove.

   Even a unicorn with a strong healing ability cannot cure it, not to mention that Du You has no intention of curing this guy at all. "Master, what shall we do, do we want to send things back."

   "Absolutely not, don’t forget the last time the owner was cursed, I didn’t know who did it, maybe it was them."

   Hearing Lin Yushi's words, Du You nodded, yes, that's how he holds grudges. Although I don't know if it was done by the people of the Shadow Council, but since it is possible, it can't do things that might be enemies.

   Not to mention, the Shadow Council is originally the existence of the dark side, and it has a bad reputation among the major organizations in the world. If you get infected with these guys and cause trouble for yourself, who knows what will happen. Du You is not the kind of Madonna who puts herself in danger for someone she doesn't know. It would be nice if she didn't kill him directly.

  :. :

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