Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1191: Essential skills and crystal ice field

The task now is to adapt to his own strength and prepare for the next level upgrade, so Du You is not in a hurry. After dealing with my own affairs, I played with the two sisters on the earth for a while.

During the    period, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao discovered Du You's return, and left their team and ran over to play together.

   But in the past few days, the two sisters have not done nothing. The two have cultivated a new advanced skill. This is a weapon-strengthening skill, and it is also an essential skill for almost all fighters.

   After all, the higher the level, the harder it is to obtain powerful weapons. Therefore, these fighters usually practice weapon strengthening skills, strengthening weak weapons to the point where they can use them, so as to compensate for the weakening of strength caused by no weapons.

   However, the mage generally does not practice this skill, because it is of no use to strengthen it.

  Bow and arrow enhancement: The front requires basic archery level 10 to strengthen the bow and arrow so that the strength of the bow and arrow reaches the same level as the level. The effect of stacking with other skills of the same type will not weaken. (Level 10)

   In just a few days, relying on their own strong background, two people have upgraded this skill to level 10, but they are far from the point where it can be used. According to the various information collected by the territory, even if it is easy to practice, it will take several months for this skill to be improved to the level that suits you.

  According to the data, Du You also discovered the limitations of this skill. Although it can strengthen the weapon, it can only strengthen the weapon to the corresponding level, and only has basic abilities.

   is like a bow and arrow, only the basic pull and the sharpness of the arrow, nothing more.

   If the power of the weapon itself exceeds the enhanced ability, then this enhanced skill will have no effect. For the two sisters, the strengthening of bows and arrows is basically useless.

   The two sisters' own Demon Slayer Arrow and Thunder Dragon Arrow are much stronger than this kind of basic reinforcement. The two sisters are now doing a precaution to prevent their bows from being useless when they reach a higher level.

   As for Du You himself, he had already obtained a dark black level ring before.

   After a few days of rest, Du You was about to continue to set off. This time it was a finishing touch to solve some of the previous things.

   "All are ready, we are going to set off." Du You said to the two sisters. Two people nodded at the same time, isn't it a Tier 5 world? It's not a problem at all. TV mobile terminal/

   As long as it is not against the entire world, with their current strength, they will not encounter any danger at all.

   Du You took out Xuelangfang, and then turned on. The familiar spatial vortex reappeared, absorbing all three people in. This time, Du You still didn't bring any other people.

   There is no way, the two people I know most are Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue. But Li Mengyao was too clingy, which made Du You a little unbearable. He has not yet considered whether to develop a little relationship. As for Xi Qianxue, it is usually fine, but recently I always feel that Xi Qianxue has become a little strange.

   So, just go by yourself. Through the space channel, the three people reappeared in another world. This is the center of the Ice Crystal Plain, the Snow Crown, where he left last time.

   There was pitch black all around, but in the eyes of Du You, who had night vision ability, this darkness was nothing at all.

   "It's still the cave where we left last time. This is the bones of the Snow Emperor. It seems that no one has found our place." Lin Yucha looked around and quickly analyzed the surrounding situation.

"It's a pity. I left this bone last time. I waited to make a big profit after taking it back. Now it's useless. Our strength, this level of bones will be tasteless even if we bring it back. Let him sleep here. Right."

  Du You will never admit that he has just too many things, and he has forgotten that there are still things left here.

   Du You would definitely come back secretly once if he remembered it. When Du You hadn't reached Tier 4 at the beginning, a bone left by a Tier 5 creature, even though time had passed for a long time, could still bring a lot of benefits to himself. But with Du You's current level, this benefit is really insignificant.

   The two sisters didn't care at all, as long as the master said anything, it was just a bone. The three people quietly opened the stone at the entrance of the cave, and then closed the cave again.

   I don’t know how many years have passed since this place. The surrounding area is still covered with white snow. What has changed on it? Du You and others don’t know in the future, and they don’t even have the idea of ​​revisiting it.

   They are all young people, not the kind of old people who always like to remember the past.

   "Next, there are the northern mountains. I don't know what is in that place. Let's set off now." Although it is already evening, they just came here and they won't be tired at all.

   Now I am full of It is impossible for Du You to rest here. Lin Yucha waved his hand to summon floating clouds on the platform. Several people did not contact the professionals here, and flew all the way to the north. This area is off the beaten track, and no one has noticed a strange cloud in the sky. TV debut

  The world of Tier 5 is not too big. In less than a day, a group of people came to the northern mountains. It happened to be dark at this time, but Du You still didn't care, took out the treasure map, and studied the terrain in the air.

   "There are very few people coming to this place, so even after so many years, the terrain has not changed much. According to the information on the treasure map, the treasure left by the Snow Emperor is in this area."

   The three were not in a hurry. After landing, they played slowly. There are many creatures living in this area of ​​ice and snow, all of which are white all over and look very beautiful.

   Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi often catch a few animals and play with them, and then let them go.

   In the hands of the two sisters, these animals can't run away, can't hide, they can only play with them. However, as the group of people continued to advance, the animals on the road gradually became scarce. Suddenly, an undead creature appeared in front of him.

   This is a zombie. I don't know what animal it is. The hair on his body has fallen off. In such a snowy place, there is a zombie creature that is not so gray and autumnal, which is very conspicuous.

   But the Snow Emperor once said that the northern mountains are the gathering place for necromancers, so it is not surprising that undead creatures appear. If they do not appear, Du You will be surprised.

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