Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1192: There are more idiots than the number

"The undead has already appeared here, so next is the nest of the undead creatures."

Hearing Lin Yucha's words, Du You said to Lin Yushi: "Let's let it go, then we should fight hard." They have been playing in the mountains for several days, and now it's time to fight. Up.

   Lin Yushi nodded and waved his hand to release all the large-scale demon-killing spirits he had prepared. That's right, although Lin Yushi doesn't have a calling type occupation, he himself has a special summoning space because of his skills.

   can only store large demons, not small ones. Lin Yushi will refill them every three days. Although there is no way to restore Lin Yushi's magic power in the summoning space, it can be released directly when needed.

   One thousand large-scale demon-killing spirits of the fourth-order peak, even in this place, are a powerful force.

   The large demon-killing spirit stepped forward, and the weird zombie roared, and didn't even think about running away, but rushed forward. As a result, facing a large-scale demon-killing spirit whose strength was much higher than that, he cut it in half with just a swipe of his paw. The next moment, a force spread on the corpse, and a new demon-killing spirit stood up.

   Du You stepped forward, and then released a seed, the corpse slowly changed and dried up, and finally turned into a demon flame skeleton.

   "I hope that all zombies will follow, and there will be no skeletons and souls."

  Du You murmured, his own king of bones can also transform undead, but basically only zombies, such as fleshy undead, can transform. If you face a dead skeleton, you can't transform yourself.

   If it is a soul-type undead, there is nothing left after death. After the soul type thing was killed, even Lin Yushi couldn't convert it into the spirit of demon to use.

   Forget it, move on. The three people talked and laughed and walked forward. It seems that this place is not a dangerous undead den at all, but a tourist attraction.

  In fact, this is the same. As we move forward, although there are more and more undead creatures, they don't need to take action at all. Those large-scale demon-killing spirits act as arrows, constantly rushing forward, constantly killing those undead creatures, and creating new companions.

   Because the enemy's strength is too weak, there will be no casualties, so Lin Yushi is not needed to supplement it.

   Suitable corpses will be directly carried away by the Demon Exterminators. When the number reaches a certain level, they will be placed in front of Du You. Du You will then be summoned by a king of bones and become a skeleton to follow behind.

   Such a team gradually grew larger and larger, and mighty.

   "Look, master, in front, there seems to be some building in that place." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to the front and said.

   Du You's eyesight is worse than that of Lin Yucha, but he can see an outline. "It looks like it is a castle or something. Most of the people who can build a castle here are necromancers."

   "Yes, it was made by a necromancer. The materials used in that castle are all kinds of bones, and only the Necropolis can have this kind of performance. Looking at the surroundings, it seems that there is not only one castle here."

   "Really, let's go and take a look." Du You didn't care, and the three of them continued to move forward. But this time, instead of walking with feet, the platform is floating in the sky. The three of them just stood on the floating clouds on the platform and dragged themselves forward. They can fly at any time when they encounter trouble.

   The troublesome things mentioned here are not dangerous, but in various senses. Besides, it is not useless to prepare a little in advance.

   But when the three people approached, a large number of undead creatures rushed out, including skeletons and zombies, and various things appeared. But in this place, there are more zombies.

   Perhaps because of the icy and snowy environment here, most of the undead creatures here are frozen corpses.

   "Haha, I didn't expect that there are people who want to compare with us in number, then we will compare with them." In the face of this overwhelming undead creature, Du You did not have the slightest surprise or fear, who was afraid of who was more than the number.

  I faced so many demons at the beginning, and the number was more than them. I don’t know how many times. Lin Yucha didn't take any action when he saw it, but just summoned the bloodthirsty demon wolf and placed it next to him to protect himself and avoid accidents.

  The main work is Lin Yushi. Lin Yushi uses a large-scale demon-killing spirit as an arrow, and he continuously releases one after another thunderstorm arrows with added materials. The undead killed will become a new member of the Demon Slayer.

   Once a large-scale demon extinguishing spirit dies, Lin Yushi will quickly add it, and then continue to put it in front. With the help of a thousand large-scale demon-killing spirits, Lin Yushi's killing speed became fast, and the speed of creating demon-killing spirits was also fast.

   The demon flame bones behind did not move, because the terrain of this place is so small that there is no way to hold too much combat power. From time to time, the Demon Slayer brought some corpses back. Of course only the corpse will be brought back. As for the skeletons and the like, they can only be left in place, Du You himself can't use it.

   Now just summon a large number of Demon Flame Skeletons at once. With the passage of time, there are more and more undead and demonic spirits in the entire canyon, and it is getting more and more crowded.

   Even in many places, the demon flame bones can only be piled up one by one in order to free up more open space. The undead who gathered around here constantly didn't care about the situation here.

   And Du You and others can't be on the ground now, Lin Yucha floats the clouds in the air, high above them, avoiding the accumulation of those magic flame bones. As the war here became more and more serious, those Necromancers finally found out.

   "Damn it, are you the nasty brave again."

   Several necromancers have opened their own city's special link method, and they have been able to communicate with each other.

   "It's not like, this time, it seems that they are from the evil camp. They have a lot of summons. They restrain our undead and can also use the undead to summon. If this continues, our strength will probably suffer heavy losses."

   They don’t know that they have accumulated hundreds of years of background, and those undead will never die for a while. They even hollowed out a lot of mountain peaks and ground, and used them to store these undead creatures.

   "Quack, their summoning ability is really good, especially those skeletons, how perfect. This secret method must be obtained." A necromancer who saw the skeleton of the demon flame, his eyes lit up like a light bulb.

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