Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1194: This thing is a bone dragon?

As the Necromancers went all out, Du You also felt trouble. It's not the number of the undead, or the undead being too strong, but the opponent's ability to fight in the air.

   Some transparent ghosts, and some winged bones or corpse-type undead flying in the air. However, neither the Demon Flame Skeleton nor the Demon Exterminator can fly, and they can't help it.

   The large demon-killing spirit has wings, but it can fly, but the flight speed is not fast enough, and it is not high.

   If this is flying up, it will be of no use, it is better to stay underground. Of course, the undead in the air don't dare to touch the ground casually, otherwise they will easily be shot down with their fragile bodies.

   The most troublesome thing is that they are in the sky now, facing these flying undead, it is also very headache.

   At the end, Lin Yushi put the target in the air. After a large swath of arrows passed, the flying units in the air fell together with a large number of Demon Slayers. If it weren't for the Demon Slayer's special nature and wouldn't be easily thrown to death, I'm afraid there would be no way to create new creatures to use.

   Dealing with a large number of aerial creatures, this is really not what Du You is good at. Just when Du You wanted to summon Xiao Zi and use the paralysis aura to deal with the undead, he suddenly saw the pile of bones in the demon flame.

   "By the way, why did I forget that there is this trick? Anyway, there are too many skeletons to use up, so I will sacrifice."

   After his own skills have been mutated and improved, he has an additional ability to create a Demon Flame Bone Dragon.

   Du You said to Lin Yucha: "Lean back, I will make a bone dragon."

   Lin Yucha's eyes lit up. She really hadn't seen the bone dragon summoned by Du You. This was the first time she had summoned.

   Du You pointed at the mountain-like demon flame skeletons below, and a mysterious force spread out. Then, the skeletons became excited one after another, and the black flames all over their bodies became more vigorous.

   The black flames in the eyes burst out with a light of love, and then, one by one the demon flame bones shattered and turned into large pieces, carrying black flames, and flew toward the air.

   Countless flame fragments continued to gather, forming a pitch-black sphere, with black flames burning outside.

   In just a few moments, one hundred thousand demon flame skeletons were completely sacrificed, and the huge black sphere in the sky became as high as two buildings, and a powerful pressure was emitted from it.

   After only ten seconds, the black sphere suddenly exploded, and the spreading flame did not diffuse too far, it was attracted by a force, and gathered towards the central position from the new.

   When the vision dissipated, a huge figure appeared in front of Du You. The body length reached ten meters, the two wings spread out and the 20-meter-long behemoth was suspended in front of Du You respectfully. Not flying, but levitating in the air by the power of magic. Although this thing, it seems that he can fly.

   "My lord." A deep voice sounded in my heart.

   Du You knew right away that it was the black weird creature in front of him who sent this message. Unexpectedly, this guy's IQ is really very high, and he can deliver voices, no, he should be able to talk.

  Du You suddenly felt that the weird creature in front of him could talk, but his heart was completely silent. In this respect, it was similar to his dark summons, and there was no need to never speak. Even if he spoke, he wouldn't speak to those lower creatures.

   "Master, is this a bone dragon? Why doesn't it look like it?" Lin Yushi took the time to look back.

   Du You curled his lips, he didn't look like it himself. "You should reduce the flame on your body first, let me see your true face." Du You directly ordered in his heart that the bone dragon, as a high-level undead creature, can easily control its own power. The flames on his body gradually weakened, revealing a body that looked as white as white jade.

   It's just like this. Is it really a bone dragon? A strange thought flashed in Du You's heart.

   "This thing is really a bone dragon? How come it looks so beautiful." Even Lin Yucha started to complain.

   That's right, the bone dragon at this time is not the kind of bone frame in their impression at all, but a very exquisite shape. On the whole, it doesn't look like a bone dragon, but rather like a dragon wearing white armor.

   The whole body is like a combination of white jade armor, like an exquisite work of art, without any gaps in the whole body, only the eyes are two hollows.

   If it weren't for the black flames that popped out from time to time in the eyes, wouldn't it be a dragon race wearing exquisite armor? Usually the outside is full of black flames, and there is no way to see the breath of the undead.

   The dark aura completely concealed the undead aura, and would use black flames as an attack. Is that a mutated elemental dragon? "It looks like the defense should be very good."

   Du You knew that those were not armors, but his own bones naturally grew like this.

   "Forget it, look at your combat effectiveness." Du You has recovered, and the bone dragon is once again wrapped in flames. UU reading www. The necromancers in the distance of also saw this scene, with a faint premonition in their hearts.

   After the bone dragon joined the battlefield, they knew what this premonition was about. The bone dragon is simply the overlord of the air, and the undead can't even get close. Moreover, bone dragons are not without their brains, they are very routine in fighting. The black flames that opened their mouths were stronger than the breath of ordinary dragons.

   Every time he flicks his paws and flicks his tail, he has a strong sense of beauty and powerful attack power.

   "This combat power is good, although it is only level 40, but coupled with its own particularity, it is very close to the strength of Tier 5. Some weak Tier 5 natives may not be the opponent of a bone dragon alone."

   Lin Yucha can give such an evaluation, which shows that the strength of this bone dragon really satisfies them.

   Du You nodded slightly: "It's very good. Summon more. The air supremacy is ours."

As a high-level undead, the bone dragon itself can suppress the low-level undead. Coupled with the effect of dragon power, it seems that only a few bone dragons can completely block the air.

   Anyway, there are so many skeletons Du You don't want it. If you ask for it, you can't use it. Just use it here.

  Du You's sacrifices time and time again, a large number of demon flame bones quickly reduced, and bone dragons were created one by one. Seeing this scene, the faces of those Necromancers became more and more ugly.

   "It's coming soon, and their magic power is almost exhausted. Such a powerful ability must belong to us."

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