Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1195: Necromancer in panic

Although only one hundred thousand demon flame bones could summon one demon flame bone dragon, Du You still summoned five. In these short two days, the number of demon flame bones made by himself from corpses alone exceeded 500,000.

   Five Demon Flame Bone Dragons hovered back and forth in the air, constantly attacking the undead creatures in the air, which finally relieved Lin Yushi's pressure. Du You and Lin Yucha don't have to act because of these things.

   As the battle progressed, Du You gradually discovered that the abilities of these bone dragons were much stronger than he had imagined.

   "It is indeed a matching ability. A 10-star skill is stronger than a 9-star skill." Du You said in his heart.

   During the battle, Du You discovered that these bone dragons could actually kill the enemy, burn the enemy, use the enemy as fuel, ignite more Soul Eater flames back to him, and supplement his own consumption.

   Even if he consumes too much himself, he can directly absorb the flames from the demon flame bones to restore his own power. If you are injured, you can also sacrifice some demon flame bones on your own to restore your own bone injuries.

  In other words, as long as the demon flame bones under the command of the Demon Flame Bone Dragon are not dead and clean, then the Demon Flame Bone Dragon will basically not die, nor will it run out of power, just like a perpetual motion machine. Some weak Tier 5 enemies can head-to-head and win.

   If it weren't for the bone dragons themselves that they wouldn't be able to summon the demon flame bones, just such a legion could bring huge damage to a world. This skill really opened Du You's eyes. Don't look at the strength of the Demon Flame Skeleton, but the bone dragon cultivated is too strong, and the two cooperate with each other, it is simply a BUG.

   Of course, in ordinary battles, Du You doesn't have to worry about the bone dragon being damaged.

   Although those Necromancers also sent a bone dragon, they are also Tier 4, they have not reached the peak yet, and their abilities are not enough. In one-on-one situations, he was crushed and beaten by the Demon Flame Bone Dragon, and he was seriously injured in a few easy strokes.

   If it weren't for the necromancer in the back to make a sudden move, this bone dragon would not even want to escape.

   "Damn it, let them become the climate, I want to see how much your magic power is."

   These necromancers gritted their teeth and must be steady on their own territory. Besides, they also absolutely believe that the reserve power of their mage tower is simply not something such a few people can fight against.

   As time went by day after day, the necromancers gradually discovered that something was wrong.

   "These **** bastards, why haven't their magic power been exhausted yet? Didn't they mean that their magic power is limited." Those Necromancers who had been preparing for a sneak attack were a little disturbed in their hearts.

   There are so many monsters around, it is impossible for them to escape. Although those things are not their own opponents, as long as you stop yourself a little bit, you will be caught. Besides, the undead city that I have built here for many years cannot be given up. In the eyes of many people, this undead castle is more important than their own lives.

   "It must be a magic potion. I heard that those professionals have potions that can restore magic power. Don't worry, even if the professionals have too much, they will run out soon."

   They can only comfort themselves so much now. Three days later, the enemy was still calling. The monster summoning did not stop, and the skeleton and weird bone dragon summoning were still summoning, without the slightest fatigue.

   Whether it is mentally, physically, or magically, the opponent is more able to persevere than himself.

   What they didn't know was that in the three days later, Lin Yushi secretly transferred the first batch of demon-killing spirits to the rear. With the help of snow and terrain, the enemy did not see the disappearance of these demons. They thought there were more and more enemies, and they didn't know that Lin Yushi could only maintain this number.

   Those bone dragons in the air are the biggest hidden danger in their hearts. The strength shown by those bone dragons, single-handedly, is almost comparable to their Tier 5 masters.

   If there are more, they might be able to die together with a few bone dragons.

  Du You didn't know what they were thinking, he was just mechanized summoning and then summoning, the number of undead here was more than he had imagined. There are mountains and plains, either gold or black, or the gray of the undead.

   The three colors are constantly entangled, I don't know how tired. If it were not for the special terrain of the northern mountains, no one would enter it casually. I am afraid that the war here would have been exposed long ago.

   This battle lasted more than a month. Du You and the two sisters take turns to rest. Once they find any special movement, they will wake up as soon as possible. Fortunately, with their strength, they only need to rest for an hour, and they can stay without sleep for several days. This long standby capability is also a sign of the strong.

   A month later, Du You finally felt that the number of undead began to decrease. Looking at dozens of Demon Flame Bone Dragons in the air, Du You knew that there were millions of Demon Flame Skeletons just sacrificed by him.

   You must know that the one that can be summoned into Demon Flame Skeleton must be a There are still a large number of soul bodies and skeletons that have not been counted. Over the years, these necromancers have accumulated tens of millions of undead here.

   Let them continue like this. If there is no professional restraint, they might really be able to sweep the whole world. Although this world is Tier 5, its level is not very high, and there are not many who can reach Tier 5.

   "What to do, what to do, our undead is about to run out, you tell me what to do."

   "Yes, you said at the beginning that their magic power is limited, and later you said that their magic potion is limited, how do you say now, they are still alive and kicking, but the undead we have accumulated over the years are gone."

   This is a huge wealth, tens of millions of undead creatures, and many high-level undead. Now that they have returned to the pre-liberation period, they have not gone mad, it has already shown that their mentality is stable.

   "How do I know, a few of them, this situation is not normal at all."

   "Enough is enough, don't say anything, now what we need to deal with is their monsters, I don't know if our reserve magic power is enough." Thinking of the overwhelming number, now it is their turn to have a headache.

   Although their mage tower and castle of the undead can accumulate a lot of magic power, after all, it is not that corpses can pile up infinitely. And before, they didn't think about developing in this aspect in the past.

   It's useless to say anything now, who knows where this pervert came out. Another day passed, and the opponent's undead had become sparse, Du You knew that the time for the total attack had arrived.


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