Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1298: Destroy the Tier 6 territory next door

As the territory was upgraded to Tier 6, in the system regulations, the entire corpse beast plain was within its own territory. Although there are still some corners that haven't been shrouded in it, it doesn't matter.

Du You gave an order, and all the ghost dragons disappeared instantly, as if they did not exist.

At this time, Du You released the Lich Emperor, allowing the Lich Emperor to stand on top of a zombie dragon and fly towards the next door. At Tier 6 speed, it now flies much faster than before.

Just a moment later, the zombie dragon flew over the green furry territory. Seeing the waving flag, seeing the familiar and incomprehensible weird symbol on the flag, Du You knew he was right.

Undead creatures don't have so many guts, and under normal circumstances they will not cheat.

When the Lich Emperor arrived, a green-haired zombie walked out of a special palace made of flesh and blood. That's right, this is a zombie, the height is not too big, only three meters. But the green hair made this guy look like a green turtle, and he couldn't see the inside at all.

"Lich? Where did you come from." Feeling the breath that is also Tier 6, the green-haired zombie's eyes flashed with caution. As for the expression, except for the green hair on his face, nothing can be seen.

The Lich Emperor said hoarsely: "I am the lord next door, you let me come."

"Next door? Isn't the next door Tier 5? How come it has become Tier 6. Damn it, you dare to hide your strength."

Green-haired eyes looked at the Lich Emperor in the air with anger. In his heart, the Lich Emperor could not break through the sixth order so quickly. And if it had just broken through, the aura on his body would definitely be unstable.

The guy in front of him has a very stable aura, saying that he has broken through for more than a hundred years and Green Mao believes it. The undead’s concept of time is different from that of humans, and it’s not surprising that a hundred years of time are used to stabilize themselves.

"What are you doing here? Since you are Tier 6, then we can live together peacefully."

The Lich Emperor didn't care at all, but his master's order was his first goal.

"You die, or I die." The Lich Emperor pointed to the green-haired zombie and said.

"What a courage, do you really think that I will have two sixth-orders." Although this guy and the zombie dragon are both sixth-order, this is their own territory. I have been operating here for countless years, what if I don't have any means. The territory of the undead is the same as the territory of the lion, always facing various challenges.

Lu Mao didn't talk nonsense, waving his hand into the air was just a punch. A powerful breath rushed into the air.

And the Lich Emperor was not shocked, a lifeless shield blocked it. Then the backhand is a finger, the mana is absorbed and released. In the void, a special channel that only the Lich Emperor can see connects the two undead.

A wave of magic power was drawn from the green-haired zombie. The green-haired zombie who had never felt pain suddenly felt a kind of intense pain, which was a kind of pain from the depths of the soul.

If it weren't that Death Finger had no effect on the undead, and replaced with a general sixth-order enemy, the Lich Emperor would directly use the instant death strike. At this moment, the intense pain also made the green-haired zombie completely angry.

Pressing down with both hands, while yelling, the green-haired zombie activated the special magic circle set up in his territory.

On the ground, a huge blood-red magic circle was launched, and the horrible fluctuations vibrated. Even if Du You wasn't on the scene, he could still feel that terrifying power through the Lich Emperor.

"No, you can't let him show it, otherwise the Lich Emperor may be killed by a single blow."

Du You's heart moved and ordered remotely. Although the Lich Emperor wanted to test his own strength, he had to listen to his master's orders. Besides, this power did make him feel dangerous.

This zombie has been operating here for so many years, although its own strength has not been greatly improved, and it is not even an opponent of the Lich Emperor. But the special magic array set up here is the real reason why Green Hair can always exist without being annihilated by other lords. Even if it is an undead creature, it is not easy to survive.

The ghost dragons that had been following around suddenly appeared. Lu Mao's eyes widened, and he never thought that there were a hundred ghost dragons hidden here. How could this be possible? There was no soil produced by dragons nearby.

But the ghost dragon didn't care about so many, and opened its mouth directly in the direction of Green Mao.

Ghost dragons don't know how to breathe dragons, but they can use spells. The powerful spiritual power was condensed, and a white light in the mouth formed a light tooth, exuding a strong coercion.

Then Guangfang spit out directly, and the terrifying force directly shred the air and even shook the space. The locked green fur zombies have no evasion ability at all. As a zombie, he is not good at speed.

In desperation, Lu Mao had no choice but to directly transform the power of the circle that he was about to attack into defense. The magic circle that has not been fully activated can only mobilize 80% of its strength. The green gas instantly enveloped the green hair, turning it into a barrier. In the next instant, a hundred fangs hit the barrier fiercely, and there was a loud blast in the air.

The sound is not very loud, but it is uncomfortable to hear it.

Many zombies around suddenly exploded in their hearts and died directly on the spot. Some skeletons fell apart on the spot, and the soul fire was extinguished. On the surface, they didn’t suffer any and Green Hair was the most unlucky, suffering from the largest special soul sound wave in the center, and only blocked more than 30 attacks. , His own barrier was completely shattered. The remaining Guangfang smashed on Lv Mao's body fiercely.

The hard zombie body did not have the slightest resistance to this kind of blow, and cracks were torn open in an instant.

After a while, the whole zombie exploded like a balloon. The attack of a hundred sixth-order dragon clan is simply not something that an ordinary zombie can withstand. It may be possible to fight alone and shoot side by side, so the end of the game can be imagined. Suddenly, countless cracks opened in the surrounding ground.

Du You took a look from the air, and it turned out that the attack just now shattered the magic circle set by Green Hair.

"That's fine, this thing is of no use to me, and it may become a hidden danger someday if I leave it." Du You said while ordering the Lich Emperor to clear the battlefield. The so-called cleaning up the battlefield is to clean up the undead in the opponent's territory.

High-level undead can be killed directly without using themselves. Low-level undead use coercion to directly deter them. When you bring it back, you can use it as a consumable

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