Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1299: Undead Scroll Processing Factory

The Lich Emperor received Du You's order and began to clean up. It was just that suddenly, a green light suddenly fell from the sky, directly hitting the Lich Emperor. The next moment, the Lich was too late to resist and was killed on the spot.

"What's the matter, who is attacking?" Lin Yushi said with a strange look.

Lin Yucha's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's the magic circle just now. The magic circle was not fully activated before, so the zombie just used part of its power to defend itself. The rest of the power is still running in the same way as before, and it is used for it. Attacking. I didn't expect that with only that little power left, he could kill the Lich Emperor in a second.

"Is there no response after all? The Lich Emperor couldn't even use his defenses." Du You also said.

As expected, all of these Tier 6 enemies are not simple, especially on the opponent's territory. To deal with these guys in the future, you must be careful and careful, or use absolute strength to crush the past.

The next moment, where the Lich Emperor died, a black air current condensed instantly, and the Lich Emperor was resurrected.

Du You's passive skill, Summoning Resurrection, activated the effect, and the Lich Emperor was actually resurrected from the dead in the eyes of other undead, and his breath did not weaken. At this time, the undead who had resisted thoughts completely gave up resistance.

And those low-level undead, when the high-level undead all rebel, they will naturally follow the rebellion.

The zombie dragon under the throne of the Lich Emperor, shaking his head, got up again. Although the attack just now was directed towards the Lich Emperor, the extra power also hit the zombie dragon's head. At this time, there was a huge wound on the head of the zombie dragon. Looking at the depth of the wound, if the previous attack were stronger, maybe the zombie dragon would die now.

It turned out that the guy before was thinking of killing both.

That's right, the two dead bodies of Tier 6 undead have a great effect on undead creatures. No matter if it is used to improve one's own strength or other things, in short, there are more places to be used.

Then cleaning the battlefield is much easier. Without the Tier 6 powerhouse, all the remaining undead surrendered. Du You didn't intend to keep these guys. Those who are stronger and have their own thinking, Du You didn't think he could control them, and either killed them or arrested them and waited until later sold.

At the same time, in the eyes of other undead, this territory will also belong to Du You in the future, and Du You's territory has suddenly expanded twice, reaching the original level of more than three times. Although, those places will not be recognized by the panel.

"Good luck, this time it's actually a task."

Du You opened the panel. When he started before, Du You found that he had triggered a temporary task. This task was to destroy the Green Fur Territory. Now this task has been completed.

The sixth-order treasure chest was directly black. After opening it, Du You found that there was a drawing inside. This is a drawing of the Undead Scroll Processing Factory, which appears to be an annex of the Lord's Mansion.

Since it is an accessory building, it has a great effect. For territories, the three main buildings and auxiliary buildings are often more important than other buildings, and even more effective than military buildings.

Du You immediately ordered his subordinates to start construction. With the improvement of the territory, the construction of these annex buildings is not so fast. The construction of this building was completed when the battlefield on the opposite side was cleaned up and the team walked back with the undead.

Undead Scroll Processing Factory: Incorporate your undead creatures into the summoning scroll. After use, the undead automatically belongs to the scroll user, and the territory loses control of the undead creature. The undead fusion cannot exceed the territory level.

"Why is this used? It seems to be used to sell the seal of the undead."

Du You nodded: "Yu Shi is right. I have seen similar architecture introductions, which should be used for this purpose. But, we can try it out. If it succeeds, we have one more product here. ."

There is not much in the land of the undead, that is, there are many undead. Besides, professionals don't reject the undead. If they can be sold, the market is actually quite impressive. In addition to the undead's bad appearance and obvious weakness, the spirit of not afraid of death is also very famous. On the battlefield, the undead can fight to the last one every time.

Du You greeted a skeleton, and then paid the price of a white crystal coin. The skeleton was gradually distorted in a beam of light and turned into a white scroll with a small label on it.

"Yes, the control of this skeleton has disappeared, and the territory has indeed been reduced by one unit. Whoever uses this scroll in the future, then the skeleton will listen to whoever, and there is no duration."

"This is indeed a good thing. The level of our territory can be sold even if the undead of Tier 6 can be sold. In the future, there will be no shortage of crystal coins in the territory. It is the cost and price that need to be calculated."

That's right, to make a scroll, not only the undead of the corresponding level, but also the consumption of crystal coins for the sealing process. If the price is low, perhaps you will lose one if you sell one, which is absolutely undesirable.

"This kind of thing cannot be known to outsiders, so it cannot be handed over to Li Minglu. We can only calculate it by ourselves."

Du You touched his chin and thought. With Du You's personality, this locked world is his absolute private property. Before the world is fully developed, Du You will never allow any outsider to enter Except for himself and his two sisters, even Du You from his company is unwilling.

So even if someone knew that he had territory in other worlds, Du You would never say it clearly.

The three of them calculated while waiting for the subsequent undead to be sent to their side. When the undead arrived, Du You basically made a standard. Then Du You asked the Lich Emperor to take the high-level undead to sell in the chaotic land.

On the one hand, it can solve the trouble, on the other hand, it can also enhance the influence of one's own territory.

As for low-level zombie skeletons and the like, Du You directly released the guardian of the dragon tomb. A large number of undead creatures were sacrificed, and then the guardians of the dragon tomb stood up and added to the territory's troops.

An army that had reached Tier 4 in strength and could even threaten Tier 5 in its guardian territory was formed in Du You's hands. I don't know how long the green furry domain has ruled, there are too many low-level undead.

Du You was busy for several days, tens of millions of low-level undead were sacrificed, and the Dragon Tomb Guardian team finally broke the 1,000 mark. It seems that there are not many, but in fact these can be brought to other worlds.

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