Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1306: The Devil Group Strikes

Although the melee area cuts off the conventional connection, the connection between Du You and his summoned beast does not belong to the conventional category. Du You had known it since those people came to sneak attack.

After receiving the news, Du You ordered the Lich Emperor to control these undead, and then prepared to deal with Chaos Land next.

Of course, this preparation time is not a day or two. The Lich Emperor is taking care of things over there, so there is no need to trouble yourself. But in front of him, there was another troublesome thing.

No, it should be said that Du You has been waiting for a long time. When passing through a canyon, suddenly a lot of powerful aura appeared from the surroundings, and it turned out that he was actually ambushed. For the sixth-order strong, the conventional terrain has no meaning to them. The reason for being here is just habituation.

As long as you can hide yourself well, you won't be discovered by others. It's just that Du You didn't know what method they used to hide, and he didn't even discover his own mental perception, although his mental perception was only level 50 now.

"Master, they are here, there are more than 300 people who have reached the sixth rank."

Du You smiled: "Is this looking down on us, but it's okay to let them know our strength."

In fact, it is very difficult to draw three hundred Tier 6 demons at once. It's just that Du You kept letting his subordinates hide their breath, so the other party didn't realize that there were 400 zombie dragons he had brought, plus one hundred ghost dragons. The number of Tier 6 powerhouses under Du You directly reached 500.

Maybe the individual strength is weaker than those demons, but they are an army. After they cooperate with each other to form a scale, their strength is far from comparable alone.

After discovering those demons, time passed quickly, almost in the blink of an eye. Across the distance, the zombie dragons spit out poisonous dragon breath, and the demons also used various methods.

In the void, the fluctuation of the energy impact continued to spread, and at the time of contact, the valley below turned into a basin.

"Sure enough, the existence of Tier 6 is all living nuclear weapons." Du You sighed when he saw the destructive power. Once upon a time, such a strong man still needed to look up, and he couldn't even think about it.

But despite thinking so, Du You was not polite. Seeing a weird demon that seemed to be made of liquid appeared in front of him, Du You waved his hand and it was a magic cannon.

The guy who was being entangled by the zombie dragon felt the danger, and quickly condensed himself, even his body shrank a lot.

It's just that the power of the energy-generating magic cannon is too strong, and it directly punched a big hole in this guy's body. And the demon who broke the hole fluctuated a bit, and the wound healed unexpectedly, but the body was much lighter than before.

"This is not dead, what is this?" Du You narrowed his eyes, this kind of demon has not seen the record.

But then there was no need to wait for Du You to start, the zombie dragon suddenly opened his mouth and ate the demon in one bite. Then the zombie dragon began to have blisters all over his body, continuously exploding out of thick water.

After a few seconds, the sluggish zombie dragon finally stopped, and the demon had obviously been killed.

"Forget it, I'd better find a few easier to kill to deal with." Du You looked around and began to select targets. Because he has more people under him, there is absolutely no way for those demons to get close to him.

Du You found the target from time to time, and then a shaped energy magic cannon slammed over to quickly kill these demons. Even if they were all Tier 6, as long as they didn't reach the middle stage of Tier 6, Du You was likely to kill the opponent in seconds.

On the other side, the two sisters are much better than themselves. Although the auras of the two people were hidden, the power of exterminating demons on their bodies was not a display. From the beginning of the battle, those ghost dragons were hidden. After the battle began, Du You quietly let the ghost dragon run behind the opponent, and then came an inside and outside flanking attack.

Suddenly, Du You changed from being a sneak attacker to an active sneak attacker. He was beaten by a demon who was caught off guard, and he was injured a lot in an instant. The two sisters are mingled in it, secretly hiding in the belly of the ghost dragon.

Arrows flew out very secretly, and two of the more common succubus and the demon with wings were killed immediately. Next, the two sisters kept arrows, and after dying a few demons, the speed of killing the demons by the two of them was even faster.

Du You's eyes lit up. He already knew that the two sisters might have improved in strength, and he could feel it.

Opening the panel, as I guessed, the bloodline level had been raised from Tier 5 to Tier 6.

The original bonus power suddenly increased, and the two sisters only doubled their basic abilities. Although the individual strength of Du You felt that two people alone still seemed to be not his opponents, but the strength was really improved a lot.

With the help of the condensed energy-concentrating magic cannon, Du You continued to look for the demons that were easier to kill to kill.

Gradually, the demons discovered that something was wrong. "Damn it, who gave the information? Why didn't you say that there are so many Tier 6 undead here." A grumpy demon roared loudly.

But before, there were already demons ready to escape. No, it should be said that there have been demons running far away.

A creature like a demon, after having a mind, is very afraid of death, and it is completely different from the undead. It was very good in the tailwind, but now they can run faster than anyone else in this unwinnable situation.

As a result, the battle started and ended sooner. In less than twenty minutes, Du You could only watch the demons flee. The number of more than 300 demons who came here this time is I am afraid that fewer than 150 have been killed by myself and others. Because the opponent reacted too quickly, let alone annihilation, it would be nice to be able to keep these.

"There are very strong opponents in it. If it were not for hurriedly fleeing, I am afraid it would pose a great threat to us."

Hearing Lin Yucha's words, Du You nodded, and then looked at his undead. The undead that he brought were not without losses. At first, he was attacked by a sneak attack and later entangled, and his zombie dragon died more than 80.

This is because they form military formations and help each other to resist, otherwise the losses will be even greater. But now, the wounded are everywhere, and then the ghost dragons that sneak attacked have also been killed by the opponent.

In addition, he also lost a hundred sixth-order undead here, and those who are less than the sixth-order do not know how much they lost, and Du You is already too lazy to count.


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