Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1307: Raiders in Chaos Land

The undead is the undead, and Du You now understands something. Why the undead creatures in the undead territory are always cheap and the yield is huge? This is definitely not the reason why the earth consciousness does not like the undead.

Obviously, Du You could see in this battle that the strength of the undead creatures was indeed not very good.

Although it was tested separately, it seemed that it was not very weak in all aspects. But once it was actually exposed, it was exposed. The strength of the undead is too stable, and the brain response is not so flexible.

Other races can often break out when fighting, and their strength is much stronger than usual experiments. The more dangerous the juncture, the more it can break through its own limits, and the undead creatures obviously can't do it.

In this battle, if he and the two sisters were not present, I am afraid that the amount of the devil's loss might even be less than that of the undead. Even so, after killing one hundred and fifty demons, he also lost more than one hundred.

If the devil is not a mob, but will cooperate with each other and run away instead of in trouble. I'm afraid that these three hundred demons will really fight head-on with five hundred undeads of their own, and the outcome is really uncertain.

If you want to completely control this area, you need stronger forces.

"What about these corpses?" Lin Yushi said, looking at the corpses on the ground, there are undead and demons.

"Send it back. We don't use it ourselves, but there is always someone who needs it. Whether it is a demon corpse or an undead corpse, it will always be useful." Troop corpses are useless for professionals, but they are different for others.

After thinking about it, Du You said loudly: "Okay, all stop, we will be stationed here. In the next period of time, we need to stabilize the current line of defense and not continue to expand. After this battle, I miss you. The devil won't come to our troubles easily." The undead nodded one after another without making any comments.

As for the death of the companion or the death of himself, or the injuries on his own body, this is not within the scope of the undead's consideration. As long as the task assigned by the master can be completed, it will be fine.

Speaking of which, Du You was also speechless to these guys. The undead army brought this time, there are also a lot of losses below Tier 6, which were all destroyed in the aftermath of the previous sneak attack. Tier 5 is okay, people below Tier 5 don't even have the qualifications to evade.

In terms of benefits, there is only one's own gains. The experience of the territory has improved a lot, although it is far away from the seventh step, but it has increased after all. Sure enough, hunting Tier 6 demons here can increase the influence of the territory.

The next ones are those round balls, constantly opening, and Du You keeps gaining various benefits in his hands. It's a pity that there are a lot of crystal coins, and the output is increasing, but the equipment I want is gone.

"Fortunately, there is a little consolation prize." When Du You opened the treasure chest, there was a drawing inside.

Ghost Knight Castle (Tier 6): You can build a ghost knight castle in your territory.

Put away the drawings and take a look at what you have opened. There is really nothing you can use. "It's all materials. We don't have a Tier 6 equipment manufacturer. It looks like it will take some time before our equipment is in place."

The higher the level, the more rare the equipment is, but Du You and the others now look down on the equipment manufactured by the equipment manufacturers themselves, so there is no way. Maybe go back and buy a bow, that's it.

The battle broke out so fast that Du You didn't have time to summon his summoned beast, and it ended soon.

Next, Du You began to take the undead to repair in situ, and then replenish combat effectiveness. Hunt down those demons around and then summon them as undead. Although the undead summoned by those liches were not as high as those created by Du You, they could still be created. So in the end, Du You left the follow-up to these Liches.

How to say these guys are also Tier 6, although they can only play a supporting effect, their combat effectiveness is not very good.

At the same time, the rear battle against the chaotic land finally began. The local area and the captives have been sorted out, and the Lich Emperor secretly has sent troops to surround the chaotic place.

It's just that there are too few troops, or too little high-level troops, so this kind of encirclement is only symbolic. If those undead creatures escape in a large area, such an encirclement will definitely not be able to keep them.

"The master's intention, keep the mode of Chaos Land." The Lich Emperor said calmly.

Scalo said cautiously: "The villain thinks that if, according to the Lord's intention, you should want to keep a place for trading. This kind of place must have credit, otherwise there will be no undead willing to come. ."

"Tell me what you think." The Lich Emperor really has no experience in this area. After being re-evolved and manufactured by Du You, all previous memories have disappeared. The current lich emperor is equivalent to not long before he was born.

"That's what the villain thinks. We first use force to frighten them, but don't kill them rashly. Then tell them that we only punish the first evil, so that we can wipe out the forces left by the strongest undead. Then we send troops. Protect that place and let them continue trading. Although they may not believe it for a short time, it will be better for a long time."

Scalo continued: "I heard that some large undead realms also have such trading areas, but we rarely see them here on our borders. We have enough strength to protect there should be none. problem."

The Lich Emperor nodded, their most advantage is high-end combat power. In the other territories near the battlefield, most of them have only one Tier VI undead, because they are worried about being called up and entering the battlefield.

And there are many of them here, and as long as a few more are sent out, this trading land can be protected.

For Scarlo's ability to figure out people's hearts, the Lich Emperor agrees very much.

"Okay, then you follow me. Master asked me to train you." This was Du You's order to the Lich Emperor.

"The villain must completely obey your instructions." Scarlo's eyes lit up, and the opportunity to improve his strength came. We must perform well and strive for greater rights and more resources.

Following a promising lord, his achievements will never be the same as before. Besides, after the transformation, he knew that he was labeled as the earth. In the future, even if you have to take refuge in other people, it is impossible.

Once discovered by the **** of death in this world, he is a dead end. Now, there is only one way to get to the dark.

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