Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1344: 1 road horizontal push

"Request for support, request for support, the enemy is a powerful supernatural player, it may be a reformer."

"Damn it, shut up, run away, that's not something we can deal with, we can't wait for support."

When Du You was discovered, the people in the entire base were in confusion. There was no way. This was the first time they saw such an enemy. This was the destructive power of a Tier VI battleship, and it was not something they could resist.

The key is that the battleship's main gun is just that once, but this is scattered across the surface of the base. Didn't you see how miserable the base in front was? It was directly shattered, and the people on it turned into cosmic dust.

"Attack, attack, don't let his attack start." The commander yelled.

This time they reacted much faster than the previous base.

In the air, countless satellite weapons turned their heads and attacked in Du You's direction. A ray of light hit the surface of Du You's body, Du You completely ignored it, because the dark magic barrier would automatically defend.

Sure enough, a barrier blocked all these attacks. These attacks are not even Tier 5, so how can they break through their own attacks? The warships started to activate, and the defensive weapons on the ground began to turn and lock their targets. But the time was too short, they didn't achieve this at all, and Du You's time had already been reached.

Ten seconds, very short, countless fireballs suddenly appeared in the air, and then struck in the direction of the meteorite.

"No, intercept and stop them." The ground weapons finally adjusted their positions, and then one after another attack hit the air. But it is of no use. The attack falls on the fireball, and there is no possibility of the fireball penetrated.

Originally, the power of technological weapons is not as high as those of special professionals like them. When the opponent's level is higher and the energy is more, it is crushing.

The fireball fell on the surface and exploded one by one, and the same devastating scene took place.

This asteroid is bigger, so the Destroyer Dogs have something to do. Countless destructive dogs were born, and then attacked all the living creatures around, and the entire base was in chaos.

"Hey, this asteroid is actually much stronger than the previous one. Forget it, leave them alone, let's move on to the next goal." Du You did not stay here, but returned to the shuttle, and then went on to the next planet. Fly away.

It seemed that it would not last long to leave the base where the fireball was still raging. Even if this base was not broken like the first one because of its special structure, it must have been destroyed on the surface.

Destroying the vicious dogs raged for a period of time, even if anyone could survive, there were definitely not many. It is absolutely impossible for one of those biochemical weapons to stay. After all, those guys don't even know what hiding is without someone commanding them.

Seeing Du You flying over, the people on the third base behind finally reacted. Various weapons were mobilized in advance, and the battleship began to lift off. At the same time, the warships of the next two asteroids are also ready to come and support.

"There is only one person, who is that person, how can he be so powerful."

"The report, after comparison, that person is Du You, the lord of Harry asteroids. According to intelligence, his personal ability can compete with Tier 5 battleships." A subordinate reported for the first time.

Harry asteroids, of course they knew, this time the target was originally this place.

Even the senior officials of the Star Ring Alliance contacted them on the initiative. They asked for the asteroid Harry to be removed, which would be good for the upper echelons of their Scarlet Empire. But they also demanded that everything on Harry's asteroid be theirs, but they gave the Scarlet Empire a large sum of money, and both sides can be regarded as earning it.

But if there is really something of high value, they will not leave it to the people of the Starlink Alliance.

But they didn't expect that the lord of Harry's asteroid would come here by himself. That terrible force is even more incomprehensible than before, and can destroy a base by one person.

Could it be that individual strength can reach the level of a Tier VI battleship. They regretted it a little bit. If they had known this a long time ago, they would definitely apply for a few Tier VI main battleships to come and help, and the credit would be great.

"Can you lock them down and shoot them down for me."

"No, they use a personal shuttle. This ultra-small shuttle is too fast to hit it easily. This shuttle is obviously modified, and our weapons cannot affect it."

Didn't you see that people can easily enter the sub-light speed? This is their battleship, and it will have to accelerate for a period of time. That kind of flexibility, most people will never get down inside.

They are not technically inadequate, but their physical fitness cannot bear it, so there is no way at all.

"Strengthen your guard, **** it, the two bases were destroyed like this."

The first one was not bad before. After all, the loss was not too big, but the second one was different. It was a normal base. But now, the ruins above the base are all big craters like craters. The entire meteorite was burned to a large black lacquer area, not to mention rebuilding the base in the future, no one wanted this place because it could not be modified.

A base has its own farmland. After being burned by Du You's power, you can't even think about farming.

After reaching the sixth rank, the rules contained in Du You's power are very powerful. It may take decades for such rules to dissipate completely in nature. This is the powerful power of a demigod.

When he came to the third base Du You found that it was not as easy to deal with before.

But as long as there is no Tier VI battleship, Du You is not worried.

"Yuchayushi, you two deal with them, and I will continue to blow them up." Du You ordered to go down. This time the two sisters appeared in outer space just like themselves. It turned out that they were not one person, but three people.

Du You continued to summon, and the people in the base saw the sky full of magic circles. Thinking of the fate of the previous two bases, the people inside began to panic. In the air, satellite weapons and warship mechas flew toward this side at the same time.

"This road is nowhere." Standing in front, Lin Yushi released his torn shoes and scattered, and a large piece of thunder and lightning in the sky was as spectacular as the appearance of the **** of thunder. Accompanying this beautiful picture is a piece of death.

Lin Yucha silently released a series of arrows, but at a very fast speed. Each arrow will make a straight line in the void, no warship can block it, a string of five can occur.


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