Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1345: The encounter that broke out in outer space

Behind Lin Yucha, the shuttle has been wrapped up by the floating clouds on the platform. With the power of the weapons here, it is impossible to blow up the floating clouds on the platform. This is the reason why they have no fear.

As long as the shuttle is not destroyed, they can walk freely in outer space.

Ten seconds later, Du You's destructive flames were released, and no one could stop it. They could only watch countless fireballs falling on the base, smashing the base into ruins.

If Du You hadn't been discovered before, many of them had already evacuated, I am afraid that the number of natural persons lost this time would be large.

Du You ignored it and continued to release the flames of destruction. The previous attack only covered half of the asteroid. Now Du You is ready to attack the other half. At the same time, because asteroids are relatively large, there is no way to break them all at once.

There was a little time in between, but it was not very long, and it would take ten seconds to release the person again, which was not very long. As a result, after two attacks, the third base completely collapsed, and even the asteroid structure was loosened.

Perhaps in the next few years, if no one is in charge, then this asteroid will gradually disintegrate and become a large swath of cosmic dust. Looking at the air again, the fighting power erupted by the two sisters is definitely not weak.

There is almost no intact battleship formation in the air. "Good job, I will come too." Du You smiled, and then a large-scale dark flame arrow burst. In terms of scale, his magic is the largest.

After a while, except for a few warships escaping, the others basically stayed here.

The entire battlefield didn't last for too long, and it was completely destroyed by three people. The powerful combat power of professionals is shown incisively and vividly here. In the rear, someone was already preparing to escape.

"Damn it, how come there are Tier 6 mage-type professionals running into this world, it's not good for them at all."

Of course they knew that even if they won this game, Du You and others would not benefit. It's true that there are a lot of science and technology troops, but at most Tier 5, what can Du You get. Tier 5 crystal coins? It's useless. Tier 5 equipment doesn't have much burst rate, so it uses a lot. Generally, a wizard who reaches Tier 6 will come to the world of science and technology.

There are also those two shooters, the technological world simply does not produce what they need.

"Don't say so much. With their strength, we can't stop it at all. Let's leave. Don't go with the big group, or we will die if we are caught up."

After a group of professionals who had descended on the Scarlet Empire discussed it, they ran away secretly.

Because they were doing well, no one even noticed their escape. Everyone's attention was now on Du You. Didn't you see these people, did you fly over by the shuttle again?

But with the fourth asteroid, there was no such good opportunity as before. In outer space, there are already several formations of spacecraft waiting for themselves. The people who had previously supported found that there was no way to arrive in time, so these supports stayed near the fourth asteroid. And the surrounding space power was also blocked by something.

Du You found that both his shadow teleport and the space abilities of the two sisters could be used, but the distance was slightly affected.

But his own shuttle machine has no way to use the space shuttle capability. This kind of influence is really aimed at technological items. For more flexible and sophisticated personal space abilities, this kind of blockade is of no use.

This discovery made Du You more confident in his next plan.

"Encounter, let's fight. First solve the airborne, and then solve their base, give them time to escape." Du You already felt that some of his own spacecraft with coordinates had sneaked away.

"Also, please be careful. There are some spaceships with coordinates left by me, so don't destroy them."

Many battleships that left their coordinates came to support before, but they all flew over. If this is ruined, then the success rate of attacking the opponent will drop a little bit.

"Master, don't worry, we won't have problems doing things." Lin Yushi said with a smile.

Then, the three people reappeared in outer space. The other party didn't know what method was used to spread the sound in outer space. But Du You didn't care about what the other party was going to say, so he started directly.

Du You unceremoniously arranged a large swath of hellfire spiders in the air. Hellfire spiders have no way to move in outer space, but they are arranged around, as if they were a deep sea mine.

Originally, those mechas and fighters that wanted to get close to them were on the wax all at once. Because the biological weapon flying in the forefront, as soon as it rushed in, it was detonated by the hellfire spider and turned into a fireball in the air.

This black flame is very powerful, they have felt it, even if there is no oxygen in outer space, it can burn violently. Du You didn't know if this was due to the rules or some other reason.

All in all, for Tier 6 masters, outer space is not a restricted zone.

Next, Du You was also unambiguous, driving on the dark absorption and dark spiritual light, constantly releasing various spells, and destroying the warships in the air on a large scale. The same is true for the two sisters, but they have been carefully controlling them for fear of making a mistake. Those warships that had the coordinates left by Du You did not attack, and they had to act like they did.

Really tired, Du You thought in his heart. Because of this relationship, their attack speed is not as fast as although it is still not slow. But in this battle, three people fought for more than two hours.

In the two-hour battle, the opponent's battleship was nearly half destroyed by Du You and his team. Even if most of it is controlled by some biochemical people, the scene still can't be suppressed.

I don't know how long it took, the warships dispersed in a rush, all flying towards the rear. Some were panicked and didn't know what direction they were heading to fly away. Knowing that getting lost in outer space is no joke, and death is often their destination.

Watching these battleships escape, Du You wiped a cold sweat: "Finally, I'm gone. The fight is really embarrassing."

"Hehe, Master, let's deal with the base first. There is no one in that base, but it is still running automatically to attack us. Killing this base can also increase our territory experience."

Du You nodded, then calmly began to summon the flames of destruction. This time, no one stopped him, and time was not tight. Du You released three destruction flames in succession, ploughing the entire planet once.


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