Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1346: Harry asteroid crisis lifted

The fourth asteroid is much stronger than the previous one. Du You covered the blow back and forth several times, and there was no disintegration and collapse, and he was still so strong.

After Du You's series of scrubbing attacks, this asteroid will basically be unusable in the future.

The dark power left by Du You, ordinary people dare to live here, it will definitely be eroded after a long time. And Du You obviously hadn't thought about clearing out this power, and it was of no use to him anyway.

Then, the three men returned to the shuttle again and flew towards the last asteroid.

At this time, the asteroid was in chaos, and many people rushed to the port, shouting to evacuate. Had it not been for the old and weak women and children who had been evacuated a lot, I am afraid it would be even more chaotic now.

Because the rest are basically soldiers or people engaged in related jobs.

"These people are really interesting. They are obviously soldiers, but they still want to escape when fighting. If it weren't for those robots and biochemical people, I'm afraid the entire base would have collapsed." Lin Yushi said with disdain.

Although they haven't reached their destination yet, their eyesight is enough to analyze a lot of things from the screen.

Du You shook his head: "Is it human nature? After all, these people are used to using biochemical humans. Even if the laws on the Scarlet Empire are stricter, they are much better than in ancient times. They are a dead end here. If you leave, you will be punished at most. With so many people, the Scarlet Empire cannot punish them all.

Du You also understood the principles of the Scarlet Empire. Generally speaking, if too many people were involved, they would punish the leaders, so the leaders would not leave.

Even in this kind of war, there is still a fleet left in this place, and this is their main fleet.

But most people still only think about retreating, and the commander's orders are no longer useful.

Du You and others deliberately slowed down and gave them time to escape. So when Du You arrived, those people had already left. Still outside the range, Du You and the two sisters came out of the shuttle.

"The remaining fleet, there are only three warships with the coordinates I left on them. Fortunately, most of them have already left." Du You felt a bit, and was very satisfied with this.

"Then we will make them look good." Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi stared at the front.

"I don't need it now. Now that I have achieved all the goals to be achieved, let's look at mine next."

With that, Du You summoned the photon elf. The photon elves are completely dark and inconspicuous in the night sky. Du You pointed to the front, and the photon elves instantly turned into streams of light.

The photon elves of Tier 6 are simply not something that these warships with the highest Tier 5 can resist.

In an instant, the photon elves sneaked in, and all the battleships and mechas changed afterwards. Turn the muzzle one by one and start charging. Seeing this scene, everyone had another bad premonition in their hearts.

"Damn it, what's the matter, why suddenly started attacking. What are you all doing, have you all rebelled!"

"Commander, we can't control it. An unfamiliar virus has invaded our system. We can't control the warships at all now." As he said, the warships had already fired one after another.

The first thing to attack is not other warships, but those biochemical weapons, various biochemical behemoths or flesh and blood mechas. Because these things are not entirely controlled by machinery, the photon wizard has no way to interfere.

It is a pity that there will be no other reaction to these things until they are ordered. Therefore, even if they were locked, these bio-chemical weapons would just stand by, and orders or something would have been cut off by the photon elves a long time ago.

The red light flickered in the night sky. After only three attacks, all the biological and chemical weapons were cleared.

"Damn it, this is over, we have nothing left." The commander said in pain, covering his face. Originally wanted to leave the name of a hero, but the information about this battle was sent back, who would consider himself a hero.

Even if the hero is tragic, he can't be controlled by others. Du You didn't care about this at this time. After attacking the biochemical weapons, these warships began to attack each other. Without Du You's hands, they would destroy themselves.

And Du You focused on the asteroid. This is the largest of the five bases, and it was also the place that carried the most warships. It's just that Du You has wiped out most of it now, and the rest can't be organized anymore.

Just like before, Du You directly used the flames of destruction to plow on it, and the entire asteroid completely turned into a pitch black color, exuding an ominous breath, flooding the entire planet.

At this time, the battle in space finally ended. All fleets have become space junk, and only one flagship is still there, but it has been broken. When the photon sprite reappeared in space, the flagship had already initiated a self-destruct procedure. A few seconds later, the flagship exploded and disappeared in this place with the last person left.

"Finally solved, but it really wasn't enough." Du You opened the panel and submitted the new task.

During the entire mission process, Du You and the others got nothing except for adapting to their own strength. Those Tier 5 crystal coins and equipment are a lot, and there are many drawings, but they are of no use.

Looking at the experience in his territory, it is still a bit worse. According to this situation, even if the information here is leaked out, it may not be able to fill up the experience Sure enough, the next plan is still to be done.

As long as it succeeds this time, the experience value will definitely be enough, and it is possible to get the blueprint for the stable territory.

The most important thing is that the entire battlefield has progressed to the next stage because of itself. Your reputation and status in this world will be improved. Things will be easier in the future, and no one will dare to make your own ideas. In a disguised form, he can once again expand his territory influence and prepare for the seventh-level advancement.

Du You differently informed that Corgis had already received the news.

"Lord, I request to build a skill hall in the territory."

"Why, our main development is not the type of technology, it is too wasteful."

Ke Jisi said without hesitation: "Because our territory may be the only Tier 6 territory to the outside world, having a skill hall can also reassure Tier 5 professionals, and even attract Tier 6 players to join us, which is beneficial to the development of our company. It helps a lot."


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