Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1350: It's exciting to run with 1 hit

"It seems that their strength is not very strong either." Lin Yushi said with some disdain, it was too easy for them to advance this way. This is still an evaluation of the seventh-order interstellar fortress, which actually came in.

"They just have no defense against us. A star fortress is not that weak."

Perhaps because of not paying much attention to the security issues of the center, only three of the opponent's biological and chemical weapons reached Tier VI. The biggest one is fighting the natural disaster giant dog, and the remaining two are blocked by the powerful dark dragon and the dead orangutan.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, hurry up and do our thing." Du You rebuked, and the two sisters stopped fighting.

No way, after all, this is inside the Star Fortress. Although they don't have many troops now, it is because they are moving too fast. In less than an hour, from being discovered all the way to the core of the planet, this was an enemy they had never seen before. If you continue to procrastinate, the time will be longer.

At the same time, the people in the command post also saw the picture of the core layer.

"What are they doing? Oh, damn, how can they manipulate our planetary compression guns, what are they going to hit."

The planetary compression gun is the basic weapon of all interstellar fortresses, and it is also a necessary weapon, but each planetary compression cannon is used differently. This method is encrypted and generally only known by a few people inside the interstellar fortress.

This is to prevent the fortress from being snatched by the enemy and then used to deal with oneself. Although the Interstellar Fortress was robbed of this kind of thing has never happened, but this tradition has been passed down.

There is no control method, even if you occupy the interstellar fortress, it will take a long time to transform it into a method you can use. Who would have thought that these people would actually do it.

Lin Yushi even helped herself with the help of many demon-killing spirits she had just created. As a result, only three people with a group of little monsters opened their planetary compression cannons in such a grand manner.

When the planetary compression gun entered the final program, Du You stopped and focused on some of the pipes above.

"Waste, it's all waste. What are you doing, the planetary compression cannons are about to be turned on, and you haven't stopped them." The commander was furious. Once the planetary compression cannons were turned on, they would be dead no matter what the result was.

"Look, what is he doing, oh damn, they are not going to hit other targets, they are going to destroy us."

They saw Du You raise his hand, the energy gathering ring appeared, and the energy gathering magic cannon hit the pipe above. That's not an ordinary pipe, it's a guide groove, which is used to guide energy.

With the help of these guiding grooves, the transformed planetary energy will be shot out towards the outside. This is the release method of the planetary compression gun. But if these guiding slots are destroyed and the energy cannot be released, they will be destroyed in the end.

Once the planetary compression gun is turned on, it cannot be turned off at all. If you close it forcibly, maybe the entire Star Fortress will collapse. It's better to let the energy be released. But now if this energy erupts internally, the consequences will be disastrous.

A few minutes later, the army outside grew more and more. Du You was cruel, and directly guided his own destruction flames, inside the planet, and still guided him for twenty seconds.

No way, those guide slots are too hard.

Du You didn't know how much he could destroy with the energy-charging magic cannon, but it was different with the flames of destruction. Twenty seconds of guidance, although the damage produced is not as good as the five-second guidance of the energy-charging magic cannon, but it is enough and the scope is large. These were all calculated by Du You himself. Sure enough, the bombardment of a large number of fireballs caused extensive damage to the surrounding guide grooves.

In another two minutes, Du You released three times in a row, and the guide groove was basically destroyed.

At this time, the work of the two sisters was finally finished. "Okay, the planetary compression gun, turn it on." Lin Yucha pulled a metal rod down forcefully, and the planetary compression gun finally started to operate.

Under the huge pressure and compression, the core of the earth continued to expand and contract, as if a heart was beating, and it became more and more intense. A stream of white energy gathered around, and the guiding groove began to deform more severely.

"Compress the time for half an hour, let's go." Du You greeted the two sisters to come to him, and did not care about the summoned beasts, anyway, these summoned beasts could not die. Now that they are taken back, they may not be able to go.

Suddenly, a blank space appeared in Du You's perception. Du You flashed with the two sisters, and when they appeared again, they had already reached the surface of the interstellar fortress.

Du You didn't waste any time. He looked at a planet in the distance, and then the black shadow flickered again, and the three of them disappeared. Those summoned beasts that were too far away automatically returned to the summoning space, leaving only some demonic spirits on the scene.

But there was a boil on the headquarters side: "It's not good, they really turned on the planetary compression gun, what should we do, what should we do!" As commanders, of course they know what the situation is.

"Run, we only have half an hour, we won't be able to go if we don't run."

"Still here, even if you run away, it will be a dead end. Such a big mistake will not let us go."

"We go to the Starlink Alliance, we are all talents, and the Starlink Alliance will not abandon us." So a group of people quickly ran towards the aircraft, while some people stayed where they were.

Of course those who ran away chose personal shuttles, so we don't pay attention to pomp at this time. Because it took too long for the spaceship and battleship to take off, the large battleship exploded here before it took off. Although those small spaceships can fly, they cannot leave the planet too far. Once the planet explodes, they will still be involved.

Some people who knew the news started to run away, but many others didn't know what was going on. They should eat or drink.

This is a complete planet. The riots were suppressed before, and it happened so fast that it would be useless to tell them now. Half an hour, no, there is no more than half an hour now.

The vast majority of people have no chance to escape at all, and can only be destroyed along with this planet.

Opposite the distant starry sky, Du You and the two sisters watched from a distance. While restoring his magical powers, Du You stared at the science fiction-style planet, waiting for the planet to end.

The most powerful weapon of the empire is about to be destroyed in one's own hands today, which is really impressive.


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