Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1351: Exploding Interstellar Fortress

"What happened, was there an earthquake?" The shaking of the ground attracted the attention of many people.

"How is it possible? Our planet is a transformed interstellar fortress, and it is impossible to have earthquakes." Since they came to this planet, there have been no natural disasters.

With the technological ability to transform the planet, no natural disasters can happen.

Suddenly, a person pointed to the distance and said: "Look, what is that."

It turned out that in a far away place, a large black shadow was constantly rising, getting higher and higher. Like a mountain, even if they were far away, they could clearly feel the tremendous pressure.

On the surface of the planet, at this moment countless folding floors were opened and turned around, revealing a precise and thick orbit.

Du You, who is in the distant starry sky, can also see vaguely, this orbit crisscrosses, forming a ring of two crosses, dividing the entire planet from the surface, like a watermelon that has been sliced ​​twice.

A stream of special forces converged in it, and the light gradually flowed, but it was very unstable.

"I remember my grandfather said that this kind of thing seems to have happened before." Someone said hesitantly.

"Isn't your grandfather a senior technician? Since he said more than half of it is true, what happened?" This change is too big, and the hearts of these people who have lived here for many years are full of anxiety and worry.

"I remember when my grandfather told me when he was a child, he said that this happens when the planetary compression gun, the most powerful weapon of our interstellar fortress, is turned on. When the orbit is opened and the muzzle is adjusted, the entire planet will vibrate . It’s just that we don’t seem to have any targets to strike right now."

"Could it be that we are about to start a full-scale war on the opposite Star Fortress?" Someone began to speculate.

But how does this tone feel like eager to try? Is this for fear that the world will not be chaotic.

"Impossible. The opponent's interstellar fortress is far beyond our range. It is impossible to use this kind of attack. And once this weapon is used, it will be a full-scale war with disastrous consequences."

The starry sky is very big, and every force has many planets. It seems that the destruction of a planet is nothing, but this kind of influence is great. After all, there are not many planets with really large populations.

Once this weapon is used on a large scale, it won't take long for human beings to have much left. Most planets have not had time to be transformed, and there are not so many people inhabited.

"Look, how come so many spaceships are flying, is there really a big war? And the shuttle, what exactly is this going to do?" said a man controlling a machine.

Through the screen of this machine, everyone can clearly see the flying spacecraft and shuttles. At the speed of these things, people can't see clearly with the naked eye, after all, they are ordinary people.

Everyone is unclear, so they don't know what happened. At this time, many people have quietly left, and many places on the planet are in chaos. People in most places still don't know anything.

The riots spread very quickly, but unfortunately the time is short after all. There was only less than half an hour, and before the riots spread in a few areas, there was no time left.

Inside the planet, the huge power of core compression condensed in the center of the core, but the surrounding guiding slots were all destroyed.

These energies could not be guided out in time, and as a result, they gathered in the center of the earth's core, growing more and more violent. A burst of white lightning-like energy burst around, becoming more and more intense.

When time reached a critical point, this force finally couldn't support it. A powerful fission broke out from the center of the earth's core. Cracks appeared in the core of the earth, and the cracks continued to expand. The huge mass of the earth's core was running chaotically, and a more powerful force burst out from this, and the entire planet began to shake.

The planet that has never had a disaster, cracks began to appear. First, it starts from the inside and gradually spreads out. When the people on the outermost layer found the cracks, there was no chance to escape.

In the air, countless spaceships and shuttles flee wildly outside, all wanting to leave this place in the shortest time.

Behind him, the fortress that was transformed by the planet was shaking more and more violently, and he could see clearly if he was close. The smoke and dust were agitated, and the whole planet looked hazy.

Although the orbit of the compression gun was opened, the energy of the compression gun was not introduced into it, so it had no effect at all. On the contrary, the light burst out from inside, bursting out with the vicinity of the orbit as a weak point.

The scars near the track are the most obvious. Suddenly, in Du You's eyes, the huge interstellar fortress had its orbit as its center, turning into four pieces, and it was split in the middle.

This change is as if a watermelon is really cut into four pieces. The people on the planet were wailing, and no matter how idiot they were, they could find that something was wrong. This is no longer a disaster, but the end of the world.

The fragments of the cracked planet did not fly too far, and the huge energy in the core of the earth that had lost its pressure burst out completely.

In the distance of the starry sky, a white light burst out, as if a huge flashlight flickered. Even if it was far away, Du You could feel the terrifying pressure. The explosion of a planet is far from what Du You can resist now. Fortunately, the distance is very far, and such an explosion can't affect me.

But the Star Fortress is different. A huge explosion spreads towards the surroundings, and the battleship flying at the back is useless no matter how accelerated it is. Before the space door could be opened, it was affected.

Under that kind of huge power, even the main battleship that reached Tier VI could not resist, but was destroyed after insisting on it for a while. There are also some who act faster, open the space channel to escape, and don't know what the result will be.

Although the shuttles that flew out first were affected by constant shocks, they ensured their own safety.

Du You roughly counted a long distance away. In the end, no more than a hundred spaceships and shuttles could escape the interstellar fortress. It looks like a lot, but it is far from the overall strength of a military fortress.

This time the operation was a complete success, and an interstellar fortress was destroyed in Du You's hands. This was simply an impossible task. The explosion didn't end, it just started, and it will continue for a long time.


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