Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1374: Arran Continent

Originally, Du You planned to continue to rest for a while, taking advantage of this time to condense his skills. But suddenly, Du You discovered that there was another problem on the Yalan Continent.

So Du You could only bid farewell to the others and returned to the Yalan Continent with the two sisters. While putting his skills in the skill hall to condense, Du You also found Salia and understood the situation here.

"Your Majesty, you are finally back." Seeing Du You, Salia let out a sigh of relief.

After these years of training, Saria is now like a queen, with a very strong temperament. Only after seeing Du You, this temperament melted instantly, and this posture only existed for Du You alone.

From the outside, Saria, who has been in charge of everything in the empire all year round, may be the real queen.

"What the **** is going on, why can't even you handle it? It's not the gods who have recovered."

"No, it's not a matter of the gods, but the troubles of the Quicksand Empire. The Quicksand Empire has formally formed an alliance with the Dark Empire. Now the army of the Dark Empire is gathering in the Quicksand Empire, ready to attack us at any time."

"Where is our strength, isn't it an opponent?" Du You said strangely.

"No, our high-level forces completely surpass them. If we don't hide them all the time, we can dominate the whole world without problems. But our lower level forces are not enough, and they are not their opponents."

Yes, you can't let the masters do everything. Although there is no problem in this way, too many problems have been exposed. Having seen the strength of the seventh-tier powerhouse, Du You didn't think that his strength was the opponent of the seventh-tier powerhouse.

"Wait, the Dark Empire actually dared to attack, so what about the other empires in the Central Continent, don't they just look at it like this?"

The Dark Empire feeds unfamiliar white-eyed wolves and has given them so many benefits, but they did not expect them to attack. But the Cruise Empire, they are human empires, and they should be on the same front with themselves.

At this time, Lin Yucha spoke: "Master, look at this. This report says that the Cruise Empire is at war with the Orc Empire. It may be for this reason that the Dark Empire will be unscrupulous. However, they sent troops to us on a large scale. On the side, it also shows that the battle between the Cruise Empire and the Orc Empire has reached a very high level."

Saria nodded and said: "That's right, they dare to do this without restraining them. Moreover, the sending of troops by the Dark Empire will also make the two empires more at ease, and a larger-scale battle will break out."

"It's weird. The three major empires in the center of the mainland are obviously very restrained, why suddenly fighting broke out."

"This question may have something to do with us."

"Huh? What the **** is going on?" Du You was surprised, how could this have something to do with him.

After Salia's strengthening, Du You finally understood that it was really his own relationship. In other words, it has something to do with the white fox clan. It is understandable that the white fox clan drove away the lion clan and became a royal clan.

The orcs are always respected by the strong, but what is absolutely wrong is that they actually joined the humans and merged into the empire built by the humans, which greatly made the orcs feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, in the two human empires, they don't know if humanity will develop in the future, and whether there is any way for them to survive. Is it the same as the Saint Fox Kingdom? They don't want to, because in their opinion, it is almost the same as going to make pets for humans.

As for the issue of living conditions, they can't see it, and many people don't even want to understand it.

Coupled with the instigation of those orcs who had fled before, they thought that the Saint Fox Kingdom could win because of the human support behind it, and it was impossible to win. Although this kind of thinking is not wrong.

"Then why didn't they come to trouble us, but instead attacked the Cruise Empire, this is unreasonable."

"You also know that the Orc Empire is west of the center of the continent, not bordering us. It is the Dark Empire that is approaching and attacking. The Dark Empire feels our threat, so that's why."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Dark Empire may have reached an agreement with the Orc Empire. The main combat madmen of the Orc Empire can easily attack humans as long as they provoke them. This is why they can succeed."

Du You nodded: "In short, our enemy is now the Dark Empire, and the Quicksand Empire supported by them. The low-level forces are insufficient, which is a problem. By the way, the front lines are already in place for the teleportation formation. "

"It's done, every frontline war zone has it." Salia's mouth turned up.

They thought of going together: "Well, let them collect the corpses. It won't be long before we will not be short of troops."

Du You was about to summon a large number of Demon Flame Skeletons, anyway, this trick had been exposed a long time ago, so it didn't matter to let him know. When there are more, just make a few bone dragons to help control them.

As for the master level, with so many Tier 6 soldiers, I really think it would be very weak here.

"However, I am a little worried about the gods. If a large-scale attack occurs, it may cause some changes."

"I have investigated the history of this world during this period, and I found that there were four great gods in this world in ancient times." Saria suddenly said: "Originally, there were three ancient gods ~ ~ were gods of the sky. The **** of the sea, and the **** of nature."

"But then one day, a desert death **** was born in the desert. The desert death **** was born against the **** of nature, one to protect the environment and the other to turn the world into a desert, so they fought one day. It is said that the **** of nature does not Good at fighting, and later united with the **** of the ocean to deal with the death of the desert, but he was attacked by the **** of the desert. The badly injured **** of the ocean ran away and was missing.

Du You nodded, the Seagod's bones he got, most likely he left behind.

"Then the wounded God of Nature united with the God of Sky to deal with the Death God of the Desert and sealed it. The God of Sky and the God of Nature have been asleep because of their injuries, and they have not awakened until now.

Lin Yushi's eyes lit up: "Then, if we deal with the death gods in the desert, we won't offend other gods."

"That's how it is said, but it is not that easy. Since the power of the Desert Grim Reaper can affect the outside world, it means that he has used the power of the Quicksand Empire to loosen the seal over the years. We don't know how powerful he can exert. Therefore, we can plant trees slowly, but we can never go deep into the deepest part of the desert."

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