Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1375: Everyone is using cannon fodder

After all, the gods of this world are just legends. Saria has found something from various legends and records left by the ancients, but it is not necessarily true or comprehensive.

But anyway, the desert **** of death should be within the scope of the quicksand empire, but I don't know where it is.

Du You didn't want to stimulate that guy for the time being. If that guy runs out, who knows what will happen. The ultimate move of the Eye of Death can be treated as a trump card for Tier 6, but a Tier 7 is absolutely useless.

In the end, Du You decided to temporarily use the soldiers to corrode little by little while opening the passage on the gray elf's side and attacking the dark empire directly from there. In any case, the Dark Empire must have nothing to do with the God of Nature.

"Then, leave this area, here we keep it, and plant trees in other places, so you can speed up appropriately." Du You drew a circle on the map.

This circle was originally the range of the Quicksand Empire desert, but it was less than one-third of the current range of the desert. Now this desert is created by the quicksand empire continuously invading the outside world with wind and sand over the years.

Following Du You's decision, Saria immediately issued an order, and then the entire empire began to function.

As the overlord of the East, the power that has erupted after the Shenghai Empire is in operation is breathtaking. Trees are being planted everywhere, and Du You only needs to be responsible for the safety of these people.

Sharia’s plan is to first use oasis trees to change the natural environment and turn the desert into an oasis. Then remove part of the oasis tree, develop different areas according to different environments, and turn it into the most suitable place for humans and other creatures to live. They are not elves, there is no need to turn the whole world into a sea of ​​trees.

At the same time, Du You was also busy. I usually condense my skills in my own territory, and when I take my time, I will reach various battlefields through the teleportation array, and then transform the corpses collected on the battlefield.

King of Bones: Use corpses to make magic flame bones. The magic flame bones have their own magic flame skills, which can burn other enemies around. The level of the Demon Flame Skeleton is 28, and the level cannot exceed the level 5 before the corpse is alive. The cast range is diameter (level × 10) meters. There is no limit to the number of demon flame skeletons, no time limit, and cannot be brought into the summoning space. The light attribute kills and damages doubled. By sacrificing 1 million Demon Flame Skeletons, you can get a 48-level Demon Flame Bone Dragon. The Bone Dragon has a high IQ and has unlimited time. (Level 56, 10 stars)

With the increase in the power level of the Bone King, the highest level of the Demon Flame Skeleton has now risen to level 28, the latter stage of the third level. The existence of this level, even in the Arran Continent, is also a good strength.

Most of the corpses left on the front line are not low-level. After being upgraded by five levels, many can reach level 28.

A large number of demon flame bones appeared and joined the battlefield, and another phenomenon began to appear on the entire battlefield.

The Dark Empire continues to create various transformation creatures, and the Quicksand Empire still doesn't care about low-level sand people. Therefore, some of the sand people were transformed into monsters and joined the battlefield just like other monsters.

At this time, the battlefield was constantly anxious, forming a sea of ​​people to sea of ​​people, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"These sand people have done too much, they have transformed their compatriots into this way, so they are not afraid of rebellion."

Saria shook her head when she heard the words: "The Sand People are different from us humans. Their desire for power is stronger than that of any race. Pharmaceuticals can gain power. Even if they risk death, they will do it, let alone reform. ."

Saria has been on the communication all this time to communicate with them.

Du You bought a set of more advanced communication facilities on Monet. With this set of communication facilities, Du You can do what he is now, and he can communicate clearly and freely no matter where he is in the world.

Of course, if the world is more advanced, the equipment needed will be more advanced.

"Just take care of so many things, we can do our own thing. By the way, there seems to be a million devil flame bones left here, just to summon a bone dragon, so that future battles will be easier."

Even if you compete with cannon fodder, you must increase the quality of cannon fodder. Du You summoned the Demon Flame Skeleton and created a bone dragon at the same time. Then, he changed to another place to continue.

In the north, Aisha was very busy. Although she wanted to come and find Du You, she had no choice but to complain through communication. Because the gray elf forest to the north has gradually opened up a passage.

On the other side of the passage, the range of tree planting has been continuously expanded, and a road has been formed. It can be said that the orcs are completely connected with the dark empire.

Orcs also hate the Dark Empire very much, because this transformation makes many orcs look down on it. Of course, many orcs like it, but under Aisha's suppression, this kind of voice is almost absent.

Outside the northern passage, there was also a large piece of demon flame bones at this time, fighting with various modified creatures on the opposite side all day.

There are more types of modified creatures on the Dark Empire, and many of them have gone through in-depth modification, and they can no longer see what they originally looked like. In short, all kinds of curious shapes can be seen in this place.

People who are unprepared may not fall asleep when they see this kind of scene. Fortunately, as long as these corpses are transformed into Demon Flame Skeletons, they will all look the same, otherwise the skeleton army on their side will become a very strange situation.

In the rear, most of the orcs just waved the flag and shouted, or sacrificed to bless their power behind.

There are also orcs who go to the battlefield to fight from time to Fighting will make the orcs even more excited.

All in all, now the entire continent east to the center, there is constant fighting. This is a battle of cannon fodder, and when the cannon fodder of the Dark Empire has not been consumed to a certain extent, the war is impossible to start.

However, the Tier 5 and Tier 6 powerhouses of both sides are already stationed near the front line, and they will wait for the time to go to war.

Du You himself is not in a hurry. The longer his territory is, the more his troops will increase. The tactic of delaying time may be useful for others, but it will only have an adverse effect on yourself.

"Hey, if it hadn't been for the death of the desert, I would have pushed it horizontally." Du Youyou said quietly.

This battle will definitely not be too short. When the Quicksand Empire is completely compressed and the Dark Empire is attacked on a large scale, it will probably take a lot of time. In Saria's calculations, unless she reveals her strength, the battle will take several years.

And now every once in a while, Du You has to come back to create a batch of demon flame skeletons.

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