Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1433: It's up to us now

The negotiations between the two parties must continue, and their tasks must also continue. Du You will not stay in this place, he will continue to be busy and continue to complete tasks for his next plan.

This action cannot be said to be completely meaningless.

After all, so many people looked at it, and the power of the combined battleship was indeed beyond ordinary people's imagination. Therefore, Du You's previous reputation was suppressed by this combination of fortresses. Other people looked at Du You, not as hot as before.

Du You didn't care at all. He didn't want this kind of reputation. He wasted his time and would offend some weird people indiscriminately. Recently, there are always people who want to challenge themselves in order to become famous.

Although Du You didn't answer at all, it was troublesome. Now that after this incident, no one came to look for himself.

And Du You himself appeared to be a lot of low-key, although he was still completing the task, but more often found when no one noticed him. Moreover, the ultimate technique of Destroying Flames is becoming less and less used.

I don't know if it kills too much, causing the opponent's Tier 6 master to lose too much, and now it is difficult to see the opponent's Tier 6 master on the battlefield. Until one day, someone heard news that the blood lotus retreated in an all-round way. It turned out that these guys had abandoned the line of defense among the mountains, but formed a line of defense again where the mountains and the plateau connected.

This place can finally see the appearance of the sixth-order powerhouse.

This time, it's the league's turn to perform. Some time ago, although the league won steadily, it was very frustrated. It was always suppressed by those guys with the help of terrain, and there were many losses from the league.

Especially the soldiers made in the territory, the losses are more than ordinary people's imagination.

Only Tier 6 soldiers lost more than 300 in this year. In terms of the number of Lun, it is no less than the loss of the opponent's professionals and natives. Among these mountains, everyone feels quite evenly matched.

But in fact, the soldiers on his side are much stronger than the natives.

Now that the battle line has been pushed to the edge of the mountains, and the opponent's strength has weakened, the alliance has begun to advance on a large scale.

Almost every day, Du You could see the defensive cities being destroyed.

"Blood lotus's strength is declining very quickly now." Lin Yushi found that something was wrong.

Lin Yucha said, "It's not the rapid decline, but many of their Tier 6 and Tier 5 masters have disappeared. It is impossible for them to lose so much in the previous battle."

"Looking at the current situation, it's more like luring the enemy to go deeper or delaying time."

Du You heard Lin Yucha's analysis, and then nodded. This kind of analysis is not impossible. The other party has a small number of people, so when you have to deal with them, you naturally have to think of various methods.

The current situation of weakened strength clearly does not match the usual blood lotus style. "Although their strength is weak, this kind of difficult feeling is more like delaying time. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of them setting up traps in the rear. Even if the blood lotus knows that it will die, it is not impossible for the beasts to fight before they die. of."

"Then what shall we do, do we continue to attack."

Du You shook his head: "The points are basically enough. Next, we will fight steadily and don't rush forward. By the way, in the next battle, try not to enter the plateau, and then don't take missions from the plateau."

Du You himself was too high-profile before, especially the last time, Du You suspected that those Tier 6 powerhouses who were united might have come to deal with him. Otherwise, these high-levels can't get together for no reason.

If you go to the plateau, the people of the blood lotus will definitely find yourself, and it will not be certain if you have any means to wait for yourself at that time.

The two sisters glanced at each other, nodded slightly, and also recognized Du You's thoughts.

The three men continued to perform tasks within the mountains. Because Du You took the initiative to retreat, the reputation that Du You had established before declined further. Gradually, there are more people discussing the combination of battleships every day.

In a sense, the goal of the US alliance this time has been achieved.

At the same time, news of some things in the rear could not be hidden from others, and it quickly spread.

The commander who originally assembled the battleship was still arrested. After trial, he was deprived of all his duties. With the occupation of battleship commander, basically this life will be abolished, and I don't know when it will be reactivated.

But it's not bad to live without going to jail. The crystal coins carried by the battleship commander himself are enough for him to lead a good life that ordinary people can't imagine. It's just that he is not sure what he thinks.

In addition, the loss of the battleship was finally exposed.

It was not Du You deliberately inquired, but there were always people willing to find out about this kind of After knowing the loss of the other party, Du You became even more speechless. What exactly are the people from the U.S. alliance here to do, and they will deliver food when they come.

"Where is this to add to the obstruction, this is clearly to give me gifts." Du You said silently.

"Yeah, so many people's lives are still used to give gifts. They just came to help the owner block a targeted attack by the blood lotus, and also caused the blood lotus to use a special weapon, which can be regarded as our benefactor."

After speaking, Lin Yucha laughed out loud by himself. Du You shook his head: "Forget it, leave them alone. I heard that the last line of defense is about to break through. The next step is to enter the plateau and fight. We have to find an excuse in advance."

"I saw a good task, which is to patrol the mountains and capture the escaped blood lotus members. No one wants to do this task, because there is no benefit to wasting time. Most of them are for Tier 5 professionals. Come on. We can go on with this kind of task, so we don't have to go. But master, are we really not going? Maybe it won't be dangerous."

Du You shook his head: "If there is no Tier 7 master, there is no danger, but don't forget, the leader of the blood lotus is still there. Even if the leader of the blood lotus remembers me to give us a bit, we will not be able to bear it."

What Du You was worried about was this, others wouldn't, because in their eyes, the blood lotus had seven ranks, and he also had them, even more. The Son of Blood Lotus had already died before, but now there was only one leader of the Blood Lotus, and the danger was reduced to a minimum.

So Du You took this task easily. The person in the task management office looked at Du You strangely, because he needed to show his identity certificate when taking the task, so he couldn't understand why Du You did it.

But because of the principle of confidentiality, these words can not be said, making them very depressed.

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