Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1434: Break through the line of defense and march into the plateau

I don't know if it was stimulated by this incident. Since the US alliance's combined battleship fell, the US alliance has continued to increase its troops. It feels as if to save the face this time.

The combined battleship modules that fell before have not been repaired enough here.

After the U.S. Alliance’s experts calculated a route, they repaired the original power system of the warship a bit, and the warship flew out by itself. Of course, you can't fly too high, can't exceed the highest point of the mountain, you can only fly between the peaks.

This speed is not very fast, but at least it can move well. The remaining ones that could not be moved, and those that had become fragments, were also directly cut into pieces by the U.S. Union’s transportation team and transported out. There was really no intention to stay at all.

Even so, they also sent a large number of personnel to guard the road to prevent someone from snatching it.

With regard to this matter, the U.S. Alliance does not know how many troops it has sent to assist.

At the same time, the U.S. alliance's troops have also entered the front line in large numbers. It seems that in order to save face, they have really spared no effort. In this place, the warship cannot fly freely, otherwise it will hit the nearby mountain. Once these hard peaks hit, it is definitely not the mountain that is unlucky, but the battleship is directly crushed.

However, the U.S. Alliance’s technology team is not only the warship pilots, but also many mecha pilots.

All kinds of mechas and fighters appeared on the battlefield one after another. They told the world with their powerful firepower that the technological team was really powerful. As long as the rear logistics can keep up, their combat effectiveness will not weaken.

Technological professionals are a bunch of rich people, and they are also a bunch of poor ghosts.

The source of their skills is very simple, and they don't need all kinds of equipment, just some mass-produced or modified technological weapons. So for people who are organized behind, this kind of thing is too cheap.

But it is different for those who are not organized. They have to buy technological weapons from large organizations, and these people become poor ghosts. It can be said that the phenomenon of polarization is very serious.

Today, these are backed by the U.S. Alliance, and none of them will feel distressed because of this consumption.

At this moment, on the edge of the mountains, at the intersection closest to the rear, a battle is underway.

Countless mechas and warplanes were flying in the air, all kinds of laser cannons, mass bombs, physical bombs, etc. were bombarded desperately. The hard defense barrier of the fortress seemed to be unable to hold on.

"Keep bombing, they won't be able to hold on with another wave."

"Haha, it's so easy to fight them here. If they have their own territory and rely directly on the territory to lay out their defenses, we will definitely not be so easy." Someone on the mecha laughed loudly.

"Don't be careless. Although they don't have territorial defense buildings, their strength is not simple. Of course, we are stronger."

With the last sentence, the whole team channel cheered. This is the life attitude of the American Alliance.

If you are from the Asian League, there are few who like to brag like this. But their firepower is really very powerful. After replenishing ammunition once, and attacking again, the opponent really couldn't hold on.

"Brothers, it's time for us to fuck, and we can't let people from the U.S. League look down upon us."

"Hmph, don't these guys rely on the rear logistics support? They are nothing without logistics. If we have enough magic potion, we are also very powerful." A mage muttered dissatisfied.

"Hey, I don't know where the Dark Flame Destroyer went. If he is here, I must show them what the power of destruction is." Thinking of Du You, many people showed pride on their faces.

That's the pride of their Asian League. Regardless of how powerful your technological weapons are, the power of our spellmaster professionals in the Asian League can be stronger than everyone's combined firepower. The city they had bombed here for a long time before they could break through, put it in Du You's hands, as long as they prepared for a while, a wave of attacks would do.

They can even be sure that that skill is definitely not the skill of the original spellmaster. Such a powerful skill is not part of its own profession, and there are not a few exclusive coins to be converted.

None of these people present has this kind of courage and ability, so they can only envy, and dare not be jealous at all.

But the problem is that Du You is not in this place, so they can only rely on themselves. But the people of the U.S. Alliance are very stinky, and their stomachs are quite irritable, so they must give vent to them.

But after they rushed into the fortress, everyone was dumbfounded. "Damn, what about people, where did everyone go? Can't they all be bombed to death, right?" A large group of people stared at the empty fortress in amazement.

"No one, what we saw before ~ ​​ is not an illusion."

"Everyone, be careful, maybe it's really an illusion. It's hard to guarantee that they won't set a trap here."

After inspection, everyone found that the entire fortress was really empty. They just set up a defensive barrier here to block their footsteps. And then, a series of messages were sent here.

It turned out that this kind of thing happened not only here, but also in other places. With the help of this last opportunity, the blood lotus people have already completed their evacuation.

"It seems that they want to have a showdown with us on the plateau. That's good, there is no suppression on the plateau, we let them take a good look at our strength."

"The terrain over there is also very simple. It is not that complicated, and the advantages of the terrain are reduced to a minimum."

A group of people chanted slogans and finally crossed the mountain area and entered the blood lotus plateau. The entire plateau has been dyed blood red. This is not caused by blood, but by some other means.

After entering the plateau, they found that the originally normal sky had also become a blood red.

There is even a special smell in the air. When they entered this plateau, they soon discovered that the entire plateau had mutated, and all the animals and plants had become weird creatures.

Full of offensiveness, and its own power is very complicated. Once injured, it will be very troublesome.

After someone died, not long after the corpse was placed on the ground, he became a blood corpse.

"It turns out that they were delaying time before, and their purpose is to completely transform the entire plateau. These **** bastards, this is by no means the ability of ordinary professionals, this is caused by the help of other world forces."

The blood lotus's methods surpassed everyone's imagination, and the next battle was once again in trouble.

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