Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1463: Well-prepared thunderstorm family

Du You was also a little strange. He didn't expect that the patriarch of the Thunderstorm family was actually a young man. Through perception, Du You discovered that the age of the patriarch of the Thunderstorm family was no more than 30 years old.

Compared with other families who are in their 50s, 60s or even hundreds of years old, this is a far cry.

It is said that the patriarch of the Dark Family came from the Age of God Wars and is already more than two hundred years old. He had personally experienced the war of gods back then, and not dying can only show that he was very fateful.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the Dark Guardian family will mix the best.

"Don't say more, let's prepare a rune of Destroying God first."

"Please wait a minute, we will have a banquet first, and we will prepare everything tomorrow."

The enthusiasm of the other party made Du You a little bit overwhelmed. But after the incident of the Lava Guardian family appeared, Du You also had an extra heart. After confirming that the food provided by the other party is okay, then eat it with confidence.

Each family represents the local characteristics of a region, Du You tasted a mushroom meal here.

Unlike other crops, mushrooms have a unique flavor. Of course, for locals, often eating mushrooms is also a bit unbearable. At the banquet, Du You just saw other people's performance.

Compared with these delicious mushrooms, the people here prefer the food made from the banquets, such as staple foods such as bread and noodles. Only Du You and the group like mushrooms more.

Maybe people here also know that it is not easy for people outside to enjoy these many kinds of mushrooms. Otherwise, their family will hold a local banquet and it is absolutely impossible to have so many mushrooms.

The next day, Du You understood why the thunderstorm guardian family had to wait for a day.

"You guys, you have prepared too much."

"We have been thinking for generations to get rid of the thunderstorm giant. Although we have never had a chance, we can't just sit back and wait. These are what we have prepared for the thunderstorm giant over the years."

The patriarch walked forward and introduced himself: "This is an armor made of special materials. The main material we use is the peak-level Thunderbolt fur, combined with a lot of special ores. The defense is definitely the best in the world. One of the most powerful armors, the most important thing is that this armor protects against thunder and lightning, and is strong enough to receive at least ten attacks from the thunderstorm giant."

Ten times, it's not easy, you know that guy is a divine creature.

Especially with the powerful attack power of Thunder, even Du You's own defense would not be easy to take ten consecutive times.

"And this, this is a weapon specially made for thunderstorm giants. It also has the effect of defensive thunder and lightning, but the damage to thunder and lightning is more obvious. This is polished by the sharp horns of thunder devourers. Generally thunder devourers have only Tier 4 We spent a lot of energy before finally cultivating a Tier 6 pinnacle, just to collect materials."

This is really crazy enough. There are no special buildings for professionals in this world. By relying on their own to break biological boundaries, and to cultivate them to the sixth-order peak, it is not easy to kill.

Du You now understands why there are so few masters in the Thunderstorm family, and even their patriarch is so young.

Dealing with these sixth-order beasts all day, it is strange to be able to survive. For the natives, their individual strength is weaker than that of Warcraft, and not all of them are as comprehensive and special as the professionals.

"There is also this thunder-seeking chain, which is specially used to find the thunderstorm giant. The thunderstorm giant is hidden high in the sky, and it is very fast. Without this thing, it is difficult to find. After all, our time is limited."

The patriarch took out a spar and said: "This, this is obtained after my grandfather sacrificed his life. It releases the isolation domain at one time. Because the speed of the thunderstorm giant is too fast, using this isolation domain to block it can block the thunderstorm giant's The action blockade is within a certain range, so there is no way for the thunderstorm giant to escape."

Although the patriarch's eyes were firm, Du You still heard some choking in the voice of the other party.

Guardian families are also different. The Thunderstorm family has paid too much to deal with the Thunderstorm Giant. They also prepared too much, but unfortunately they didn't have the strength to deal with them, so they could only wait until Du You came to take out these things.

"Well, I will use the things left by your family to deal with that giant."

Although Du You didn't want to be such a person, this did not prevent him from respecting heroes. On the premise that he has no influence on him, Du You will still use his own methods to express his admiration for the hero.

"Then, the next thing is up to you. Regardless of this victory or not, you will always be a friend of our family."

After making the final promise, everyone didn't say anything sensational, and directly handed the Destroying Rune to Du You. And Du You also took the opponent's armor and took the weapon left by the opponent and flew high into the sky. A chain in his hand was shining indifferently, and he pointed in a direction in the air.

After reaching high altitude, Du You knew why it was difficult for the other party to find it.

The speed of thunder and lightning is too fast, there are dark clouds everywhere in the sky, and thunder and lightning are densely covered in the dark clouds. Not only does it affect people's sight and hearing, but even people's various feelings are also affected by lightning.

Moreover, thunder and lightning attacks come from time to time, so it will not work if you are not prepared. Although the thunder and lightning here can't reach the attack effect of Tier 6, because there are laws to bless them, it is also very lethal for people of Tier 6.

This forced Lin Yucha to use floating clouds on the platform to wrap around to block all surrounding attacks.

However, at the next moment, lightning flashed in front of him, and a giant made of lightning appeared. At this speed, Du You almost didn't react. If there is no special means to restrict the opponent, it is really troublesome to fight.

It can even be said that the degree of threat and difficulty of this thing is no worse than that of the previous phantom giants.

But now it was different, Du You smashed the spar in his hand without hesitation. In an instant, all the surrounding thunder and lightning calmed down, no, it should be said that it was dispersed by a special force.

Du You found that the speed of the thunderstorm giant slowed down at this time, and the restricted person could not leave a certain area. It's just that the power around is quickly dissipating, I'm afraid it will dissipate in a few minutes.

There was no time to wait any longer, Du You directly released the God of Destruction Rune at the almost unmovable thunderstorm giant.

It seemed to feel something, the thunderstorm giant was a thunder and lightning spear facing Du You. Du You didn't evade, just like this and confronted the other party. While opening his own defenses to resist the opponent's attack, his own shaped magic cannon is also ready.

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