Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1464: This familiar recipe for undead

"For my mission and for the people in this world to survive better, so please die."

Du You's attack didn't hurt Du You at all, and was directly blocked by Du You's defensive barrier. And Du You's god-destroying rune finally condensed and marked the opponent's core.

Du You didn't use spells, but threw the special spear more than ten meters long at the core position.

The spear pierced the void, and the giant couldn't get out of it at all. Then, I saw the spear plunged directly into the opponent's body. The powerful body formed by thunder and lightning has no effect at all.

"It really is something that the Thunderstorm family prepared specifically to deal with the thunderstorm giants."

Du You sighed, but found that the tip of the spear was resting on the core. Just when Du You felt useless and was about to use the energy-charging magic cannon, he found that the thunderstorm giant had begun to dissipate.

From Du You's departure to the present, the whole process did not exceed twenty minutes, and most of the time was still looking for the thunderstorm giant. After finding it, Du You resolved the battle in just a few seconds.

It is easy to have a guardian family who serves wholeheartedly. Du You even suspected that if a Tier 6 late-stage person appeared again in the Thunderstorm family, with these things, they would be able to solve the thunderstorm giant by themselves.

Unfortunately, in order to prepare for these things, Tier 6 of the Thunderstorm family is basically dead and clean. There are only two left in the entire family, and they are both early days. Without the Thunderstorm Giant, they will recover later.

The thunderstorm giant dissipated, and Du You took the spear back, but it was a little strange. "The divinity has disappeared? No, it's merged with this spear. Now this spear is a divine tool in a certain sense."

Du You tested it with a panel, and the result suggested that it was the artifact Mao Pei, a material, not a shaped weapon at all. But this is also good. If it is a formed weapon, if you want to take it away, it will be troublesome.

The real artifact, it needs Amethyst Coins to authenticate before it can be taken away, and this one is just Sombra Coins.

Of course, Du You didn't know that real artifacts didn't need authentication at all. In other words, things with an evaluation of rank 7 or higher do not need to be certified, and they can be taken to any world. He thought it was the same as before.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the first rays of Yangon finally ushered in the land where the sky had not been seen for a hundred years.

People watched blankly as the clouds in the sky dissipated, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and then there was an earth-shaking cheer. At this moment, Du You has returned to the thunderstorm guardian family.

"Fortunately, it has been resolved. These are your things, but I want to keep this spear." Du You did not explain, because the wealth is touching, who knows if the other party will cause trouble for himself.

"Yes, these things are all prepared by us for the hero who eliminated the thunderstorm giant. You have now eliminated the thunderstorm giant. Then these are all yours and don't need to be given to us."

The other party didn't ask for anything, it was really unselfish. But it's normal, it's this kind of family that produces this kind of person.

Du You was not hypocritical either, these things were all good things. Even if it is not as good as the Tier 6 equipment that came out directly, it is definitely a good one among Tier 6. And in some respects, it is much stronger than conventional Tier 6 equipment.

As long as it is certified, it is good for the development of all major territories to take it back and stay in its own company.

After collecting the things, Du You made an exception and attended the second banquet here, and then left.

On the way, Du You looked a little strange looking at the information provided by the other party. With this familiar formula, I didn't expect that when the last natural disaster giant was facing such a thing.

Yes, the last natural disaster giant is also called the dark giant, but this dark giant is actually a huge skeleton.

Some people even say that this dark giant is the skeleton left by the **** of elements. It has dark power but it is a mutated dark power, which is more similar to the death power of the undead.

The greatest ability of this dark giant is to transform creatures into undead, whether it is alive or dead. So this dark giant has a powerful army under him, and it is also known as the strongest among the giants.

But this is the strongest, in Du You's opinion, it is very moist. Because the so-called strongest is because the dark giant has so many sixth-order undead under his hand, but its own combat power seems to be nothing to care about.

It's a guy who fights by hand, maybe the frontal combat power is not as good as the illusion giant. These people have never faced a phantom giant, nor have they faced a thunderstorm giant whose attack speed is abnormal. Only judging by the quantity, this guy is the strongest.

But Du You has a way to deal with the undead. It really doesn't work, I also brought a lot of undead scrolls. Those undead may be useless to deal with other natural disaster giants, but it is not the same when dealing with undead creatures.

It seems that the last part of this mission can be easily completed by myself.

This task has to be said to be really dangerous. For the conventional sixth-order peak, it is better to find a way to gather a set of god-destroying weapons, and then find a weaker native **** to kill it more easily.

Although the gods are not easy to kill, there are too many shortcomings of the native gods, and they can always find weaknesses.

However, these divine creatures may not be as good as the gods in nature but they are very powerful, and for them, they are no worse than the native gods. It can be said that most other Tier 6 powerhouses can't kill such giants without using God Slaughter weapons.

Du You's approach has become a legend in the eyes of professionals in this world. They even suspected that the legendary god-destroying rune was the weapon of the **** slaughter.

Of course, the top leaders know what it is, otherwise they would have gone by themselves.

No, it should be said that the first high-level people have indeed used them, but they are of no use. They were different from Du You. Even if they saw the giant's core, under the giant's instinctive protection and attack, they still had no choice but to return without success, and even many of them were killed on the spot.

These high-levels speculated that Du You might have prepared something special specifically for the giants of natural disasters.

When Du You arrived, the number of people who came to greet him was huge. An empire's royal family came out to greet him personally, bringing the nobles and ministers, it was almost ten miles away. What made Du You most unexpected was that he saw professionals in the crowd.

The professionals and the natives here get along really well, and there are siblings with each other.

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