Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1486: Shenghai Empire Advanced Level 7

If you have prepared well in the early stage, you won't have to be so troublesome next. Du You and the two sisters are working hard to advance to the seventh rank. Now, a few people don't have to go to other worlds to venture out, it's a waste of time.

   is at most a trip to the world of Arran, or other worlds where the time flow is relatively fast, to save condensing time.

   There are a lot of laws crystallized, and the three people’s laws can be understood very quickly. I am afraid that it will not take long for the fastest rule to reach the advanced standard. The promotion after the seventh rank is so troublesome.

   While Du You was busy, the development of other places never stopped.

   Especially the Arlanda World, after this period of development, the north has basically been controlled.

   The Lizardman Empire in the West was directly attacked by the Shenghai Empire, coupled with the disgust of other major forces, even if the Lizardman Empire was attacked, no one would help, and of course no one would dare to help.

   As a result, most of the marshland is now basically occupied, and it has become the occupied area of ​​the Shenghai Empire.

  This kind of swamp environment, if it weren't for frogmen and murlocs, other races really couldn't occupy it.

   As for those lizardmen doing damage everywhere, this Saria really didn't care. It's just a group of losers. As long as they are caught, they will have even more excuses to motivate them.

   Dongfang, at this time there is only one Quicksand Empire still barely supporting it.

   But because of Du You's concerns, the Quicksand Empire is now only half controlled, and this half has become a forest.

  The deeper place, Du You did not enter for the time being, because it was more dangerous. But the Quicksand Empire itself has no good. During this time, the people of the Quicksand Empire kept coming to lure them in, launching attacks and counterattacks from time to time.

   And Luo Jia directly made a plan to attack and ambush. The Quicksand Empire has suffered heavy losses in recent years. The only Tier 6 serious injury in the country may not be better. Those with Tier 5 strength have directly lost more than half of these years.

   The new generation has not yet grown to this point, and the master level of the Quicksand Empire has declined.

   Although they still call themselves an empire, in fact they may not be stronger than a kingdom. The remaining troops are barely able to defend in the country, and there is no way to attack them.

   More and more sand people are controlled, either enslaved or slowly domesticated. A group of young sand people have gradually grown up. With the education of Shenghai Kingdom, they gradually no longer regarded themselves as members of the Quicksand Empire.

   When they are all integrated into the big family of Shenghai Empire, then the sand people belong to themselves completely.

   The Orc Empire and the Cruise Empire are still silent, and they dare not have the slightest conflict with the Shenghai Empire.

   Although there is no loss in the territories of these two countries, the Shenghai Empire has flooded in with a large number of people and properties, and its influence on the two empires has gradually increased. The high level of the two empires is now suffering.

   Inside the Southern Elf Forest, it was finally opened up by Saria's various means.

  Though those elves don't like contact with humans, they are too strong and can only force them to come out of the forest to come into contact with humans. Otherwise, Du You wouldn't mind being an elf slave trader.

   Speaking of which, many elves have been arrested. It's just that Saria didn't know what she was training these elves, and she didn't send it to the earth for the time being. Even Du You wanted to go and have a look but was refused.

   In short, as the Shenghai Empire continues to erode the world of Arlanda, the experience value is now close to the peak of Tier 6, and it is about to meet the requirements for advanced Tier 7. It seems that this is what happened in the past few days.

   Du You didn't go anywhere else, and stayed in the territory these days, waiting for advancement.

   Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, who have been mixing in this world for a long time, also returned to the territory to accompany them, and their team members had taken a vacation.

   In this world, with the help of the most powerful empire, and the world has not been developed on a large scale by others, these team members have gradually found their own advanced materials.

   But these people did not imitate Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, and advanced all their skills.

   They are taking the route of ordinary elites, which usually means more than three advanced skills. The most common one is Cuttlefish, ready to advance six skills, and then these people will advance to the fifth level.

   But obviously these people won't be so fast, and they don't know if they can reach Tier 5 before graduation. If they all reach Tier 5, Capital University will really be able to beat the crowd.

   Similarly, in this world, Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue are developing very fast. There is always a large amount of coin income, and the speed of two people's promotion is not slower than those of their own team members.

   Now they finally realized the speed of Du You's leveling up at that time, and that speed was really unparalleled.

   If they hadn't had to go in a small team, and their own combat power was not enough, I am afraid the speed of improvement would be really fast.

   waited quietly, time passed by day by day. On this day, Du You was called up early in the morning.

"Your Majesty, get up quickly, the experience points are enough, we can upgrade the territory." Sharia left the room early in the morning, and now suddenly ran You opened her eyes. Looking at the two sisters with some regrets jumping out from their side, they shook their heads and started to get up.

   "Is it time to upgrade Tier 7? It just so happens that I also want to see what the territory of Tier 7 looks like."

  As soon as he walked out, Du You saw Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao bringing their team members here. Everyone is very excited, because this is the construction of the seventh-tier territory.

   They can see the birth of a seventh-tier territory with their own eyes, and that can definitely brag for a lifetime.

   "Is it possible to upgrade? Hurry up, I can't wait." Li Mengyao was unusually excited.

   Even Xi Qianxue can see the obvious change in her expression. Everyone was eagerly waiting, Du You smiled, and walked to the Lord's Mansion on his own. As the deputy lord Saria can also be upgraded, but of course this kind of thing must be left to Du You.

   Du You took a deep breath, and when he was about to upgrade, Du You found that he also seemed a little nervous.

   "Hey, why am I nervous? Isn't it a few days before the level rises."

   said, Du You started the upgrade, and then the amethyst coins began to burn. Around the lord's mansion, a mysterious force appeared and gradually spread, enveloping the entire territory.

   Although everyone can still see the territory, it always feels like something is happening in it that you don't know.

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