Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1487: Open a new chapter

In the past few days, people are watching everywhere at all times, wanting to see what is different in the territory. Some buildings in the territory are also the same day by day, and special changes are taking place every day.

   Especially those more important and high-level buildings, now some patterns are beginning to appear on the surface. These patterns seem to be runes, but they don't seem to be. In short, they look very mysterious and complicated.

   Even Aisha has finally shifted her attention from Du You to other places temporarily.

   During this time, Aisha has been pestering herself, and now she can't avoid it even if she wants to hide.

   There is no way, because Du You also wants to see the changes in his territory.

   A few days later, the domain change was completed, and all the people gathered for the first time and came to the door of the lord's mansion. Du You has been waiting since yesterday, and has been waiting for now without sleeping all day.

   When Du You announced the completion of the advancement of the territory, everyone was boiling.

   As the realm progressed to Tier 7, huge changes took place.

   Territory: Arran World (Tier 7, Arran Continent, locked)

  Lord: Du You/Deputy Lord: Saria/Commander: Luo Jia

   Territory income: 12,000 Amethyst Coins per day. Consumption: 5000 Amethyst Coins per day.

   10 exclusive amethyst coins every day.

   Population: 800,000,000

  Strength: 15832098

   Affiliated World:

   Three Kingdoms melee (tier 4), increase the income of 1000 topaz per day. Increase the inheritance of Tiangang martial artist.

   Channel: City of Islands, Garden Star, City of Yaohe

   Lord’s Mansion: Leader morale +3, soldier combat power +5%. Within the territory, morale is extra +3, and soldiers' combat effectiveness is +15%. The production speed of production buildings is increased by 100%, and the training time of arms, buildings, and arms is reduced by 50%.

  Characteristic looting: When territorial soldiers kill the enemy or destroy the enemy's buildings, they will plunder part of the resources. Resources will appear directly in the lord’s mansion, and resources can only be used to build territories.

  Lord’s Mansion Annex:

  Civil Research Office: Research on civil functional buildings, which can improve the grade of civil buildings and reduce the upgrade requirements. Can draw civil architectural drawings, and there is a chance that new drawings will be produced.

  Crystal Coin Forging Workshop: Upgrade low-level crystal coins or decompose high-level crystal coins into lower crystal coins. The highest level of crystal coin forging is one level higher than the current realm level.

  Skills Hall: Speed ​​up the speed of leading people to cultivate and master skills, and can evolve professional skills. It can speed up the speed of comprehension of the law, and put in the seventh-order corpse to create the seventh-order combat power, and the seventh-order combat power created in this world must not leave the world and its surroundings.

   Skills Hall annex building:

   Arms Research Room: You can research new arms, merge arms, advanced arms, and create arms training manuals.

   Flame Tower: Resist the pressure of the world, and the talents of civilians in the territory are improved.

   Comes with Fire Cloud Wonder: Fire element fire cloud is condensed above the tower to increase the speed of fire attribute training. During a territorial war, Huoyun will automatically provide a flow fire attack.

   Comes with Fire Giant Guard: The territory has 10,000 Tier 6 Fire Giants and 1 Tier 7 Fire Giant, which cannot leave the world and its surrounding areas.

  Mage Tower Annex:

   Split Sky Mage Tower (Fifth Tier):

   Space Array Master/month, full price 2500 Kyanite Coins/person

  Split Sky Master person/month, full price 5000 Kyanite Coins/person

   Element Tower (Fifth Order):

   Ice Master/month, full price 2000 Kyanite Coins/person

   Flame Mage person/month, full price 2000 azurite coins/person

  Storm mage person/month, full price 2000 azurite coins/person

   Earth Mage person/month, full price 2000 Kyanite coins/person

   Opening the panel, Du You found out that the name of the current territory was no longer appropriate. Because the territory has now gradually affected the entire world, Du You changed his name in advance to become the Arlanda World.

   Even if he doesn’t change now, his name will be the same when his territory takes over the world in the future, unless he changes his name.

After    entered the seventh rank, the daily income of the Lord's Mansion increased again and turned into amethyst coins. However, Du You suddenly discovered that although there were a lot of Amethyst Coins in balance and basically useless, these Amethyst Coins could not be squandered.

  Because the Amethyst Coins are reserved for the development of this world. After the world is completely occupied by oneself, most of the amethyst coins can be used directly to promote the development of the world, although they are not used. The higher the world level, the stronger the strength, the more you can harvest. But the real gain is the one added.

   is to add ten exclusive amethyst coins every day, which can be used directly by myself.

   After reaching the seventh level, although one can only rely on the law of comprehension for improvement, the law of comprehension can speed up the speed. Not only can you rely on your own skill hall, you can actually burn exclusive Amethyst Coins.

   So don't think that when you reach the seventh level, the consumption of exclusive crystal coins will be reduced. Because if you want to improve quickly, the exclusive coin may be consumed faster. Otherwise, the earth has developed in such a short period of time, how could there be an eighth-tier powerhouse appearing.

  Although Amethyst Coins are like other crystal coins, they are the condensate of the power of the world. But Amethyst Coin has reached the seventh rank, which can be regarded as the original power of the other worlds are also like this. If the world itself does not have the original power above the seventh, then the world is only It can be a derivative world. Like those real Outer Worlds, even if they only have Tier 3 and Tier 2, their origin will never be lower than Tier 7. At least there will be one point, which is the fundamental reason why these worlds can exist independently.

   It's a pity that burning Amethyst Coins can only speed up your understanding. It can only be exclusive Amethyst Coins, otherwise the speed will be faster.

   "If you want to come, we will completely control the world in the future, and we will get more coins."

   "It is already very good now. We can use the skill hall to speed up our understanding of the law, so that we can reach the seventh rank at a faster speed." Lin Yucha is not very disappointed, and it is already very good now.

   Yes, even if they rely on the crystallization of those laws, their comprehension speed will not be too fast, I am afraid it will take many years to succeed. But now with the skill hall, the time required for this will be greatly reduced.

   "You two have to speed up, maybe you can use this soon."

   Li Mengyao rolled her eyes: "Don't think about it in a short time, we are not as good as you."

   But the two of them were still smiling, Du You didn't forget himself. No matter what good thing it is, I think of myself first. Their relationship is getting closer and better.

   Others can only express envy when they look at it, because they are basically not qualified to use things at this level. There has never been a quota for the seventh-order skill hall, because no one is enough.

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