Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1506: The merits of tasteless skills

What to do if the back road is broken, I can only do my best. Du You winked at the two sisters, and several people shot at the same time. The two sisters directly released their arrows, aiming at the hand of the leader of the blood lotus that controls the world.

   It's just that the leader of the blood lotus didn't move at all, and didn't pay attention to the attacks of the two people at all.

   And Du You himself can only summon a large number of shadow aura orbs to attack.

   The Flame Giant King and the regained Water God Big Fish rushed directly up, like two meat shields in front. This is a complete monster spawning team, but the strength of that monster is a bit too strong.

   is just a hand, releasing a halo, which forms a blood lotus in the air, directly blocking the attack of Du You and the other two guardians. A smear of blood appeared in the other hand, blocking the arrow.

   But the next moment, the blood lotus leader's eyes lit up because the blood mist on his hand was pierced.

   "What a powerful lethality, your fundamental law is really strong. If it can be raised to my level, it is really a fatal threat. It's a pity that you probably just broke through soon."

   is the same as the seventh stage, although it is not very clear, but the blood lotus leader can see through some problems.

   "It's enough to kill you." Du You snorted coldly, speeding up the attack frequency.

   However, under this kind of attack, it is useless at all. The battle lasted for more than half an hour, and because of their large number of people, the leader of the blood lotus had no way to forcefully kill one of them, and could only stand in a stalemate.

   But as they became acquainted with each other's attacks, both sides gradually got used to it. If this continues, it will be impossible to win in a short period of time.

   I don't know when, Du You's figure gradually approached the leader of the blood lotus. The leader of the blood lotus continued to maintain the attack frequency calmly, and when Du You approached, a red light shot out instantly.

   And Du You also seemed to have expected it, a shadow aura blocked in front of him.

   The red light hit the shadow aura ball, the light ball exploded on the spot, and Du You was also blown out. Du You, who had not been injured, couldn't help but spit out blood, and the attack just now shocked himself.

   Speaking of it, since I built a three-layer defense, the number of injuries is really rare.

   But Du You was not irritated, instead he smiled because his plan was successful. From the very beginning, the leader of the blood lotus thought that Du You was cursing himself, but in fact it was the newly promoted seventh-tier summoned beast desert death **** who cursed the leader of the blood lotus.

   The desert **** of death shrank and hid on Du You's body all the time, without appearing. In addition, the power of the two is the same, and Du You's power envelops it, even the leader of the blood lotus did not find it.

   Du You knew from the beginning that they weren't the opponents of the leader of the blood lotus at all.

   It is really not good, the blood lotus sect leader temporarily let go of his world, and it is okay to kill them first. The current practice is just a little arrogant, and Du You is going to take advantage of this arrogant fault.

   The inadvertent approach before and the strong attacks that have been used all the time have misled the leader of the blood lotus.

   But because Du You and the others just broke through, they didn't think Du You had any hidden abilities. There was only a desert death **** in Du You's hand that could make a comeback.

   Just with the help of the explosion, the Desert Grim Reaper finally left Du You, and then the Grim Reaper stabbed and released it with all his strength.

   After a burst of explosion, the leader of the blood lotus suddenly felt a palpitation, but there was no chance to dodge it. Originally, he was facing a skill with strong sneak attack ability, plus one hand was still controlling the world of Arran, so he couldn't avoid it at all.

   During the explosion, something burning with pitch black flame instantly hit the leader of the blood lotus, and the next moment, a large amount of divine toxin was injected. The leader of the blood lotus snorted and finally released the other hand.

   The violent toxicity caused the blood lotus leader to be unable to solve it for a while, and could only barely suppress it.

   But in this way, the injury on the blood lotus leader's body can't be suppressed, and a drop of bright red blood seeps out of the blood lotus leader's body, and in a blink of an eye he becomes a **** person.

   "Okay, very good, I planted here today. It will be a long time in Japan, I remember your position in this world."

   Murderous flashes in Du You's eyes: "Want to go, have you asked me."

   Just now, the desert death **** burned himself to the maximum, burning out most of his vitality. It's not that I don't want to continue burning, but this skill does not allow it. After evolving into the **** of death in the desert, there was no possibility of ending up together.

   However, the Desert Grim Reaper has another skill, which is the Coffin of the Desert.

   Du You thought it was a tasteless skill from the beginning, but now it finally comes in handy.

   In the void, a group of special forces directly trapped the leader of the blood lotus who wanted to escape in place. The unseen law chain firmly controlled it. Although the leader of the blood lotus struggled hard, the more he struggled, the more unable to break free.

   If it were in its heyday, this kind of seal would not be able to seal itself. But now it's different. The wounded and poisoned blood lotus leader is unable to break free from such a powerful seal.

   Clouds of quicksand gradually formed in the void, and gradually gathered towards the center.

  And most importantly, a layer of phantom appeared on the blood lotus sect leader, and the phantom became more and more solid, finally forming a special coffin. There are no gaps in the coffin. The surface is carved with the appearance of a desert death god, and there are countless death scorpions dotted around it.

   The next moment, the quicksand surrounded the desert coffin, only to hear the unwilling roar of the leader of the blood lotus. But a huge sand ball formed, completely blocking the sound.

   The **** of death in the desert exploded with all his strength, almost losing his strength. But under Du You's control, the Desert Grim Reaper still tried his best to control the sand ball and land towards the world of Arran. There is no way, the power in the spatial turbulence will continue to weaken one's own seal, if the seal is in this place, the leader of the blood lotus will still appear.

   Du You just glanced outside the world, and quickly determined the location.

   Before the Quicksand Empire also revealed that some places were being transformed, now it is not necessary to transform it. Throw the sand ball directly into the desert, causing a ripple in the desert.

   Visible to the naked eye, the range of the desert suddenly doubled. The oasis forests that were originally planted were instantly submerged by quicksand and turned into deserts again. Even with a lot of soldiers, they were buried in it.

   But there is no way. This is the best place in the whole world. There is no way to do things urgently. "Let's go back quickly and finish dealing with the blood lotus sect leader first."

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