Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1507: Let's clean up first

Immediately after finishing all this, the desert **** of death disappeared and returned to Du You's summoning space. Continue to stay, the desert death **** who has no power may be resurrected once.

  No, Du You's constant level skills have not yet reached his current requirements. It is impossible for the desert death **** who has broken through the seventh rank to rely on this skill to resurrect. This will have to wait until after the skill cooling time, Du You will come back to life by himself.

   The group quickly returned to the world of Arran, and the blood red in the sky gradually began to dissipate.

   The Flame Giant King and Big Fish did not follow Du You, but returned to the Mage Tower and Skill Hall to recuperate. In the previous battle, the two guardians were seriously injured. Their strength depends on the territorial level to improve, the territorial level cannot be improved, and their strength will not be improved. Even if the talent is extraordinary, it is not the opponent of the leader of the blood lotus.

   "Unexpectedly, in the end, the traitor would have to be sealed by this tasteless ability."

   Du You always thought that as long as his attack was strong enough, he didn't need a seal at all. Because the enemy died on the spot, where is this method needed?

   But now Du You understands that there are always enemies that he can't kill. Many enemies are stronger than themselves, or they can win but cannot kill them, then this seal is useful.

   "Du You, what happened? We have just been experiencing earthquakes in a very large area. This should not happen in a world that is completely controlled by the will of the earth."

   "Also, what happened to the red in the sky just now, what happened?"

   In Du You's heart, the voices of Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao sounded almost at the same time. To be precise, this is the function of the Sky Oath. Because this was a public conversation, even Li Minglu discovered it. But Li Minglu didn't say anything, just listening. Such a big thing still happened in the world of Arran, who knows what happened.

  Because of the complete control of the world, Li Minglu was also allowed to come into this world by Du You. This world has not been let go for the time being, but there are already some company members who have entered this world.

   Without waiting for Du You to speak, Saria also spoke: "I just received the news that the desert suddenly expanded by a large circle. Isn't the desert **** of death already dead last time? What happened this time."

Du You quickly said: "Be quiet and listen to me. I didn't know what was going on before. The escaping leader of Blood Lotus found our world. He originally wanted to destroy our world. Fortunately, after our interception, finally Sealed it."

   "Blood Lotus Leader? Is that the lunatic from the world we attacked last time? I didn't expect to find it here. But I heard that he is in the late stage of the seventh stage, how did you win."

"I didn't win, but the blood lotus leader was seriously injured. He looked down on us before and greeted us in the battle while attacking the world of Arran. I was attacked. But this time it was really dangerous. If it weren't for the help of the Desert Death, I'm afraid Our world is really going to end." Du You didn't say too specific, but everyone also felt the danger.

   Sure enough, a person without strength does not even have the ability to control his own destiny.

  Imagine that this is also the case, the initial curse, plus the death thorn and the desert coffin later, every important skill is brought by the desert death. In fact, there is no way. After the desert death **** is advanced, his skills are all at the same level as himself.

   But although his skills are powerful, they need to be upgraded step by step.

   "That's too dangerous. By the way, do you think there is a hidden danger if the blood lotus leader is sealed."

   "No, as long as this desert remains, he won't be able to escape. But without special means, the strength of the leader of the blood lotus may not die until a thousand years later."

   Du You didn't think of waiting so long, but trying to improve his strength. When he reached his strength, he took the initiative to unlock the seal, and then made this guy look good.

   "It seems that our tree planting plan is going to change a bit. I'll make arrangements now." Salia said.

   After pacifying one's own person, the next step is a series of aftermath work. No way, the previous movement has spread to the entire world, and it hasn't calmed down yet.

   The seal fell into the desert, and the sandmen who were still fighting in the desert basically died all at once.

   But even if so, Du You will send out a garrison to keep sweeping there all the year round. Because he didn't want anyone to suddenly discover the leader of the blood lotus and worship him, that would be really troublesome.

   Although Du You is very confident in Coffin of the Desert, he is not sure that the other party will be completely isolated.

   is a guy in the late seventh stage after all, who knows some methods that he doesn't know.

   At the same time, some changes have taken place in the whole world. Before the opponent attacked the entire world, it was aimed at the core of the world. Du You can only temporarily invest a large amount of amethyst coins into to repair the core of this world.

   But there are many races and creatures that have been affected before. Now many animals and beasts have become blood beasts, madly attacking everything around them. Some people have also become bloodthirsty and violent, easily going crazy and hurting others. The entire empire's control area, including other places, now needs to be constantly cleaned up.

   These are all potential believers of the leader of the blood lotus, and they cannot help but guard.

   For various reasons, the power of the Shenghai Empire was mobilized, and as a result, all the forces were irritated and even at a loss. This situation has caused chaos in many parts of the entire continent, which requires constant suppression and resolution.

   Although the world has been controlled by myself, what I control is the nature of the world, not the people in this world. Human thoughts are ever-changing, and it is impossible to give in so easily.

   These battered days seem to be going on for a while. Recently, because of too much chaos, even Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao did not continue to go out to improve their strength, but came back to help Saria share some things.

  In this kind of busyness, the relationship between several women is getting better and better.

   On the other side, Li Minglu is also preparing to open up the world, a large amount of materials are being continuously sent in, and Du You is also working on the transfer of the space channel.

   As a result, after such a busy period, more than two months have passed. It was not that Du You hadn't thought about telling the story about the leader of the blood lotus. But if you do that, you have to bear the risk, and in the end you may not get the benefits, and some of the gains outweigh the losses.

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