Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1508: Ready to go back

Latest URL: Happy New Year.

The whole world is in the final adjustment plan, and Du You and the two sisters are not idle.

During this period of time, Du You had slowly upgraded several of his constant skills to the level of the seventh rank. Although the level of a skill with a constant level is constant, it also needs to be integrated into the law after reaching the seventh level.

Quick call, heart communication, resurrection call, concentric light and dark, and dark recovery. The improvement of these skills has once again improved Du You's strength by a large margin. This is especially true for the summoned beast that is aimed at himself.

During the battle, the desert death **** got a second life, which was equivalent to doubling his strength. A combat power that can work hard without fear of death is completely different from the strength that an ordinary combat power can display.

It's just a pity for Du You that Xiao Zi has been condensing herself, but she has never made a breakthrough. It seems that it will take a while to break through. The situation on the two sisters' side is very smooth.

After this period of training and with the help of Du You herself, the two sisters finally completely controlled their own strength.

It turned out that the divine brilliance that was naturally revealed gradually converged, and looked very similar to ordinary people.

But the foundation of the two sisters is really good, even if the breath is completely restrained, it still looks so amazing at a glance. The only difference is that the two people are no longer indistinguishable.

It may be a matter of temperament, or it may be the knowledge and comprehension of the law, anyway, even if the two sisters look alike now, others can recognize them at a glance. Unless two people deliberately pretend.

Take a look at the skills of the two of them, and now they have also improved along with their strength.

I don't know if it was because of the stimulation of the guy that the blood lotus leader, the two sisters were the first to upgrade to the seventh level of skills, which were actually the two skills of Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf and Hell Blood Demon Thunder.

Lin Yushi's Hell Blood Demon Thunder is fortunate, at least a passive type skill that can improve all skills.

But the skill of Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf is somewhat incompatible with Lin Yucha's own skill. But fortunately, at least the improvement of this skill allows Lin Yucha to be able to protect herself when her current strength is relatively weak. This is relatively weak, not to say that the strength is really weak, but to say that it is relative to other seventh-order strong people.

Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf: Summon bloodthirsty demon wolves with the same skill level to assist in combat, the number is level × 1. Incidental skills are bloodthirsty, and the heavier the injury, the stronger the attack. Attached skills to **** blood, through the attack can absorb the enemy's vitality to restore itself. Attached to the skill rock, improve your own defense and magic resistance. Strengthen tracking capabilities. With blood burning, the bloodthirsty demon wolf can burn its own blood for a short time to improve combat effectiveness, and the blood of the injured enemy will also be burned. Cooling time is 3 hours. (Level 61, 9 stars)

The skill of Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf basically hasn't changed before, and the cooling time is still three hours.

The only thing that has been added is the skill of burning blood. After Du You's experiment, he gradually understood the ability of this skill.

Today's bloodthirsty demon wolf, although it is already a seventh-order existence, but its combat effectiveness is really too weak. If you don't count your own divinity, I'm afraid it will be about the same strength as Du You and others before the breakthrough.

Said it was a seventh-order, it was really flattering these magic wolves. However, the number of bloodthirsty demon wolves is large, and it can summon a full sixty-one in one breath. Coupled with good cooperation, this is also a powerful skill.

Even if Lin Yucha doesn't have a summoning law, but with the blessing of other laws, the strength of these magic wolves is not bad.

The blood burning skills have greatly increased the strength of the magic wolf within a short period of time, and this strength can be increased by at least 30%. In the seventh level, the promotion of three achievements is already very powerful.

So many bloodthirsty demon wolves broke out at the same time, even if Du You now faced it, it was a huge threat.

For creatures with blood, the threat is even greater, because the attack can also burn the opponent's blood. This kind of combustion will not increase the opponent's strength, but will continue to weaken the opponent.

Together with the blood, the divine power, physical power, and even soul power in the body are also burned together. Even afterwards, there will be serious sequelae, which is difficult to recover. So now this skill can be considered a qualitative change.

After finishing the research, Du You set his sights on Lin Yushi.

Hell Blood Demon Thunder: Passive skill, each attack comes with blood red lightning from Hell, causing absolute damage equal to the level of creatures. Additional curse of blood, additional disruptive ability. (Level 61, 9 stars)

Hell Blood Demon Thunder only adds two additional abilities, but the change of this skill is not simple.

Hell Blood Demon Thunder's attack power is even more terrifying, this is the conclusion that Du You got after experimenting with it himself. As for the increased blood curse, some are similar to the additional corrosive power in the power of the blood lotus leader.

This kind of power is difficult to entangle, and the longer the delay, the more dangerous it will make people weaken gradually.

As for the increased disruptive ability, it is even more terrifying. After being hit, the remaining thunder and lightning will disturb the play of its own laws. This is equivalent to weakening the enemy's power in a disguised form.

Finally, the bubble that broke through also completely controlled its own power, at least without worrying about leaking the divine nature.

And the talent of the bubble is good, there is also a skill that has reached the seventh level. With the help of the godhead left by the **** of the the bubble dispelling halo is advanced, this is the first seventh-order halo owned by Du You.

Dispelling Aura: Dispels all bad states and the influence of bad laws, has a strong weakening effect on high-level curses, has a strong restraint effect on evil creatures, and has a strong suppression effect on laws and divine creatures that are not of the light type. . Range level × 100 kilometers. (Level 61, 9 stars)

The power of the new halo has increased a lot, directly targeting the law. Although the degree of suppression is not very high, at least it is suppressed. At the seventh-order level, the rules are played a little less, and the strength is not one or two drops.

Then there is this range, and the range of the halo has expanded by many times. But thinking about it carefully, this is not too big. Without this range, wouldn't their level of battle become a personal battle?

Even with this range, in fact, if the opponent is determined to pull the distance, it is possible to avoid it. After reaching the seventh rank, everyone's combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger, and the attack distance is getting farther and farther.

If you prepare for a long time in the moving method, the range of the attack will far exceed the distance that this halo can affect. Of course, that kind of long-term preparation for combat is not conventional.

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