Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1509: I heard you are looking for me

Latest website: When everything was ready, Du You finally returned to Earth with the two sisters.

This time, Du You appeared upright and didn't hide his meaning at all. Flew all the way to the capital and landed directly. As soon as Du You came back, he was known by all the major forces.

On the road, while walking, someone pointed. If it's normal, Lin Yushi might be **** to death, but now, Lin Yushi only feels that he has seen a group of ants and cannot give birth to any fluctuations.

Because they are at different levels now, will the elephant get angry because of the ant's criticism?

Suddenly, a group of people appeared in front of Du You, intercepting Du You: "You dare to come back, our capital does not welcome scum like you."

Among the crowd behind, suddenly began to roar, mobilizing many people around to rush over, and it seemed that they wanted to attack him.

At this time, if Du You made a move, then he would be sure of the authenticity of those remarks directed at Du You. But if you don't fight back, you will be ashamed and thrown home. If you run away, you simply have a guilty conscience.

The people behind this plan really have a set, but that's just a routine situation.

Du You snorted coldly, and a faint pressure emerged. Although the pressure was not very overbearing, it suppressed them all. Among them, there are some sixth-order powerhouses.

In fact, there were a few Tier 6 people among the people who were making noises, and Du You had already felt it. There is even a Du You who is very familiar with. Isn't that the guy from the Dark Night Mercenary Group? This guy ran out and jumped again this time.

Others may not feel anything, but these Tier 6 people are shocked. Because the strength that Du You showed was not a Tier VI at all. Easily suppressed the audience, everyone was suppressed but not injured. The control of this power, the strength of this power, is simply not what they can compare.

A touch of fear uncontrollably appeared in many people's hearts, as if things were not developing as they thought.

Du You said calmly: "I heard that you have been looking for me, so I came back. A few people just said bad things about me, don't know if you have any evidence, show it to me."

The few people who were scanned by Du You silently lowered their heads, with fear in their hearts. No one told him that the strength of this guy had reached this point. If I knew that, I would never come.

"Since you can't take it out, then I will use my method to deal with you. There is only one method for me, and that is death." Du You's voice was not hurried, but with a cold air.

"You, you can't do this. This is the capital. No one can do anything here."

Du You continued to say in an indifferent tone: "The rules you mentioned are indeed rules, but these rules are for the seventh-order. For the seventh-order, there is only one, that is, you can't take the initiative to shoot on the earth. But if someone provokes you, It’s the same everywhere on earth. Who can do me without causing too much turmoil."

Seventh order? Just now Du You said about the seventh step, did he misheard it or something else.

Suddenly, Du You raised his head: "Hehe, someone is coming. It seems that some people really don't want to see me. It's a pity."

In the distance, someone flew in quickly, seemingly trying to stop Du You, but Du You completely ignored him. With a movement in his heart, a few black rays of light in the air flashed away, and the previous six Tier 6 who came to trouble him all died. Drop. At this level, anyone who doesn't have the ability to discern and rushes to find his own trouble is absolutely deliberate.

Du You, who had been holding his breath for a long time, also needed to vent.

"You, why did you just shoot like this? They are all our human elites. You have killed so many Tier VI, our loss is not small." An old man landed from the air, seeing Du You's movements, he was also a little speechless.

But the aura on Du You hadn't completely concealed it, the other party felt it, Du You had really reached the seventh step. This kind of strength can't be managed by a person like him who only has the strength to break through the shackles of Tier 6.

"They did it first. They disrupted the unity of mankind first. I just cleaned up the malignant tumor."

The old man shook his head: "Forget it, these things are not my business, you are coming back this time."

Okay, has the title changed? That's right, the seventh rank is a **** no matter where he goes.

Du You was also unambiguous: "Of course I came back to register. I don't think the Alliance will refuse a Tier 7 entry. No, not one, we have three here." Du You naturally said a fact.

But the others took a breath, and can train their slaves to the seventh rank, and only Du You can do it. There are exactly three seventh ranks, this is a very powerful force, even if it is aimed at the big forces.

After reaching the seventh rank, there is no need to mention any identity or the like. Even if it cannot be promoted in the future, it is still Tier 7.

Lin Yushi and Lin Yucha are destined to be role models for their followers, letting everyone know that even slaves, as long as they are lucky and willing to work hard, can also become a seventh-order existence. This is the evidence.

"Well, please come with me. For other things, the Alliance will give you an explanation."

During this period of time, the Shadow Council kept suppressing its own reputation. Not only did some people in the alliance not help to clarify, they were still in trouble. Now that Du You returns as a seventh-order, then these people will all be unlucky. Each of the seventh steps is a precious treasure of the earth, much more important than all of them combined.

And Du You is very young This means that there is a strong potential, and it is very likely to reach the eighth level in the future.

This kind of person is really important to the alliance. This alliance is not talking about the Asian League, but the alliance of all professionals on the entire planet. Things started to change.

After Du You left, the news spread at the same speed as the wind, spreading from the capital towards the surroundings. When Du You arrived at the Asian League Association, all the remarks that were unfavorable to Du You in the entire imperial capital had disappeared.

As if it was an illusion before, it was replaced by a sound of praise. If anyone came out at this time to say that Du You was not, the people around would only look at him with disdain, making him uncomfortable.

At the same time, this weird change is rapidly spreading. If a young 7th-order powerhouse appears, this is still not praised, and if it is still slanderous, then in the future, their professionals are worthy of being superior.

Even some personnel from other alliances had already received news at this time, and Du You shocked a group of people now.


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